Master loot should stay dead!

Sure, just ignore the issues that the current system has because they don’t support your argument.

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except 90 % of them dont want help --all you get when you try is " dont tell me how to play . I will do it mt way "

seen that far many more times then abuse of ML

Of all the years I’ve been playing, I was only screwed over via ML once and it was in a pug back in WoD.

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So, your guild has to decide what system to use. If you have a shady GM then yeah ML might not be great for that guild, but if you have a good GM then being forced to use PLNR could be extremely frustrating.

Most guilds trust their GM’s more than they do random new people.

With master loot almost any system can be put in place. The world is your oyster. I would not recommend a draconian system that favors the “select elite” if you want to have any success as a guild though.

The free market solves this problem quite nicely, as guilds that distribute loot better progress faster thus earning more loot for everyone. It is a positive feedback loop that encourages good behavior from loot councils.


If you are raiding in an environment where this is a concern, such as pugs, PLNR is objectively better, which is why ML was axed from pugs in legion, and when it comes back it will still be unavailable for pug groups.

However, if you raid with the same 20 guildies every week, there are a variety of options for loot distribution that ML enables which many players enjoy.

Nope, because the 400 dps upgrade person isn’t on the team.

thats was not said in teh interview -as he said the time frame for them to change their systems is far longer , but hey are working on it --I would expect last patch or 11.01

Do remind me how starving people of loot for weeks and months at a time is a positive feedback loop.

Do remind me of how being enabled and empowered to do that is a positive feedback loop

Do remind me how the absolute crapstorm of things that came with ML and all of those draconian systems were a positive feedback loop.

Hint: They weren’t and this level of abuse and everything with it is one of the big reasons why ML was dropped towards the end of Legion and blizzard cited that several times

All Raiding environments are a concern so long as people such as you exist where it’s “Oh your new, Guess what despite putting in the time and effort you get absolutely nothing good day sir”


“Despite all the time and effort you put in and we all know you are more or less an orange parser for your class on logs, Fire mages are so broken everything goes to them until they are fully kitted out wich will be months so have fun good day sir”

LOL it doesn’t. Not all guilds work out, and playing captive to one guild cause you know other guilds have 3 weeks of no loot to new trials is kinda discouraging.

well if you get it, and they don’t. how come they don’t get paid as well.

They did the work, and they aren’t getting paid, but you are, so you took their pay.

This is demonstrating why using getting paid for a job shouldn’t be compared to loot.

So you’re selfish. Its ok, I get it, most people are really.

I usually gave most of my chances at loot away when ML was around. I know im a minority in situations like this tho.

We really aren’t on the opposite sides of this conversation though.

yeah most people just really don’t want to improve.

I ran a lot of pugs in WoD.

But with personal loot, you still have a shady GM, and you just don’t know. Ignorance is bliss i suppose.

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With ML, people are more encouraged to settle, without ML, less of a “captive” audience.

ML is better for guild loot distribution for one that you like, but if it should return (and all the problems that causes, is another question entirely.)

So long as you fight for ML over PLNR that offers the same group positive functions that ML once did without all of the Negatives that ML did

You are on the opposite and only want the system for it’s leveragable capacity.

again you have no cocept of what a TEAM is . Individual wants are far down teh pecking order in a team . The ONLY thing that matters is what benifits the team more . Gerar that drops from a boss doesnt belong to anyone. It belongs to the team . it goes where it will do teh most benifit for the team

Then I would agree with kicking them out of the group/guild. I don’t believe it’s 90% probably more like 40-50% imho. You are right on their treatment though.

ML was the reason I barely raided for multiple xpacs… too much abuse.

That’s just untrue in every way. I know exactly how a team works and these “guilds and raid leaders” just feel they should be in charge of distributing look, if they’re there for the raid and participating, they should be able to roll for the item.

I don’t, it’s just a better example to use because it’s a loot system that is only viable when ML exists that can’t be attacked with the same tired lines about “you just want power and control blah blah blah” because there is no 1 “decider” Rather, everyone agrees together on their own system as a group.

The problems PLNR would create in a DKP guild (enabling opportunistic ninjas to steal items on a whim) are the same problems created in a loot council or ML situation, so I choose to use DKP as an example to help people who legitimately don’t understand why organized raiders would prefer ML to PLNR.

DKP is honestly what people traumatized by ninja looters and corrupt loot councils prefer, because they don’t have to worry about anything other than showing up to raid consistently.

thats one more time than I have --it does happen but is comparably rare ( by that I mean teh number of bosses killed in total in wow compared to number of abuse )

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It’s not. That would be a negative feedback loop, as those players would not be able to do good DPS and thus you would kill fewer bosses and the entire team progresses slower and gets less loot.

Gearing everyone fairly is a positive feedback loop, as the entire team gets stronger and thus kills more bosses.

I think you need to back off from the drugs there mate because a bunch of people who have been loot starved are not going to want a system that inherently LOOT STARVES THEM FOR MONTHS AT A TIME

No-one wants DKP at all after dealing with corrupt loot council, You know what they want? they want PLNR because Agency is in the individual Not some overlord.

No? it’s a positive feedback loop to deny people gear. Gear scales multiplicatively. It’s better to gear one person out completely than spreading the wealth.

ML enables Loot starving, You’ve now contradicted your own argument, Hell ML Massively Enables uneven loot distribution and unfair gearing, I’ve literally provided a snippet of my past where we did this and we did it for years.