Master loot should stay dead!


Not a very good way to get a point across, insulting others that is.

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It seems the primary issue they raised was class stacking to game PL, and the incidents of wasted loot that can’t be traded feeling bad.

The game is a hierarchy. Societies have had hierarchies since time immemorial.
Just recently with this communist and liberalist ‘everyone is equal’ and ‘it has to be fair’ nonsense do people think that they should be entitled to obtain “what they work for”
It’s bologna
People work for other people
The same can be said for the game
When I’m raid leader, you listen to my instructions and the end reward is what I choose to do with, not you.

What? So you’re saying that every GM in every Heroic guild exists solely to treat the members of that guild as employees to funnel loot to themselves? Hmmmmmm no.

I think this argument of ML being abused is a falsehood. I’d go so far as to say that when it was around, it was abused maybe 0.01% of the time. It’s not something that happens in Classic or TBCC where ML is the only option. ML works fine, provided the players themslevs aren’t terrible people and if Blizzard is going to remove things from the game because it might potentially be abused by bad people then they should just close the servers now.

Because clearly you and others don’t understand the concept. If a raid leader “abuses” ML and funnels gear to themselves, the remainder of the guild is going to up and leave. I’m sorry that behaving in an adult manner is too difficult of a concept for people to grasp, but there’s really nothing else that needs to be done. If in week 1 the GM abuses ML, by week 2 their raid team is gone and moved on to another guild.

Or you know, actual life. Trials should prove that they’re a good fit for the guild and earn their loot. Why should they get priority over someone who not only performs better, but has also spent weeks, months or years in that guild and contributed to boss kills for a long time?

It seems you’ve also missed the several posts where people have clearly stated that no one is denying trials loot entirely. Let’s say that Player A has attended every raid and boss kill. Player B joined earlier this week and has not contributed to any boss kills. This week you kill a boss for the 10th time, and the loot that Player A wants finally drops.
Why would Player A not get that as a priority? Why should Player B get that loot?

This would be thought provoking if it were relevant to the game. I don’t work for anyone and this isn’t a job, we’re part of a team, sure. But no one is superior to the next and just because you were placed in charge, doesn’t mean you can boss people around… because well, you aren’t paying us and if someone isn’t getting a shot at stuff they want, why should they be submissive… that’s where our own ideologies differ.

Not all. The majority do, but great RL’s do exist…

Falsehood? It was removed due to abuse… so…

Wrong. Incorrect. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.

Ok boomer.

Boomers know how life works. So I’m proud to be called a boomer
See what happens when people get personal loot because it didn’t “feel good” and it made them “sad”
All that wasted loot, bunch of trials who don’t deserve getting loot n not coming back for raid again, can’t trade to others unless it’s a lower ilvl, can’t give to the most deserving who’ve been with the guild for years
Personal loot cripples the raid and the guild
It’s time to bring back practical, responsible choices
Give the choice back to the person it belongs to - the leader
Ion will fulfill his promise, in that I trust

That reeks more of a maybe, than a yes.

You get paid to raid?
Damn, Sign me up for that deal.

ah smart, comparing in game events to slavery.

In their own little minds, while ruining the country… since y’all are still charge of the country, boomers run everything and we’ve been a world wide laughing stock for the past 20 years. You complain about the generations, YOU RAISED. Boomers are by far and away the worst generation, Gen Z with all their whining are a far more tolerable group.

But no personal loot does not cripple anyone… you will never be able to make a point saying otherwise. At the end of the day, everyone has a chance to get an item they need. They aren’t being told they have to wait several weeks or months to get something if it drops in the first place, but they’re still forced to participate or that chance disappears. This is also a game, not real life and you aren’t at work. I already know you’re a bad leader… so anyone willing to give you the reigns deserves to be ninja’d.

If Ion and company brings back ML they’re fools… but either way, if it comes back… it will ruin the raiding scene for the majority and won’t be around long because of people like yourself.

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Personal loot is also a crappy system. Maybe we should all just loot individual currency for every boss kill and buy gear from vendors when we have enough.

They’ll be around whether they like it or not
You seem to think the people want change
Look at all the people who continue to work minimum wage, unable to afford. You think they will rise up? Never.
And the same goes for the people in my guild, they know I gave to my friends/gf before they took ML away, they stayed with me anyway and kissed my ring. They’ll stay with me when ML comes back.
People love to serve others, they just don’t realize it. Fear, submission, it’s how the mind works for the masses. Let them be lead, they’re too afraid to do it themselves.
Either way,
I’m happy, they’re happy. There isn’t a problem. Until you unicorn loving ppl think it’s not “fair” and ask for change
Reality check - Nothing is “fair”!!!

But the group has a right to collectively agree to whatever system they want, be it DKP, ML, council, or just /rolling.

Guilds should also have the right to choose who amongst their ranks they want to enforce these social contracts. Why make it more difficult by empowering random people to decide “oh well I got the really good trinket and I don’t have enough DKP for it because I’ve only been raiding for 1 day in this guild, I guess I’ll just ninja it and find a new guild”?

Ninjaing is agreeing to a set of rules and then breaking from them and just taking something out of opportunistic greed. Anyone can do it. Back in original Vanilla if the raidleader left the items on the corpse for too long anyone could loot it. You had PLENTY of ninjas that were not officers or the designated ML.

Sure, and regular raiders don’t have the right to just keep whatever items they feel like on a whim, so why should trials?

First of all…no it’s not, and that’s honestly a rather offensive comparison. I’m sure slaves wished they could just gquit their masters.

Second of all, I’ve never been in a guild that starved trials of loot. How would you even trial them if you didn’t gear their character? :thinking:

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No way he says that in front of 100k live viewers if it’s not already something they are planning on doing.

This comment comes from someone who doesn’t know a thing about the job market… let me guess, people just don’t want work right? When the majority of jobs you apply for never call you back, even thought you got more than twice the experience and education required… but I’ll tell you what… Walmart and other minimum wage jobs come a knocking.

They do, but y’all don’t want us to seek it, too many bootlicking boomers okay with the world’s decline, lack of inflation, prices of stuff comes up… minimum wage stay low. But you were able to get a job in the 80s with no education and able to make a living… “times change old man”

That’s the boomer generation talking.

But this game isn’t reality… it is a fantasy world. Why bring your boring, stringent boomer policies in on it?

From what I heard it sounded like it was on the table but they weren’t sure what they’re going to do with it yet.

It seems that from a development standpoint, time would be saved by just leaving it alone.

ML just seems a very niche thing for us to get back.

Maybe it’s you.

I already don’t like you and wouldn’t hire you just from interacting with you for a few days on the forums, I can’t say I’m shocked you aren’t likeable IRL either.

It was more they are bringing it back but just haven’t finalized all the iterations and improvements.

Well they wouldn’t tell us formally unless they had something ready.