Master looter returning in the future

I’m quoting this to highlight it because this response is always parroted to absolutely ridiculous points.

If you join a guild. Right? And if that guild has people in leadership positions that you do not agree with, or that have done something you view as wrong? Leave.

Good guilds should not have the option to handle things in ways which have worked for them be taken away because other people are too afraid, or silly, to leave a guild which shouldn’t be functioning in the first place. I’m a guild master. I’ve been GM for years. My people have never once complained about the manner in which I handled loot back when we had master looter because, shock and horror, not all GM’s / raid leaders are terrible people.

You can find a good guild. You can find a good circle of friends which can use master looter in a fair manner which makes sense for people involved. If you join a bad guild where someone thinks it’s fun to do all these “corrupt acts”, leave! You staying empowers them. You leaving shows other people they should also leave and move on from a negative circle.

Is it wrong when someone abuses power? Yes.
Is it wrong when people just stay anyway? Yes.
Are the people who stay knowing that the GM is abusing power (if it’s happening) just as guilty? You’re not gonna like the answer, but yes you are.