Master loot should stay dead!

Master Looter be like this.

No Forsaken were harmed in this reenactment.

The disrespect for a great game like Altered Beast… put ML in the same sentence, for shame.

It’s like Cinderella. If the shoe fits—

Just keep ML off, and if you don’t like it don’t use it. I get people are scared that the Lootmaster will cheat them, but that’s why you don’t join groups with ML turned on.

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Ouch, calling Altered beast a terrible game is just not true.

Was not remotely what I said.

I don’t have my headset on, so did I miss something from the vid?

Oh, another one… a troll. Goodbye.

To take a page from your guild’s name… “Settle down Beavis.”

Disagreement with one’s opinion or view is not the same as trolling. I am sorry if you can’t understand such a basic concept, or accord others basic respect. I respect your view point, however I disagree with it for reasons I’ve already outlined. Good night and be well friend.

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Just like how there exist many players who view ML going away as a bad thing that happened. Why is your opinion on this topic correct? All that’s really been said about ML is it can be abused, and you don’t like it. Well, PL can be abused, and I don’t like being forced to use it.

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They will just block anyone that disagrees with them, and claim its a troll. this is again the person who will refuse to raid if ML comes back because they are afraid their friends will turn on them, and steal loot.

It’s alright. This isn’t my first rodeo on these forums or battle with ‘The Postmaker’. :slight_smile:

But with friends like that… who needs enemies, eh?

oh look, pawzer made another alt.

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Just returning ML isn’t exactly a solution either.

So give Blizzard time and they might find some other way to rui- I mean fix it in their own unique way.

That’s not what you did though… if you can’t see what you did, then you can’t only blame your lack of quality education and intelligence. I’ve had several discussions with people about ML, both agreeing and disagreeing. People like you though, group up and act like they’re never wrong on game or forum. Whatever helps you sleep at night though. Beat me to the refresh, Lol. Bye now troll.

Address me like an adult and you’ll be treated with respect. Something your parents should have taught you but they failed at that.

Tell me what you’re smoking and where I can get some

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Still trolling? I’m amazed the WOW community never matured… come at me like an adult, you’ll be treated with respect. Y’all gotta learn how to act…

Crazy to think we’ve gone from innocuous jokes and pop-culture references on Altered Beast to slander against one’s parentage. I will leave the following for everyone else as it seems both humorous and informative of the type of logic being employed here.

And if it makes everyone else of sane mind laugh, well… awesome.

We need more levity here. :slight_smile:

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all things can be abused. we should remove all things.


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Are you talking about pugs? You couldn’t use ML in pugs in Legion, I doubt you’ll be able to use it in pugs when it comes back.

Specifically during WoD. Nearly every single group. And yeah, obviously pugs.

Is the reason why I was elated when they announced personal loot.

I still think it is stupid for guilds to hold master looter over people’s head. Ah, you must pass our 4 month trial before you will be gifted any items that were not needed by our esteemed members! No matter you worked with us the entire tier to defeat bosses!


If you dont pull your weight then you dont deserve something over someone who does, so if you want it gone that bad…(I do believe you posted this on another toon of yours…this exact same topic) so if you want it that bad, you gotta earn it. RL will give it to the person who needs/earned it.

Not going to give it a high end epic to someone who cant dps their way out of a wet paper bag in full epic gear when someone else with the same gear is performing better. A bad player with bad gear will not become a good player with good gear just because he/she got some nice loot. They will simply become a bad player with good gear that could have been more useful on someone else. You run with a group of honest and competent players… then you will never have a problem with loot.

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