Master loot should stay dead!

So you had your fun and now nobody else should be able to.



I legit don’t know what your point is.

Why are you comparing a trial’s effort to guild leadership? It’s not equivalent.

That’s my point lol.

but compare them to consistent raiders for the tier, now we have trials doing more and getting less.

They did less raiding though right?

Just have both. If it is a guild run let master loot happen. If you have a non guild member. Lock master loot. That would make guilds matter a little more, and also gives you the power that you want as long as it is a full guild run.

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depends on their guild history, but your guild isn’t the only source of raids. Trials who don’t raid are expected to put in way more effort (and why on earth would you invite them?)

Everyone shouldn’t be participating in a system of corruption, That’s what I’m trying to avoid and yet now you are fighting for it?

Still good enough and certainly more than the bare minimum

Didn’t have to, Watched the condensed versions on my lunch break at work, Why would I stay up when timeshifting on streams is a thing It’s been a thing since the invention of the VCR in the 70s

You mean the hundreds of hours I’ve spent coding my entire interface including doing code work to get my foot pedals to work with the game because my wrists are screwed?

You mean the hundreds of hours of time i’ve spent making my own weak auras because i’m color blind?

You mean the Hundreds of hours I’ve spent co-ordinating pug groups, Doing research and making sure I can eek out every last little drop I can from my gear?

You mean the hundreds of hours i’ve spent getting resources on my own because sure as heck the guild isn’t going to be providing them every raider needs to be self sufficient

You mean the hours i’ve spent at work to afford a token to buy resources when i havn’t had the time during the week?

You mean the hundred hours of time spent gearing on my own? Chain running keys? Pugging raids? Organizing logs?

I think I’m more worthy of loot than you are at this point.

That just forces pugs to join the guild

That depends on the community. If a guild needs pugs, they are not going to be picky if the pugs don’t want to leave guild for theirs.

Like no system is perfect.

I’m more curious as to what you consider “high level” anything under college AAA teams… it’s not. Plus when I played baseball in high school, it was about putting the work in… do it for team. If we go by that logic… EVERYONE on the team should want EVERYONE to have a shot at getting at those items. Now that I’ve put the work in and helped the team… why should I not have a chance at an item? It’s selfish of the GM and Guildmates to say, “you helped us, but the item is going to this person and you’ll have to wait for 4-5 more people to get that item before you can get it.” There is no logic behind that argument. Anyone that participated should have a change at that item… not just the next person on the list. There is no bitter feelings either when won the correct way.

You can’t expect someone to scratch your back, over and over when they’re not allowed to get something in return. PL, is literally the fairest way of doing things… EVERYONE gets a shot at the item if it drops. The logic behind ML being fair is insanity.

PLNR offers a better solution than ML does that’s the issue, It’s better than what they are asking for because it does what they want without allowing any of the downsides.

I just find it funny that you admitted that you benefited from a “corrupt” system for years before you went on this crusade against them.

I’m just asking for my guild to have the option to do what we want with our loot.

PL rewards guilds who manage rosters well.
ML rewards bad roster management and further rewards guilds with good roster management.

Players are people, not simply a cog for raid progress.

Yup, and a trial that comes in with a ton of experience that is playing amazingly and already knows all the bosses will very quickly get promoted to member and showered with loot in the process. This effort is still rewarded.

A trial that doesn’t bother to research fights, comes unprepared and is doing crap damage will likely fail their trial.

Even just comparing these 2 types of trials you can clearly see they did not put in equal effort and do not deserve to be rewarded equally.

But you still decided to trial them, why shouldn’t you be punished for that?

Guilds that bleed members weekly shouldn’t be rewarded with more loot to people that they care about.

I know that. That’s why PL is the best option because no one is getting locked from getting an item.

What can I say, Big difference between 15 year old me and nearly 30 year old me

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Wow way to miss the point. It doesn’t matter when you watch the video, my point is my raidleader spent a lot of time not just watching 1 quick guide, but comparing how many different guilds went about tackling the boss so he could pick the best strategy for us.

No, I mean like actually writing weakauras and organizing group UI elements like ERT notes and assigning interrupt orders or CC rotations within 1 weakaura that everyone then uses collectively as a team.

Your guild sucks.