Master loot should stay dead!

That’s literally almost every single guild which is why it was removed in the first place. The playerbase cannot be trusted to be handled with loot. It’s that simple. If they end up re-adding ML, it will not last very long at all before being removed again. They should just keep personal loot and remove the trading restrictions on said pieces of gear.


RWF teams: we struggle SO HARD to get gear because you simply won’t give us Master Looter.

Me: I’m so completely uninterested in what you do because your methods for acquiring gear aren’t relatable.

Run the raids and get the gear like everyone else. Stop paying 200M for PvP carries (wut???). Just play the game. That’s a RACE, to me.

Ion said it best in today’s interview: it’s DEGENERATE gameplay.

Perfectly stated.


You’ve played with 90% of the playerbase, and they’re all untrustworthy? Inpressive that you managed to be the victim that many times.

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It’s good to know that people like you can clearly be trusted to not blatantly abuse the system and weren’t the entire reason it was removed in the first place.

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Couldn’t stand that there’s another thread and had to make your own, eh?

As I stated in the other one: ML isn’t toxic. People who abuse it are toxic. There’s a huge difference.

Shadina is right. Read and learn:


Yeah man, a group of people agreeing on a loot system together is abuse and the reason the system was removed. :crazy_face:

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A system that for the majority of its life span you had literally no option but to deal with if you wanted to play the game. Great logic man.



One thing I don’t miss with ML, sometimes deciding who gets what used up so much time.

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This for sure. You’d be on probation for 4 weeks, get no loot, and be reprimanded if you pugged. Then the guild would quit after they all got what they wanted from the raid, or you got benched or replaced by a new trial for under-performing due to not having gear.


You’re on Illidan. You’ve got plenty of guilds to choose from. If you chose to stay in a toxic environment, you helped support it and it’s partially your fault.

Literally everyone I know across four servers has left toxic guilds, found new ones that ran ML perfectly fine and watched the toxic guilds fall apart, because others followed suit.

If you choose to stay because you’re too lazy to use the options given to you, that’s a you issue.

ML isn’t toxic. People who abuse it are toxic. And no, the entire game didn’t abuse ML. :roll_eyes:

It can come back in a form for full guild groups only with the caveat that it doesn’t pull loot for the classes present and is just a straight up roll on all drops.

Find a new guild, find a community, find a discord, pug it through group finder.


Watch people pretend this isn’t commonplace.



Anecdotal evidence isn’t everyone. My anecdotal evidence says it didn’t to me, as I was on trial in H25 ICC and was given Dying Light.

That’s not everyone.

If you get benched or if you aren’t given a fair shot at loot, then leave. A trial should only be one week. Anyone who does a trial longer is just screwing with you and you deserve a better team.

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Yeah this is the only server that I’ve played on. What an awful excuse. You do understand that you are the minority correct and again, why it was removed in the first place? While we’re at it, you only do normal and sometimes AOTC. So why exactly do you need to abuse Master Looter for normal and heroic loot which is worse than dungeon loot?


Yours is definitely an awful excuse, yes. And if you’re on multiple servers, then you really have no excuse and no leg to stand on with “eVeRyOnE aBuSeD iT!”

It’s cute how you throw the word “abuse” in there so childishly. Again: not everyone abuses it and me supporting options for full raid groups only that generically rolls on all gear and not just the classes that are present isn’t saying “OMG I NEED THIS!”

Care to gaslight some more?

Show those numbers. I’m very curious to see them, since you definitely know who the minority and majority are.

But you are included in it. You literally aren’t playing the at the level, which is literally only the TOP guilds playing the game, to even need access to Master Looter. So please, again, tell me why YOU need Master Looter for N/H so you can continue to gray parse after funneling yourself.


If master loot wasn’t a problem than why was it removed than huh? You blind supporters.


No, you’re including me in it, as if my previous experience and my alt raiding aren’t “good enough” for you to have an opinion. Sorry, fam, that’s not how this works. You can go with this poor strawman all you want, but it’s nonsensical, ridiculous and irrelevant to the topic.

Don’t like my opinion? That’s fine. But don’t make ridiculous comments as if you have some sort of argument here. Sorry you’re incapable of having a defense to my actual argument.

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This is clearly bait but he’s not wrong ML was horrible to begin with.