Master loot should stay dead!

I mean yeah it’s not ready.

What’s your point?

You should be weary of anything Ion has to say.

Why? He has without fail plowed forward with every idea he has ever had for better or worse and been ridiculously stubborn.

If anything we can count on Ion to continue behaving as he always has.

It doesn’t matter if Steve has been there for 10 years, Nancy has been there for 9 and bob has been there for two weeks, What matters is who is present when the boss dies, It’s an effort from the team, When that boss dies end of discussion, Bob has just as much right to it as steve or nancy.

This isn’t about getting priority, This is about how it actually should be, Why should Steve and Nancy have Priority over someone else, All Members were present when the boss died.

It seems you’ve missed legion through to vanilla raiding, Trials get denied loot entirely and the act of denying even partially is still denying, I do the work, I get paid.

Do you have a better definition of doing the work and not being paid, I’d love to hear it, Because over here that falls under the slavery clause.

See above, Wether you find it offensive or not is irrelevent to me i care not for your feelings only the subject matter.

You want to call me offensive but now you want to play communist china/Russia? Well done, Lovely turn of events there.

AHH YES Excellent, DKP, I love this system, Let me put forth the ACTUAL thing I was in, And how it went.

Players 1-24 all have collectively an average of 18k DKP each, Player 25 is now Trialing for ICC He has zero DKP

Item drops
player 1 buys it
Item drops
Player 7 buys it
Item drops
Player 9 Buys it.

Weeks and weeks go past but see player 25 is only getting 250 DKP per raid and everyone is at 18k+ So he now has to fight upwards of potentially 7-12 people in the same armor type for armor and 5-7 people for weapons and 10-14 for trinkets (Universal damage trinkets were introduced during wrath so gain X stat was popular and shared amongst many roles)

So we are now week 8 In player 25’s trial and he is behind a fair bit on gear because he never had the DKP to outbid any of the members who have been in the guild for years and years and someone with better gear has applied for a trial in the team in his role.

Come week 9 when player 25 can finally afford to potentially beat someone for gear he has been replaced because for the good of the team it’s better to take someone with more capabilities and given raiders applying to high end teams also provide logs we already know this person is just as good as player 25 mechanics wise but because he has better gear he will perform over-all better.

Player 25 has now been replaced with 25-A1, NO hard feelings player 25.

At the end of the day for that multi week trial player 25 got nothing for his or her efforts, And this happened all the time at the high end, How do I know? I was the token elemental shaman that watched us meatgrind 20-30 people per tier because we could.

Dragon Kill Points, What a wonderful system aint it?

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It’s just a tool, neutral unto itself, but toxic groups / leaders abused it.

I’d be ok with seeing it come back, but only for Heroic and Mythic, and only with affirmative consent from everyone in the group.

Mic drop???

He said Covenants was a success…

That should be enough to tell you what his character is like, and it’s been bought out by Blizzard.

Bro, regardless of how YOU feel about DKP, you understand that other people exist right? Some folks like this system and want to use it.

By having PLNR as the only way to distribute loot you enable ninja looters to join DKP guilds and completely screw them over.

I get it, you don’t like DKP, but why do you want the people that do enjoy this system to have to deal with ninjas?

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Like I said…extremely stubborn. Good luck getting him to change his tune on wanting to bring back ML lol.

Not what he said. He said the world building and the zones of the covenants was a something he was proud of.

He wasn’t talking about the game systems at all in that answer.

Well with any luck Microsoft will net him up when they eventually clean house.

That’s probably your only hope for stopping the return of ML.

I’m not convinced it’s returning, rather lots of players are being overly enthusiastic.

You don’t want systems to change for the health of the game you want systems to change because you want leverage and control over others, You are the Axe.

PLNR allows the same capabilities for moving loot around in honest teams with consent as ML Did without the abusive practices that ML allowed.

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Being in denial won’t stop it from returning either.

If he had confirmed it, we’d be seeing double the threads on GD as randoms scream it from the roof tops.

I’m going to need more Microphones for the amount of sheeps clothes I’ve been removing from the wolves.

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you truly believe this don’t you.
We just fundamentally see life differently.

in the context of this conversation… you getting paid means others don’t. So are you thus stealing someones pay?

volunteer work.

a very strong point for the discussion for reviving DKP.

I’m not sure anyone actually likes DKP.

stupid offhands.

Not an officer, not on the loot council, not interested in being involved in that job at all.

I simply want control over myself. I want to know that my good attendance, research of fights, and being a good teammate will be rewarded and my fate is not tied purely to RNG.

No it doesn’t.

With ML the person entrusted as the master looter has the capability to break from the loot agreements of the raid and ninja items.

With PLNR random people get loot in their bags and anyone has the capability to break from the loot agreements of the raid and ninja items.

I’m not saying PL is bad. If your group agrees that they want to distribute all loot simply by rolling it off it’s superior to having a master looter, but if people want to use ANY other system it is inferior. Therefore…just have both options available.

How am I stealing someone elses Pay, It’s the server and a set of code that decide who gets the drop in the raid, Completely out of the hands of players and their capacity for being objective (Hint players are people and people cannot be 100% objective due to their nature)

It’s not like I’ve reached into their bags and STOLEN it out of it, It is My reward if i Put it up it’s entirely on me, If i don’t it’s still entirely on me as it was always mine to begin with, And If I don’t get a drop Via PLNR and no-one puts theirs up then It’s still Entirely the same as I never had any rights to theirs.

Congratulations, Your fate isn’t tied purely to RNG with PLNR, It’s tied to RNG and the good kind hearts of people who want to see loot in the hands of others and are happy to share things when said item may not be a 100% direct upgrade for themselves and there is no restrictions on trading it to you.

But unlike ML you can’t force starve someone of loot with PLNR and going by your definition essentially Ninja-ing their time and using them for everything they’ve got.

I’m pretty sure Mongbow likes DKP, But ultimatly DKP, EPGP, Etc all do the same thing just under a different name And then theres loot council, You didn’t suck up to the loot council team? Guess you wont be getting loot for a while then, Or even better, Your playing a caster class in 8.3 and it’s not a fire mage? Guess you won’t be getting anything for a very long time because every guild would funnel the absolute hell out of fire mages due to how broken they were, Hope you enjoy getting nothing for months have fun.

With Master Loot A single person gets control and has the collective capability to screw over large groups of people.

With Master Loot a clique of Individuals can run a council and screw targeted individuals

With Master Loot a draconian system that favors a select elite can be put in place that screws over other individuals.