Master loot should stay dead!

I agree 100% I saw nothing but bad feelings between people when it was around. It was even to the point where raid leaders were using addons to track attendance just so they could justify why the piece of gear went to specific people.

*Some complaints focus on, as previously stated there’s many complaints about Master Loot.

Not an entire fix, a partial fix sure.

The loot system allows it, so therefore it is a problem with said loot system. :3

Or maybe because of all the issues with Master Loot, and people being unable to act like adults in a video game to where they don’t favor friends and people they shouldn’t with loot, mounts, etc people should be adults and realize Personal loot is the better option. :3

Sure, we can also talk about all the changes made for Classic lately. Things like removing LFD, while allowing more boosts! How many players in game, if you go into LFG are advertising boosts too. A bunch of the ‘bad retail changes’ are made as a result of player behavior anyways.

And what people are willing to pay for, because if they were not earning enough money off it they would’ve made different changes or quickly reverted.

Sounds like a loot system issue, actually. Especially since guilds treat a lot of the stuff like jobs including application process, trialing, and often server transfers meaning a lot of your own time and sometimes money being wasted.

2-4 weeks can be quite a big difference when you could’ve spent that time elsewhere, and honestly that’s quite a bit of wasted time for essentially nothing. Nice try, though. Tipped your hand with an insult there so I won’t bother with the rest of your post and use a handy forum function~

That’s pretty scummy leadership… I don’t know anyone willing to deal with that kind of treatment.

Right? Imagine prioritizing the people who actually turn up to raid.

Very silly of those raid leaders.


The current loot system allows for it too though, albeit slightly more restricted due to ilvl. Nothing stopping me giving the PL I don’t want to whoever I want, or in the cases of these “bad guy” guilds to whoever the GM forces you to give it to.
So what’s the solution? Keep PL but prevent any trading? Or just have each boss drop X tokens and you buy whatever loot you want at the end from the loot table determined by what you killed?

That’s very much a social problem then. It has nothing to do with the loot system, except that the loot system allows for it. Sorry if people can’t be adults, but I don’t think it should be on Blizzard to force them to act like decent humans.

Realistically no guild outside of those in top 100 requires players to change servers. If players chose to do that to find a guild, that’s 100% on them. As for trials, well that’s totally understandable. You want to know if the recruit fits into your guild social structure and isn’t a terribad. As far as I know, most guilds don’t do applications anymore either and again that is entirely up to the player on whether they want to go through that process. ML/PL also has zero impact on any of those aspects.

If you’re a good fit for the guild then the trial will be over soon enough, and there’s nothing saying specifically you won’t get any loot but understandably the guild is going to prioritise loot for the people who have been raiding with them as part of the guild for longer until you have proven that you’re worth their time.

“scrubs” is an insult? Sure, whatever. It’s a pretty apt way to describe players who will join a guild, get loot and then move to another guild with higher progression. There’s probably worse things to call them, but sadly they aren’t permitted on the forums. Much like talking about the report feature, which in this case will likely get laughed at by Blizzard. Over-sensitive entitled players is precisely why things like ML get removed in the first place…

Oh honey, those are leveling dungeons at your level.

Return of ML is one of the things making me want to play modern wow again. Ive always been turned off by the idea of personal loot, it just seems so inefficient. I’ll definitely be checking out dragonflight

The existence of doors allows me to slam one in your face. Do we need to remove the concept of doors?

The existence of chat allows someone to be rude to another person. Do we need to remove chat entirely?

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Your examples are completely irrelevant to ML.

No, they are. Having the ability to misuse a tool is not an effective argument to remove the ability for anyone to use the tool.

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There is no reason masterlooter shouldn’t be in the game for all those who would prefer it.

Master loot is the superior loot system as far as raiding is concerned…

Everything is else probably not. So it’s hard to say really.

Could they balance personal loot and master loot? Yeah just make sure raiders don’t complain about the amount of loot they get and they are golden

Sorry, they are completely irrelevant. You don’t have the choice of a door that can slam in the face and one that can’t be slammed in the face. This is the options we have for looting though.

Perhaps a better example would be cars.

You have the ability to crash your car into another person, and maybe kill them.
Self driving cars exist.

Should we ban people driving and force everyone to use self driving?

Once this is widely available and safe expect gov’ts to make it mandatory.

It comes down to the question of “Why are you trying to restrict players you’ve never met from having a choice because you think there is a correct answer?”

Nobody is asking to force ML on everyone. We’re just asking for the option to use it.

I am not restricting any players, Blizzard is restricting players or more specifically loot. We don’t have any say in the matter. We can only discuss what we feel are the positives and negatives for possible choices.

Essentially, players want their loot to be awarded more efficiently due to greed and this can be solved in many ways.

Except that standard applies to everyone. Why should your sub set of guildies have an advantage while others are put at a disadvantage?

Give all guilds the option. IDC what your guild does.

It’s not guaranteed to come back, hoping it stays away. If that means you to play current wow? Fine. PL is by far and away a better and FAIR choice. Nothing fair about about having to be put on a list for an item or wait several weeks for your “trial” to end… to have the potential shot at an item. You should always have a shot at it, if it is to drop.

Imo then you shouldn’t join a ML guild. Even in classic I’ve played with MS/OS roll, EPGP, DKP and ML. There are different flavors for different people. I personally prefer loot council with ML and having the option to do so doesn’t hurt as long as they don’t remove PL. Just play with a PL guild instead