Master loot should stay dead!

Hard no. Players can be coerced into giving away upgrades they wanted to keep.

It’s my opinion and I know I’m not alone. Other people feel the same. I have a right to “other peoples” loot, which is actually MY loot cuz I own the guild, not them.
If I want to reach into their M+ box, I should be able to do that, because they are in MY guild. PERIODT.

You can stop now. We get it.

The player has a choice on wether they give it up or not.

ML means they never get the choice to have something and depending on which clique they’ve somehow slighted in the most insignifigant of manners they MAY NEVER get loot until the end.

ML Is control and Leverage

PLNR is player agency.


Why should blizz EVER give people a “choice” if they didn’t work hard enough to organize the raid. Is that how corporations work too? Mcdonald’s employees are given “choice” over what the CEOs, directors, and shareholders OWN??

Inasmuch as they might get kicked from the raid group for not giving it up. As soon as everything is tradeable it’s basically ML.

And if they get kicked for it, Atleast they have something for their efforts and can move on, Because they weren’t going to get it before hand.

It also Forces the guild to realise that unlike in the days of old’ There isn’t nearly 20 Million people playing the game anymore and they now need to have some tact in how they approach things rather than just cycling who they stuff under the table for a little fun-time in order to get loot.

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I’m fine with either. But many in the anti-ml camp dislike both ideas because of their insistence that every guild/group is going to rip them off or force trades.

The anti-ml side is always arguing that the “vast majority” of players hate ML. Nobody’s being isolated, I’m suggesting that this giant block of players who share a significant value, join up and play together.


As some one who pugs alot, I personally like personal loot, I just wish they’d stop being so stingy with it. If I’m running dungeons to ‘gear up’ only getting one, singular, item per run isn’t an enjoyable experience.

It means that, should I try and gear only through dungeons, I’d have to do 14-15 ques (Head, Shoulders, Chest, Bracers, Gauntlet, Pants, Boots, Back, Necklace, 2x ring, 2x trinket, and either 1 weapon or weapon + off hand) MINIMUM just to have one item in each slot, and that’s assuming no duplicate item drops/duplicate slot drops.

I’d rather get items and a much smaller amount of ‘strait’ gold with the rest being made up from selling items than a ton of gold which is ultimately pointless because the economy is so whack that for lego pieces you pretty much need a WoWToken’s worth of gold for.

P.S. If we have completed a dungeon finder dungeon, and are going to sell some of the drops from it because they are dupes and aren’t being traded off, please stop with that stupid warning pop up, if you’d stop making 80% of the items BoP we wouldn’t need this in the first place

I think a more manageable solution would be restrictions on certain pieces. For instance, tier pieces, trinkets, and weapons follow the current loot standards. The rest of the slots can follow the PLNR. This would hinder gear vultures from taking the most valuable upgrades away from players but still providing choice for the rest of it.

then why does everyone use it if they can use it? because it’s better

listen, if you’re guild was honest, and you were good (which is the vast majority of cases) you got the loot.

its that simple

This is the whole problem anyway, giving more loot makes PL a non issue.

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First of all loot doesn’t belong to you if it dropped for that person and I don’t see your name written on any of the gears / loot. Rather you like it or not when a loot drops it belongs to the person who it dropped it for. And this is why personal loot will safeguard everyone unless they have no use for that specific loot and want to trade than so be it trade it otherwise it belongs to that person who loot it.

You missed the point. People shouldn’t be forced to herd together for the sake of one, just one aspect of the game.


Honestly, ML didn’t really become a conversation until loot percentage drops became so freaking horrible.

If it dropped during MY raid and under MY guild, it’s MY loot. If I want to give it to a friend/gf, that’s MY CHOICE

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If I want to tell you to shove it up your backside, I’d do it.


And voila. You have created a loot ninja situation where one does not exist with the current restrictions.

Why do you think limiting ML to mythic is unreasonable anyway? It makes you look like a bit of a control freak to want to ML heroic and lower.

And How is it Ninja-Looting? They havn’t stolen anything.

Choosing NOT to give up your reward for downing content isn’t stealing.

20 people in the group

Players 1-20 will be named appropriately

Loot drops for players 1 4 9 12 and 18

It is up to players 1 4 9 12 and 18 to decide if they want to give up what they dropped or not, Let’s talk about player 18 a warlock.

The warlock gets an Item that’s on the list for BIS items for his role, But the warlock isn’t the OP Meta class of the month, Sure it ~MIGHT~ be better off that player 18 the warlock trades his item to player 2 who is a fire mage, But it’s UP to the warlock to do that, The mage didn’t have any rights to it, Players 1-17 and 19-20 Didn’t have any rights to it, It was always player 18s

thus it’s not Ninja-ing anything.

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Any loot that have dropped doesn’t belong to you rather it is in a guild or not if a loot drops for that person it’s his or hers not yours and if that person wants to trade so be it.

And your type of people is why we have personal loot is because of this kind of behavior and which personal loot safeguards any bad behavior from anyone.