Master loot should stay dead!

He deserved it, he talked trash about his superiors.
Your guild did the right thing. He will learn for next time.

Ah yes it’s much more fair. So fair that I can’t trade an item that is a downgrade for me to someone else who its BiS for because my ilvl isn’t higher. So fair that I can’t trade them a 1h weapon or offhand because I am using a 2h. So fair that whoever gets the loot can give or sell it to anyone else in the raid, or no one at all and vendor it.

Actually that system is much more fair, and it lets people know who will get that item first when it drops. The current system is just that someone might get the item and might be nice enough to trade it. As for having only a “potential shot” that’s no different from PL where you can go an entire raid tier and not have a certain item drop for anyone.

But if PL is “so much better” as people claim, why would every Heroic guild move to use ML?

Well it couldn’t be used to abuse pugs if they restrict it to guild-only groups. Problem solved, no more complaining. As for new members, why shouldn’t they have to show that they deserve the loot before having it handed to them?

Yep, welcome to the internet of Gen Z. Go to discussion forums and then put everyone who disagrees with you on ignore. Now your point of view is the only correct one.

The assign loot button might be in the hands of only one person sure, but the reality is that they are at the mercy of their guildies. If someone abuses said power, how long do you think before the guild pipes up and decides to just leave? There are ways for players to manage these systems (as evidenced by the 0 complaints on the TBCC forums about loot) and it should not be the responsibility of Blizzard to prevent someone from getting their feelings hurt.

I want it back, and am not in a leadership role. I would consider my RL a friend, but that’s from raiding with them since TBC, and not once in all that time have I seen him abuse power. Maybe you should try raiding with players who aren’t so toxic towards you instead of blaming the system.


Of course there’s discord within raiding groups. Have you MET other people?

I feel like all the reasons you state are a problem with who you raided with and not the system itself

He’s not wrong though. Good guilds don’t pug. With flex raiding they no longer need to make up nubmers, and most decent guilds (even the F/F ones) will have at least 10-20 players.

But all of Ions ideas are great and the best thing to happen to WoW. Are you telling me that removing flight, pathfinder, AP grinding, azerite, corruption, conduits, covenant restrictions, removing tier and introducing LFR weren’t universally loved by all players? Never! You sir must be toxic and a something-ist.

You say this like this is something that will happen to that player every week for 6 months. No. It will happen once, the player (and possibly other players) will say something and it will either be resolved or that player will leave and find a new guild that works for them. Guilds who abuse their members don’t last very long, and those players lose their ‘friends’ very quickly.

And yet those raid still fill up, despite being full advertised as having a loot item hard reserved. Do you know how many full Gruuls runs happen every day where DST is reserved? Many, and they always fill quickly because the players in other roles/classes fill them. It’s a non-issue and not abuse. If you don’t want to join a pug that has items reserved, don’t join it. That will also be irrelevant if ML is guild-only.

As I’ve already said, after 15 years in this guild I have never once seen our RL abuse loot systems. I’ve had alts in other guilds who have tried, and wanna know what? Those guilds lasted about 2 weeks before 90% of the players left and created a new guild with non-biased RL. It’s almost as though we, as adults, were able to solve the problem without resorting to crying to our mothers or whichever company to have the system removed.

Except that isn’t how you have been treating people on here at all. You make a point, people counter it, you call them a troll and put them on ignore. I get that this is how an increasing number of ‘adults’ in America behave now but that doesn’t make it right.

I’ll take ‘things that never happened’ for $400 thanks Alex.

Maybe back in vanilla/tbc/wrath that was how things worked. These days there are that many guides, videos, websites etc that can teach you how to play that it’s 100% on you to pick up your game. Sure the GM should direct them to those guides, but if that person is still failing after weeks then naturally they shouldn’t be getting priority loot over those who contribute to the raid. It’s still a better solution than making them pug, or benching them.

That has literally nothing to do with ML though. It is 100% a guild problem, and the players themselves should look at either discussing the loot method the guild uses or findng a guild that is better suited to what they want. If the RL has loot rules you don’t agree with, leave the guild.

Again that sounds like a problem with the people, not the system. We use loot council and a priority list in TBCC and loot is distrubted within a minute while we’re clearing trash. Don’t think that it should be on Blizzard to police people.


