Master loot should stay dead!

How has a trial put in the same time or effort as someone that has made every raid for an entire tier?

because you’re desperate enough to trial them.

Arguably, trials put in more effort than people who consistently raid (if they don’t plan on being outright carried.)

Tell me did someone else level and gear my character appropriately? Were they putting in the time doing my rotation on a boss fight to near perfection? Did they do all my logs and research for me?

Oh I did those, So yes I have put in the same time and effort as other people, And From the moment I step into that raid, I am just as equal as everyone else Just because Steves been here for 10 years in that team doesn’t mean anything, What matters is the people who stepped foot into the instance as a group and the people that killed it.

Fact of the matter is, If I am good enough to be on your team as a trial then I HAVE put in the effort because we wouldn’t be here otherwise.

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So? It’s still a dumb and bad decision to loot starve people, but yeah with freedom comes the freedom to be stupid I suppose.


ML enables whatever loot system you want…

I would say ML enables a captive audience and encourages people to settle for guilds because of the guild-hopping tax.

Is that good?

Sounds like a positive feedback loop to me Gotta keep the ‘interns’ in one location, God forbid they potentially find a better area to be in.

Yet it gets massively over-reported.

If you believe the anti-ML crowd, every ML guild was a corrupt, thieving mob, when the reality is it was probably less than 5% of ML guilds that were like that in legion.

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5% is still enough, We have a system that does the same function at the base level and doesnt have the downside of that inherent corruption.

5% was being generous to your side. I think the real number was closer to 1-2%, and those guilds didn’t last very long.

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Mine lasted End of BC through to end of Cataclysm, 4-5 years? That sounds like it lasted a very long time.

no it isnt . I have played and coached high level team sports for 50 years. You spill blood for your team , you step in front of balls traveling at 100 mph if it benifits your team .

The aim of a raid team is to defeat bosses and progress . the best way to do that is have the gear go to the right person . As I said my raid in ML days contained 4 hunters – I was the last to get gear because it benifited the team more for the others to get it first . I wouldnt even be selfish enough to roll on the gear if i knew that it would benifit the team more for it to go to someone else

Countles times sinse PL came in we have had people join teh guild well and truely undergeared for teh raid , we gear them up and they leave or stop playing . That gear no longer is beniffiting the team -total waste of all our effort from our regular members .

I’ve stayed in a guild for years before, also been in one for an expac, also went into three new guilds in a single week.

then they were either not as corrupt as you want us to think, or you didn’t think it was enough of a problem to try and do something about it.

Maybe DON’T gear new people up and expect them to keep playing? Poor leadership imo.

Yes. Despite your beliefs to the contrary we do actually gear the crap out of our trials. We even run heroic for them on off nights and our main raiders trade them tier if needed.

Bare minimum buddy. If you hadn’t done these things you wouldn’t even get a trial.

Oh really?

You stayed up late watching streams of every single boss during the WF race like our raidlead did to see all the different strats so he could pick the one that would best suit our team? Because I sure didn’t. I went to bed and said “tell me what our strategy is when we get there”.

You spent hours of your personal time writing weakauras for the team?

You spent months during the previous tier coordinating and arranging sales so the guildbank would be stocked with consumables?

You spent the same time interviewing every single applicant and organizing the roster each night to make sure everyone gets the bosses they need?

Didn’t think so.

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Guild leadership is not a regular member role.

I suppose ML is bad for lazy people stuck in a bad guild.

Is punishing everyone else because of this good?

Have some personal responsibility. Apathy has negative impacts in all walks of life.

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I was our token Elemental shaman I had no competition on loot aside from the one Resto Shaman, This system and it’s corruption benefited me in it’s entirely, Not only did i not have to fight other people but no-one was going to come into an environment that could compete against me because i had tens of thousands of DKP saved up.

IT was exactly as I said it was, Bother me sure But why would i leave something that gives me an advantage?

Have personal responsibility too, it’s not PL messing your guild up, it’s your repetitive desire to carry people so they can then [hopefully] contribute in the future.

No it’s not. I just don’t like RNG.

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