Master loot should stay dead!

Man, so you’re a troll and not getting what you want. Rough look.

I would enjoy having master if it were a guild group. But a huge NO within a PUG.


Very few times did I encounter a master looter ninja.
It’s a blown out of proportion scenario.

Simply put as to why I want it back, I miss killing a boss and seeing the loot. It felt like I helped earn all that loot, even if none of it was for me.
These days I don’t even see who gets what. I’m not scrolling through chat spam to see it.


Wahhhhh I lost an argument you’re trolling.

Good thing this conversation holds no bearing on whether or not ML returns.

You have reached critical blood copium levels if you actually believe this.

No no I’m on the side that wants ML back.

It’s coming back did you not watch the interview?


If you’re right, I have zero problem admitting that, but if you aren’t going to supply proof… aka vid with time-stamp… you are just gonna keep proving mine and Wariya’s point about you. I’ll be back in 25-30 minutes, should be more than enough time for you to “prove your point”

Can’t wait to see what gdkp runs go for if this hits.

It’s going 2 times a basic run in tbcc.

50g carry, 100g buy in gdkp.

Say 100k for retail carry. 200k gdkp….the tears will flow. I must order some chalices to collect them.

Gonna need more than 1 for sure. It will come back. Especially after a few weeks of the gms sliding their other half gear.

400k for 2 runs of gear better than no gear since not sleeping with the gm.

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If I cared about you admitting that you were wrong maybe I would go bother to find you timestamped vods.

To be clear. I do not care about you even a little bit. I am just here to celebrate the return of ML after years of being frustrated reading posts from people that didn’t even raid talking about how they got ninja’d once in Wrath.

It seems you and Wariya are confused.

Sop crying and I am not trolling

It has already done it, based on your point and how immature you are acting on the forums huffing and crying , you are already going to ignored for life by the devs. Job done :rofl:

I am not telling you to stop talking, keep talking and ruin whatever reputation the ML community has . :+1:

As are you. You are a known forum troll, you will never be on the community council or have your opinion heard either.

I don’t care though, ML is coming back so I don’t need to have my voice heard, I’m already getting what I want.

No…you’re telling me to provide evidence and proof because you are an idiot.

Good day sir, I hope you find a good PL guild, I know I’ll cya in a year when I’m gloating in this bookmarked thread. I will be insufferable about it too.

Based on false context , yes you will get it :rofl: :rofl:

Exactly what I said, you have no proof , nothing and resorted to namecalling. You being a supporter of ML makes getting your agenda even worse. Keep talking

The CC forums does not represent the community and is just a pr move by Blizzard. The CC members themselves said they don’t represent anybody other than themselves. The last person who tried to that Mr Prosident via discord got banned. I amazed that you put value in the CC forums as if it going to bring something back .

My opinion is shared opinion with several other players in game, so in other words you are generalizing once more .

No, YOU don’t have any proof. I’m the one that has the proof I just can’t be bothered to provide it because you wouldn’t be able to accept it anyways you would just scream “fake news” or something stupid of the sort.

Since I don’t care one way or another what you think about anything, I’ll resume my gloating over the return of ML if that’s okay with you.

You’re right, the CC forums mean nothing, and the cesspool that is WoW GD forums means less than nothing.

So is mine. I’m just saying your a known troll on these forums, you go into threads and play devils advocate for the sake of the argument which is why I’m choosing not to engage with your stupid requests for proof or evidence like you are some prosecution team lol.

So again, you are just proving yourself to be a troll. You made a claim, you gotta back it up… saying you don’t care what others think is clearly false, you wouldn’t keep pushing the narrative and trolling in the process if you didn’t care. It’s clear you’re upset and aren’t going to act like an adult.

It’s clear he’s a troll, hopefully you’ve been reporting his willful ignorance.

It’s not going to go through. Nice try. Read the terms of service dude.

You have never presented it , you made the claim and that too 100% not “if” , “maybe” … but a guarantee like someone has written will.

Oh wait you actually don’t have it so lets start calling ppl names instead

Nobody here believed that ML is 100 % coming back the way it is only you , this is your words. Nobody else said that the closest I saw was “Hypthetical” which is more reasonable

Trolling is against the forum guidelines . Known trolls don’t post because they are banned

Whatever helps you sleep at night bro.

Or what? Some nobody who doesn’t matter will call me a troll? I can live with those consequences.

Why on Earth would I care even a little what random idiots on the WoW GD forum think about this?

I have listened to the same idiots with nothing but LFR kills cry about ML and how mythic raiders are evil and we deserve to suffer for our abuse blah blah blah for YEARS.

I stopped caring what any of you think long ago. You are a lost cause. I get it, you got ninja’d on Wrath, or passed up on a good item while you were trialing. Boo hoo.

Your right about me not acting like an adult at least. Why would I? Gotta come down to the level of my audience.

Upset though? I’m ecstatic. Your tears over ML returning give me nourishment and comfort.

It’s just becomes a false claim… lol calm down bucko.

It clearly does matter, because for me personally this is pure entertainment at this point… I got some big tough guy on the internet calling me names and unable to prove his own point and is clearly a troll. This is prime forum time for time.

Talk about deflection.

With that being said, it’s okay dude… you don’t have proof of something you desperately love and need. You’re just an angry little troll on the internet and it is lovely.

I’m aware.

I mean Ion could always change his mind. It won’t be because of any of these threads though LOL.

Speak for yourself. Regardless…WHO CARES? Your belief (or mine) holds 0 bearing in whether or not ML is actually coming back (it is).

And yet you get away with it every day.

Someone alert the cyber police.

Now you are backtracking, so thats means its 50/50 as he can change is mind

Obviously you do that why you are hellbent for it to come back, to a point you are making stuff up :rofl:

I don’t , you just listen to the vocal minority and believe them blindly, that your problem alone.