Master Looter should come back. It’s a good loot system for organized groups.

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Well, when people are the problem, the system needs to be changed so people can’t abuse it any longer. And they did change it. And now the people who didn’t want boundaries on hoarding loot have them, and are unhappy about it.

Maybe they’ll changed it back, hopefully they won’t. shrug

Regardless, the decision isn’t up to us.

I have and I have raided with both master loot and personal loot. I have found that there is less discord within the group with personal loot. No matter how a raid lead decides hand out loot someone is going to feel slighted or that the raid lead is playing favorites.

With personal loot all of that garbage ended. And in my experience, raiders have been very willing to trade loot with each other. The only opportunity I see is if the item is an off and and you’re wearing a staff (can’t trade), or if the item has a higher ilvl but not stats you want (can’t trade that).


If it does come back it will have to be one of those things you can only lock in when you enter an instance. It will be up to players to choose if they want to engage with that system or not.

No guns to peoples head one way or another.

The solution is for the players to leave those guilds. If your RL is being dodgy, leave the guild and join one that uses a loot system that works better for you. Player who stick around in those guilds fully aware that the RL is abusing them have no sympathy from me.

You’re not my supervisor! I’ll complain about not having internet access in 1988 if I want to.

But this one time in Wrath I joined a pug and the ML gave the tier token to his guildy because it was 4pc, but I wanted that loot item and I’m still salty about it 29 years later.

Sounds like a very selfish way of looking at things. Why benefit your raid, when you could get a juicy 62g from the vendor for that item?

As opposed to goofy Blizzard made loot systems?

They can earn loot. But tell me why they deserve that loot item over the player who has been in the guild for 5 years, turned up to every raid and contributed to your guild killing bosses this whole time.

Like raiding? Or M+? Or PvP? Or… ohhhh.


We shouldn’t be forced to keep an item that’s higher in ilevel if we don’t want it.


PL with no restrictions would be the best of both worlds.


Are there any legitimate reasons not to allow guilds the option of choosing ml or pl and enforcing pl for pugs?

I’d also support removing trade restrictions on pl as a compromise.

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Considering it wasn’t just me, and the fact that the current system has none of those issues… Seems like it was an appropriate change.

“What if I told you, I kind of do want ML back?”

– Ion Hazzikostas, April 27, 2022

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Yeah it was a smart idea but destroyed by ninja looters. The raidleader waits for a specific item drop and either keeps it or gives it to his friends.

If blizzard returns master loot, I would quit the game.

What’s not fair about ANYONE potentially getting the item and being able to trade it away, not just who the GM or council decide… I never said anything pro-ilvl locking, never thought that was a good idea.

Same answer.

Because those GM’s take the game as a job and you are his employees and only get upgrades at his/her whim… it’s an ego thing.

It shouldn’t be in the game period, handing the rights to all the items going to one person is a slippery slope of abuse waiting to happen… if they bring back ML it will be gone before you know it.

He actually is a troll though… you don’t have to agree; I will never care. Lol @ Gen Z. Ok Boomer.

Again, you keep picking sentences and saying the same thing… so refer to my first quote responses.

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Because just like a GM and a raidleader can be toxic ninjas with loot, so can random people.

If PLNR existed every guild that wanted to use ML would have a set of loot rules where everyone agrees that a council is going to decide where the loot goes, yes?

Why empower random people throughout the raid with the ability to ninja items that the team agreed would be distributed via council?

The reason we want the loot on the corpse of the boss is we trust our officers and raidleaders the most out of anyone in the raid team…

You don’t like getting ninja’d by bad GMs, well we don’t like getting ninja’d by bad trials.

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Personal loot is random. Random is far from fair.


Except It isn’t Ninja-ing at all, No-one has any right to loot bar the person it dropped for, And a guild that’s been starving someone of loot is going to have to start explaining why they think the person they are starving of loot shouldn’t have it.

Ninja-ing is flicking to ML and taking all the items just as the boss dies, There is no Ninja-ing in PLNR

A trial wether bad or not has just as much rights to the loot that dropped as you do wether you like it or not.

Starving trials is akin to unpaid interns and or slavery ((Both of wich are outlawed in australia by the way))

At the end of the day, I do the work I get paid.

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