Master loot should stay dead!


here is why some in their quest for performance replace car ECU’s. Standalone or piggy backs and/or ecu chipping.

government mandates governors on many aspects of the car. speed governors, fuel air curves governors, etc.

so you put in that nice standalone. plug in a laptop, tune it (street and/or dyno) and voila…all the regulatory crap from the US DOT mandates is gone. and you have the performance curve you desire.

Other countries as well. Its just the US in more restrictive. even as more open as Japan is one of the my fun cars of my youth I replaced ecu with a standalone. Miss that car…so much fun.

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So instead of sitting them down and helping/teaching them you punish them right away? Go over their rotation, you’re the RL dude, you put the group together… that’s not asking much. I sincerely hope you aren’t a GM.

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you don’t really think its works like this do you?

Yea. You should know your fights. If someone TRULY wants to succeed in this game then they will. A good group lead will make sure everyone knows the fight before they run in. You cant succeed by zerg rushing everything in WoW. Like when I am trying to tank or heal. Not fun to have some guy who pulls everything the eye can see and then expect the dps and heals to not have trouble with that. Or the tank who take a 30 second or so break before each and every pull… that tells me that he/she is looking up the fights while the run is in progress and did not care to study before hand. You allow one or two people to go at a slow pace, then people will get impatient and then leave your group.

And there are a lot of you asking for LFR to never be added in to WoTLK Classic at any point at all so if someone does leave your group due to slow progress,… then you are stuck spamming in trade chat for a half hour or more looking for a replacement. You kick people who cannot perform. Simple as that. If you go around trying to be nice to everyone then you will find yourself as strong as your weakest player and if that person is not able to perform and are never removed and replaced… then your group has a big problem.

The best teacher is not anything that any of you can learn from a video or a friend or family member. Your best teacher will be yourself. Trial and error is the best teacher.

I agree. I don’t think we should go back to 4 items dropping per boss with the illusion of choice and being afk for 10 minutes deciding where the loot goes.

why is it taking you more than 1 minute to decide where loot goes? sounds like user error more than anything.

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Wow. You seem like a terrible leader. The first thing you do instead of trying to correct a mistake you instantly attack and punish them. This is exhibit #412 on why ML is a terrible thing… if they make the same mistake over and over, sure I get it and I highly doubt you’re a mythic raider, so it’s not really that deep. Why treat people so poorly? So if it’s a new raid and it’s everyone’s first time… they should watch a video?

Wow isn’t a second job dude.


In that case then everyone is at the same level of experience. You can look up fights and know exactly what is going to happen. You dont need to watch an hour long video to know it.

And if in your scenario everyone is there for their first time, statistically speaking AT LEAST one person will know the fights and will be calling out the strats before each pull if it is everyone first time there. You dont tank and spank and zerg rush everything and hope high dps and luck gets you through.

Every single person who I have done a Mythic or heroic with KNOWS the fights through and through. You know you can memorize what is going to happen as well… and if not, you can have addons that will call it out for you. I have never once in my life been in a situation where I have done a raid on anything above normal where the raid lead had no clue what was going on. it is raid leads job to study the fights. Dont pretend that end game raiders go in a fight for their first time clueless. And also… I can tell you do not use PTR. That is what PTR is for if you do not wish to look at vids for the fights. There are Aphas, Betas, PTRs, so many ways to prepare for what you are about to do before you do it. You have the proper addons and have a raid lead who knows the fights. Every raid lead I have ever dealt with ever knows the fights.

Guess you never went into a pug

I pugged many of groups, and it never took me more than 1 or 2 minutes to give out loot.

And you just tell the group to start doing trash during loot. no one needs to be sitting around doing nothing.


Well of master loot ever comes back hopefully i can end up in your pug

Well I don’t think ML should be used in pugs either, pl for people you dont know.

Things like this absolutely happened all the time. I’m guessing you are somewhat new?

More like 1 month trial, for more “hardcore” gulids. But that was the way of things. As an applicant you were not awarded loot unless absolutely no one in the group could benefit from it.

I also remember reading a good handful of stories here on GD when guilds required applicants who killed the end of raid mythic boss that the mount be passed on.

If you don’t find that sort of thing toxic, good on you. But I sure do.

