Master loot should stay dead!

The better solution is to leave PL and increase drop rates for all content.

Press X to doubt.

Nobody asked or cares if you support it, just like nobody asked or cared about my opinion when they ripped it away.

Bad take. Just because a guild does heroic they can’t use a DKP system?

Was already the case at the point when it was removed.

So…you want to ACTUALLY make ML only for the top 0.1% by timegating the ability to use your preferred loot system? That seems arbitrary and unfair for everyone else that wants to use it. What if you miss HoF, you just never get to use ML lol?

The funny thing is my guild in Legion actually did the inverse of this. We had ML for the start of the tier but by the time we got CE everyone had all their gear and we were getting sick of spending time passing out loot so our raidleader would just set it to PL and be done with it on farm.

Why? Just make it drop less items if you want to make it less efficient, which is how it was before.

Bro you couldn’t pug ML in Legion, why would you assume they are bringing back WoTLK ML? Obviously they are bringing back the most recent version of it with a caveat or 2.

Master loot is really good for progression oriented groups who give loot to those who items would be the biggest upgrade for. It’s actually a really good system for organized groups.

I don’t see why it shouldn’t be an option at least for pre-made groups. Especially mythic.


You have the right idea, but your numbers are way off. Among all raiders normal+ (LFR isn’t really raiding) saying that PL is better for between 65% and 75% is better than 99.9%.

EXACTLY. All the people in this thread are acting like it’s mandatory. All we want is for it to be an option for guilds that want to use it.

All this talk about trials. Lol. These are the same people who think they should start a job and on day 1 receive max benefits and pay to be equal with people who have tenure


It is disappointing, but Blizzard has made bad decisions in the past. It seems people who want to raid will have to deal with it. I dealt with Master Loot and the whole Ninja culture before - it is a shame the Devs want to go back to it.

I can take some solace in the fact that Blizzard will reap what they sow with this - the front of GD being filled with ninja stories and trial abuse will be the norm.

If it does return in any form, I hope it is extremely limited.

Like maybe a Guild can only unlock Master Loot AFTER it Unlocks CE for THAT tier.

Or maybe Master Loot will only apply with Legendaries, or pieces used to build Legendaries like the Firelands Staff and the Ulduar Mace.

I wouldnt get too worked up over it
Ion said he missed it
he also spent alot more time explaining that it was not a flip of the switch move and would require alot of work, also not saying it is in the works, he only said we talk about it
he also said he knew the old version was problematic and it would not come to being how it was back then


Calls master loot toxic, has no experience to be exposed to supposed toxicity in order to call it such.

Never change GD


I guess I’m delusional then. If you can’t trust your guild to handle loot, you are in the wrong guild and should seek another. Master loot allowed for flexibility and gearing your raid in the most suitable fashion.

It will literally be an option, just like it was in Legion. Don’t like Master Loot? Join a Personal Loot group. Stop trying to dictate the way the rest of us play the game because you’re in a guild with bad people.

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Master loot in legion was so good, hell even my f&f guild for heroic antorus used it cause loot quality in tomb sucked. No drama at all and in fact less drama than tomb cause we saw plenty of people dying early on for like maiden, avatar and kj getting loot plus some +20-25 titanforging.


And the real truth is most trials get funneled gear. People are being ridiculous. They act like trials are just being used as slave labor and most guild leaders funnel gear to their girlfriends. Beyond stupid bullcrap, and I’m pretty sure they know it. Guilds that do that implode almost immediately and are a non-issue.


what happened to the 1%, why does that number keep getting smaller?

why does this matter?

… so a full guild run.

lol wut???

so ML like it was with no improvements.

this is just super short sighted.


not correct. why make this separation. if a raiding group wants to use ML, why should they be unable to?

Unless they literally agree not to, which was the agreement trials would make to get into what were viewed as better guilds.

This is essentially all people want. to be able to trade the loot as they want.

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It’s not remotely toxic. What game have you all been playing where there are these rampant corrupt loot councils stealing everything and somehow the guild isn’t dying over night?


One that is firmly in their imagination, and not real at all.

I don’t raid or anything but I feel that Master Loot should come back as long as it follows certain rules.

That being only guild groups can have master loot enabled. Disable it for pug groups.

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This was how it was before.

Lol funniest thing I heard so far lol

Yes this is the talking point of people who don’t even remember how it works and who probably never raided when it was in the game. Been playing fine with masterloot since 2007

Well it solves the issue for pugs, which is what the complaints seemed to focus on. It would be easy enough to fix the loot mode too, so it can’t be changed without disbanding the raid. As for giving it to someone else that sounds like a guild problem and has nothing to do with the loot system. If there’s a preset priority loot list visible to all guild members, that pretty clearly defines who gets what and when and if the master looter goes against that then maybe discuss it with officers like an adult or look for another guild.

Hmm, not all changes in retail have been for the better. This is the same company who removed tier, tried to remove flying, cut content, cut abilities, introduced azerite/corruption/conduits/covenants etc etc. Blizzard has a long history of making large changes based solely on what Ion thought of in the shower.

Again that sounds like a guild issue. Over all my time playing the various iterations of WoW I have always understood that a trial is as long as the guild determines it is, and that loot is prioritised to raiding members who have proven themselves. 2-4 weeks later though you’re inundated with loot because the others have it already, so really it’s only an issue for scrubs who join a guild, get loot and then move on.

Great, but I haven’t. There’s always GDKP which is just “pay gold for loot” (unless you mean DKP which is different). Again, just find a guild that suits your looting preferences. Works perfectly for my guild. Loot drops, officer council checks list against who has gotten stuff that night already, hands out loot. Pretty even distrubution.

If that is happening the player needs to discuss it with their officers. If enough people are unhappy with that system, they leave the guild and make their own with fairer loot options. With flexible raiding, you no longer have to fill the numbers either.

Until it doesn’t. All this complaining about GMs passing loot to their friends. Do people not think this happens with PL? It most certainly does, and I have done it myself. I’d rather give a 1% upgrade to a guildy than a 10% upgrade to a pug.

The fact that it isn’t an issue in Classic or TBCC is enough “proof” that it works.

Personal loot with guaranteed loot for each kill you get or with badges to buy the boss gear you killed. Problem solved.

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