Master loot should stay dead!


I have written ALL of mine from scratch, I have nearly 15,000 lines of code ALL WRITTEN by me to do the job it needs to do, From the driver that interfaces with the pedals, To my UI that runs the game.

What have you done that’s so more worthy of loot than me? NOTHING you have done NOTHING

Wow way to miss the point. It doesn’t matter when you watch the video, my point is my raidleader spent a lot of time not just watching 1 quick guide, but comparing how many different guilds went about tackling the boss so he could pick the best strategy for us

And then you realize it’s [mostly] irrelevant cause people just need repetition until stars align.

Why should guilds be punished for giving people trials?

They aren’t. These guilds die.

I’m not saying that our guild is just mowing through trials…

My point is that even comparing 2 hypothetical trials it’s obvious not everyone is equally deserving of loot.

Comparing members to members, or members to trials, or anyone to anyone will not result in 2 people putting in equal time and effort. To insinuate this is the case is just obvious nonsense.

Everyone that steps foot into the raid is equal, Everyone that is there when the boss dies is equal, This is not communist russia you are not more equal than anyone else.

I still remember the argument that was made right before ML was finally removed from the game:

“If you raid for loot, you’re doing it wrong! Getting the kill should be the reward!”

It’s not so much “punished” as forced to let trials have loot. (Which is apparently, a punishment.) Enough that people want to bring back master looter for [rightful] allocation of gear.

Killed a boss in sepulcher?

Bro we aren’t talking about your personal UI how are you still lost.

There are things like ERT note and weakauras that you have to organize for the group as a whole. AKA going above and beyond just setting up your personal UI…which everyone who plays WoW has obviously done.

sounds communist.

still sounds communist.

If you think that was bad on the inequality front, you should see capitalist america.

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ERT notes? That takes a whole 2 minutes to setup, Cross compatibility with already made weak aura’s by the big boys who make them in the first week another 4? and yes that is froma raid leader perspective outside of telling everyone to get X /Y installed it takes about 5 minutes to get it all up and running at a guild level

Writing code so that someone who is physically disabled can continue to raid? Yeah that takes actually hundreds of hours not 5 minutes.

What part don’t you get.

They’re behind the curve anyway, so they can just download stuff that exists.

Keep dreaming.

You are quite literally describing socialism as opposed to a capitalist meritocracy.

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i can honestly say master loot worked with good guilds that watch out for their teammates and didn’t abuse power.

but sadly i do agree with op, Master loot does generate toxicity among the majority of players, i mean if you think it is good then consider your self lucky because clearly you never manage to experience the bad side of Master Looting.

because i play with a large number of different characters i have manage to experience the good side and the bad side and i can safely say.

most of the times where bad with Master looting, hate and be mad all y’all want but the truth is Master loot does generate toxicity from a lot of greedy toxic players.


Any questions?

Most raid leaders i know were voted into the position, or took it up when no one else would.

but how would you know any of this?

for legal reasons I hope this is a no.

… did you actually figure out your rotation for yourself? or does credit go to some other party?

OH OH, i’ve done that for my guildies. does that mean i get their loot?

when my guild was raiding, I easily did more research than most of the guildmates put together. So I guess we weren’t equal using your metrics.

lots of guilds can kill early bosses with less than max group size (19 in mythic). so that point doesn’t hold up. and early bosses of often what are trialed on.

sounds like people liked that guild.

wildefaux, at least try to read a bit.

Ah yes, avoid. you mean like just leaving guilds that are bad? that kind of avoid?

What if you’re the big boy?

I remember on Star Augur Exorsus didn’t release their weakaura so a guy in our raid who was a programmer spent an entire day figuring out how to write the one that connected the lines to the nameplates.

Did the trial who came in to kill Star Augur with us 4 months later put in the same amount of time and effort? Or would it have been nice to be able to reward the guy who had been looking for a specific piece from that boss forever and been insanely unlucky as opposed to the trial that died in phase 1 because it’s a really hard fight and they hadn’t pulled it 300 times?

Logically you can see that your communist fantasy of all raiders being equal no matter what is utter nonsense right?

Objectively Master Loot is not toxic. The people who abused it to funnel loot to themselves are. Placing the blame on Master Loot for their actions takes away their agency.

You aren’t a big boy, The big boys are those in the top 10 in the world who more or less make everything that everyone else uses, And they aren’t ones to care about ML or PLNR they will take either and wont force ML on others because both systems acheive the same thing one just has less downsides.

They also have sponsored funding to pay actual programmers.

at the end of the day every person who is in the raid at the time of the death of the boss is equal, They have equal rights wether you like it or not.

Pretty sure top guilds prefer ML because less splits are needed. The logistical side of RWF.

I literally just described a time we had to do that. Try again.

Nope, but you go ahead and cling to your communist fantasy lol.

How do you not understand that many people’s time and effort went into killing that boss outside of the raid when it died?

Not for long, whether you like it or not.

Not for long, whether you like it or not.

Think by the time ML returns, it won’t be the favored option, but it will surely exist. Anticipate way less loot, but plus side, control of where it goes.

1 tier token vs 2 etc.

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