Master loot should stay dead!

The problem is though, how many guilds are going to not use ML that are going to heroic raid? The majority will be using it. There is too much room for abusing new guild members and pugs… if ML comes back, it will be taken away because people don’t know how to act or treat people.

My hope is they abandon the thought of bringing that toxic system back.

Tell that to the people on the bad end of luck.

Well I actually doubt that. and I’m pretty sure you’ve got nothing to back up that claim even a little bit. isn’t the common claim here that PL is just a more popular system? so then the majority of heroic guilds would use it.

Is this another shot at your friends?


I almost took your comment seriously… then I realized, wait… I thought I threw this troll on ignore already? Give me a moment to correct my mistake.

Edit: Ah… much better, one less troll to deal with.

Ah yes, dodge a reasonable response by calling troll. Enjoy your echo chamber.

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You didn’t actually say anything.

Guess that just shows what a vastly superior system ML is.


How isn’t it? It’s designed to bully other players, putting all the power in the hands of one person. It was abused repeatedly, that’s why it was removed and the maturity level of the players hasn’t changed. The abuse towards new members and pugs are common. Locking an item drop behind a waiting list? That lives and breaths toxicity.

Yea, if you’re a toxic person. Thank you for clearing up who and what you are.

Incorrect. We’ve always done loot by consensus in our guild. Just because I used to hand out the pieces doesn’t mean I decided who got the pieces; the whole team decided that.


New raiders always got showered with loot because they were brought in on farm bosses where everybody else already had what they needed from the boss. And good guilds don’t pug.


OP didn’t explain what they were talking about, you answering for them doesn’t explain what they were talking about.

This person just wants an echo chamber and has everyone is a ninjathief-Itis.
Even assumes their friends will suddenly turn on them if ML comes back.

Yeah, this is sad and true. How does someone have zero faith in any players even their friends?

Then you don’t deserve it.

Doesnt this just mean that ML is the superior system since, according to yourself, the majority will use it?


YOUR guild. Congrats, that’s 1 guild… only people who want it back are either in leadership roles or have friends in leadership roles.

Then go ahead, tell me why the constant abuse wasn’t the reason…

That’s just willful ignorance dude. “And good guilds don’t pug.” Lol.

and the only way for new raiders to get any love is to wait til the end of the raid period… you are reading this before you post it right?

^ Yep. Master Looter is the better system. Unless you’re a selfish player who only cares about yourself and thinks loot is the end goal of the game - in which case they should all band together into guilds that use personal loot only, and they can enjoy the company of other players who care as little about them as they care about others.

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No, that’s most established guilds.

The usual. Ion & his dev team came up with a new thing in Legion, gave people a choice, and… people didn’t want to use it. Hard for him to say how great his ideas are when nobody wants to do them.

So he did what he always does: Force people to use it.

Guilds already have bosses 2 or 3 weeks in where nobody needs anything. Tiers last 6+ months, not a few weeks.


Except it doesn’t work that way and you’re completely ruling out the possibility of players being screwed over by corrupt councils and abusive users of the ML tool.

Wouldn’t guilds just disband over this happening almost immediately?

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Then they just ghost into another one and do it again.

Who knew getting into a position on the loot council and corrupting the guild leadership was that easy.

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