Master loot should stay dead!

To you…which again…

Who cares?

Thank you.

I mean if the shoe fits…

To whom should I be proving this point to?

Remember, I’m just here to celebrate the return of ML. I care not for losers huffing copium that can’t embrace what’s coming.

Is that why Wariya is posting?

I have the proof though. You don’t have it lol. Go watch the interview if you want proof too. If you can’t find it…not my problem.

Bro did you seriously not know that people can change their minds?

You are trying to win an argument through semantics that I don’t care who wins.

You can catch me in a “gotchya” moment all you want. It won’t stop ML from coming back lol.

I had come to accept that ML was dead dog done forever. I’m just celebrating the good news buddy!

My dude we all see you troll these forums. You don’t have to deny it, it’s not that big a deal…everyone trolls from time to time, you just happen to post a lot.

You keep talking about huffing copium… I don’t think it means what you think it means. Because you’re inhaling it all. Lol.

If you had proof, you’d show it… but you don’t.

He’s been taking you to school as well… but you’re putting up a decent fight for someone of so low intelligence…

Did you even raid during master loot? You are like a brand new player how would you know how bad or good it was

I don’t understand their rng loot fetish. Its Diablo thing. Game used to have fixed stats and items were more iconic with historic backround like in Baldur’s Gate series.

Token Vendors is the way. Add enchants and gems too. Putting rng stats on top of rng drops is just simply toxic. That is the only word to describe it.

Add one vendor for both PvPers and PvErs. PvP has Honor and Conquest. PvE has Justice and Valor. 5-6 Endgame routes to achieve your preferred items.

Stop designing for the 1% nobody gives a F in real life.


Would I though? What purpose would that serve?

You would either accept it and admit you were wrong…which, who cares?


You would reject it and scream “fake news” which also…who cares?

ML is coming back baby! Nothing you say can bring me down.



I listened to the interview, I know what they said… I’m just waiting for your mental fragility to catch up. I’m not you… I’m smart enough to admit being wrong if I am. This case, I’m not.

So let’s make a bet… 1M gold vs 1M gold? ML happens, you get 1M. ML doesn’t happen, I get 1M. (feel i have to explain, because I know you aren’t too bright.)

I guess your audio must’ve skipped or the copium in your ears prevented you from hearing that ML was coming back.

Sure. Time-frame? If announced as a feature for 11.0 or sooner I win. (Not sure if it will make it at 10.0 launch Ion was unclear when he was going to put it back in)

When the first raid opens… day 1 of that raid.


Then no. It probably won’t be finished by then. My best guess would be ML returns in like a 10.1.5 patch…which im perfectly fine with.

It more than likely won’t be at launch b/c they have more important priorities. If you consider that a win…by all means take your chips and cash out little buddy.


You are yes.

Thought so… not only a troll, a coward…

I’m a coward because I won’t take a bet I think I would lose?

If your argument is no ML in 10.0 then we agree. They have more important priorities for launch I don’t think this makes the cut. Seems more like a .1.5 patch to me.

You can take a big hit of copium when 10.0 drops with no ML. Ill be back for my million gold in 11.0, or are you too cowardly for that wager lol?

No, you’re a coward because you’re scared to put your virtual money where your mouth is… you have no proof, afraid to back up your claims. You don’t even believe ML is coming back. You don’t even know what copium is but you keep saying it, that is my favorite thing about you…

Bro what are you doing with your life right now?

This is just sad.

I’m going to bed.

Enjoy ML.

Run away little girl, run away.

It was fun my little troll.

Enjoy your copium!

Considering that Personal Loot is the superior loot system for an easy 99.9% of the player base and ML benefits and caters only to the top 0.1% (and those who want a sense of power over depriving pugs of loot under the guise of “being a trial” or some nonsense), the only way I can see myself supporting the return of ML is if four criteria are met:

1.) It is only available in mythic difficulty;
2.) It is only available in raids that qualify as guild runs for achievement purposes;
3.) It only becomes available as a loot option in a raid AFTER the guild in question as obtained entry in the Hall of Fame for that raid or obtained the CE achievement for the raid.
4.) All loot when set to Master Loot must drop completely randomized with no smart filtering checks for what class/specs are present in the raid. It must not have any smart loot components or checks.

These are the only people who can make any sort of reasonable claim to needing, or being able to benefit in some slight way from, master looting. Under no circumstances should it be able to be brought back into any situation involving pugs or casual normal/heroic raiders.

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I really don’t care what side of the argument people are on, as long as it’s done respectfully. PL replaced more than ML, though. It replaced Round Robin, Need Before Greed, Free for all, etc. These are non-ML options. I don’t believe for a second PL was a replacement for ML, specifically.

That’s just a red herring. I believe PL was implemented to unclog their ticket system with any form of loot drama which includes somebody else hitting need who doesn’t need and wins over you. Despite both users having the same equal opportunity to roll. Which is another argument I hear from the anti-ML side is “those there on the fight, get equal roll”, well exactly how multiple people would hit need but still complain about “ninjaing”. Blizz is gonna do what’s best, for them and lowering ticket volume over stuff they don’t want to deal with is what makes PL good, for them.

This isn’t about protecting trials nor stopping ninjas. It’s Blizz’s way of dissociating themselves from the players, as much as possible. That being said, I may be pro-ML, but I’m not one of those saying it’s coming back. I think if it is, it won’t be like it was. I’ve even blocked pro-MLers for being ridiculous.

I blocked that Belf Hunter despite us both being pro-ML. They’re not very productive. I don’t really have much to add to this topic. I said all I needed to say about it, in the bigger thread, that the OP of this thread said should be locked but makes another thread about it, I find comical LOL My final words are, I’m muting this thread.

TC <3

Everyone who partakes in a boss kill and puts forth the effort should have a fair shake a loot.

PL makes it fair for all.

If they wanna bring ML back, just remove ilvl restrictions on trading with full guild groups.

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Non-Raiders reeing about a loot format used in raids.

Classic GD.

TBH this would be the best loot system.

PL restrictions are stupid as hell.

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loot drama, dkp, ninjaing, etc all add excitement and social elements to the game. Its a big part of the fun in classic.