Master loot should stay dead!

Ooooor you dont join groups that jave master looter enabled, and let guilds have master loot option. Noone forces you into master loot.

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Under the right conditions it is.

Master loot was awful, and was abused in many ways.

One of the worst was when half the items from the raid were on “reserve” for the raid leader themselves. People can defend it all day, and say that’s fine and their raid etc., but it was incredibly toxic.

Yuck. No. Master. Loot. Please.


Calls people selfish yet uses ML instead of the loot system that gives EVERYONE the chance at the item that dropped. Talk about irony.

Seriously? It’s going to be used to assert control over your guild. Abuse the new raiders and feed your friends gear first. It’s about the raid, not your friends getting gear. It was abused and that’s why it was taken away… because people are scum.

He’s a troll and you’re listening to him.

So you can read throughout, he does talk about it… don’t trash someone about something if you aren’t gonna go reading the post or at least skimming.

So no good guilds?

some guilds did and teh rest got punished .

Loot in raids is to benifit the team , to help the team progress . It belongs to the team .

I know a lot of people who play wow have no concept of what being in a team means . jumping in front of a field hockey ball traveling at 100 mile and hour to stop a goal . letting a baseball/softball pitch hit you so you can get to first --these are the things you do if your in a team .

The last time ML was in I was teh raid leader and we had 4 hunters , I was the last to get gear because it benifited the team more for teh other three to get the gear first because it increased their dps by more than mine . Thats is how it should always be

Then you are one of the few respectable raid leaders… still think ML is hot garbage, but if RLs were more resembling you, ML might not be so bad. Sadly that isn’t the case.

either you didn’t block me, or you’re clicking to see what i said.

sorry your argument is that master loot is bad because people weasel their way into guilds, gain control, then abuse it, disappear and start over with another guild.

people will come up with anything.

crazy idea, actually finding a guild, then checking if they do loot the way you like. crazy talk. loot should just appear in the mail.

that not all people suck, and that maybe just maybe, people can figure things out for themselves.
Now I’m pretty sure the classic forums aren’t flooded with complaints about master loot abuse. maybe im wrong on that one, but it seems like some people have figured it out.

once it was gone i was unable to give my co tank a trinket upgrade when i had two epics and he had two blues. took him a couple months to finally replace them.

He never explains why it’s bad. He basically complains about ML and then insults other players.

I have a feeling you didn’t read very much of this thread yourself. Here’s a trick, you can actually view every post a person makes in a given thread by clicking on their portrait… Might want to do that before you make a crazy statement like you just did.

unless you hide your activity like holi has, right?

What? how does me not caring about the inner workings of a guild that I’ve never been a part of impact this topic?


Because players who aren’t apart of the guilds play this game too and are affected by the balance of loot distribution, more than you care to mention.


Ah… but he did apply reason but fair enough. He did do a lot of trash talking. Lol.

Don’t be one of those people who assume and make themselves look like an idiot. I have at least 30 posts in this thread alone… so take a step back and rethink. I made that statement because it was the correct statement to make.

Oh the irony coming from the one vowing that all ML people are thiefs and abusers of power.

They already are with personal loot. raiding in a guild is already a more efficient way to get raid items (and not just because you usually kill more bosses, and kill said bosses faster).

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No it really wasn’t. A wild assumption based on what? And that’s the right statement to make? Especially when I’ve just pointed out that you were wrong, and that he never actually explains what’s wrong with it.

Isn’t this exactly what you just did?

Alright, you’re one of those. Goodbye troll.

and the echo chamber increases.


Because asking for supporting evidence when someone says this is fact because I said so is now trolling…

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No one has asked for any evidence without insulting. Don’t join the trolls.

I’m not answering a question if they can’t address me like an adult.

and the only question i remember… “was this about your friends again” but again, that was a question from a troll.

Giving guilds ML doesn’t mean he game will lock into harmonious serenity.

Bad things will come out of just switching ML back on.

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