What they were talking about, loot taking for flipping ever to distribute, was also very much an annoyance among groups. Guild groups, pugs, mixed, whatever. Waiting and waiting for these brainless “council members” to decide, or raid leaders to decide who is most deserving.

No thanks.


you’re the one that quoted 4 months.

“hardcore” guilds generally only trial on farm bosses, which means often there is always spare loot to be passed down.

Lesser “hardcore” guilds that might actually be struggling with roster issues on the other hand might trial a member, but need that person more than that person realizes.

But this leads back to the commonly repeated advice.

If something isn’t right, leave.

But I think the reason people are trialing into guilds, is because they want to be in a progression guild where people are more serious and skilled than the previous guild they were in. They have much more to gain that a couple pieces of loot.

Then if ML comes back, don’t trial unless the guild has signs of being decent people.

since you reference hardcore guilds, if the loot council doesn’t have every raiders list of bis items from each boss, then that’s probably a red flag.
it does not take long to give out loot. At worst someone wants to sim some gear, and this won’t stop the tank from pulling trash.

I really truly believe you are making this statement either on a one time situation, or just other peoples stories.


I think a solution to Master Looter vs Personal Loot is to simply make it enabling Master Looter trigger a group vote…

Where if the raid lead sets Master Looter, at least 3/4th of the raid must vote yes to enable it (if not unanimous). At least this way it prevents abuse, such as pug leaders toggling it on before a pull or enabling it in raids where many of the participants don’t want it.

and of course the voting should be completely anonymous, so no way for a guild lead to retaliate by kicking those who voted no. Probably can even lock out the ability to try again for an hour, to prevent intimidation by raid leads forcing revotes over and over on the group until everyone votes yes, or threats to kick or whatever.

Essentially in other words, Master Looter should return, however each individual raider should the power to determine if they want Master Looter or not, not just the raid leader’s decision. So a Majority voting system and a lockout should be good enough to solve any issues/drama that arise when a decent percentage of raid members don’t want Master Looter.

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before ML was fully removed, you could not enable it in pug groups.

The thing that wasn’t right was master loot. And now that it is gone, I’ve never seen an issue with people getting salty about loot, unless it dropped from someone else and was untradeable. Problem. Solved.

I certainly referenced them with the part that I mentioned pugs taking forever to (also) distribute loot, but I definitely have seen it in a guild setting plenty.

I’ll leave it at that.

You really have talent for picking out parts of what people are saying, rather than reading the entire message as a whole. Bravo.

Clearly what you believe, that people should have the ability to hoard and distribute the loot as they see fit, is a perfectly fair way to play. Good luck with your wish to bring it back. They probably will.

Then dont join the pug, or better yet, you run the pug. ML is needed. If you and Adaia were in the exact same raid together exact same class, I would chose her over you as she has gone out of her way to study the toon to know exactly what to enchant, has proper gems, Adaia has put a lot of effort into that toon. If we were in a raid together I would know for a fact that they want to be there and would pull their weight (probably pull your weight too).

Give loot to someone who puts time and effort into perfecting their toon. Not to someone who isnt even gemmed and enchanted. If they cant even do that, then they dont want to be there. Even a 1% difference in stats can decide if you clear or wipe.

Or someone who is mast stacking when they should be focused on crit, or the other way around.

Also give ML to the people who show up and inform you if they cannot make it so that way you can get a fill in. I want ML to stay. If your group abuses it, than it is not the ML fault, it is the groups fault. Also, as a lead you should inform who gets what before the raid begins.

K done here, cya. ML should stay. No need to remove it. If it is getting abused, find a better lead or lead yourself. Nothing is stopping you from doing that.

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you literally just listed the primary issue. how is that problem solves when the main problem is right in front of you.

sorry, what did i skip over?

a guild group of players for sure should have the power to decide where loot goes, not be subject to the whims of pure RNG and “UNABLE TO TRADE LOOT”

personal loot wasn’t a thing when i was pugging a ton.

I feel like you’ve skipped over everything I’ve said, and have just projected some values on me.

are you just looking at our profile and making judgements from there?

Have you even read anything I’ve said in here?

To you, I guess?

I don’t find people being let down because they didn’t get the piece of loot they wanted for themselves particularly tragic. I’m not interested in supporting selfishness in loot in general.

RNG is a much friendlier way to distribute loot. Guilds shouldn’t be some special exemption, in my most humble opinion.