Master Loot is an expression of player freedom

Thinking that Blizzard accidentally messed up Covenants would require you to think Ion is more capable of being dumb than he is dishonest.

But what reason is there to do it beyond slowing people down?

“What’s ninja (looting)?”
ML afficianado explains.
“Oh, that’s not something that’s ever happened to me in years!”

Archaic system. If you want ML, go play Classic.

What a great argument, you really showed us the truth.

PS: Not really an angle, it’s a fact

Is that new for WoW? Are we forgetting domination shards that quickly? I think they even said they didn’t work like it intended, it’s not otherworldly to think they can and do mess up. But I don’t see covenants being that bad, all things considered. Dedicated raiders would have no issue getting what they needed at a reasonable level and pace.

Don’t know, like I said, I buy your argument. But it’s one piece of evidence vs. tons to contrary. Just not enough for me to accept the full premise that everything is a conspiracy to slow progression, esp since actual data shows changes to progression world first raiding was negligible.

If player freedom means GDKP and hard res runs being everywhere, like they currently are in TBC classic, then I don’t want it. The WoW community has turned into garbage and needs things like personal loot to keep it in check.

I play tbc classic and see GDKPs and HR runs everywhere. I don’t join them, it’s that simple.

Master looter can be introduced but requires a yes vote from all within the group. Not just the Raid leader who decides to switch to master looter himself.

It’s prone to abuse. 20 man kill is everyone’s effort. Fairness for all.

No such thing as “we decide loot should go to X” because X is girlfriend of said master looter.

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So is personal loot lmao

Master Loot allows players to make raids to decide loot via Soft Rez, various DKP systems, GDKP, MS>OS, and more.

What does Personal Loot allow you to do?

I’ll wait

I’m happy they did away with master loot… its better for people that join raids. You won’t get locked out from an item, you have a chance to get it… it’s already annoying finding a raid if you aren’t in a raid guild. If you are in a raid guild and you are joining them, you won’t get locked out of having to wait for the item to drop multiple times before you are allowed a shot at it.

If it was that simple then Ml would not have gone . ML has always been an issue but the introduction of Group finder in WOD which has been a successfully group making tool made ML much worse and destroyed Blizzard CS section . So instead of getting rid of Customer support , they got rid of ML from Pugs which indirectly triggered the removal of ML from the game.

Now with many pro ML supporter hating on literally everyone because the yare all loot addicts obviously they will not have the player support to turn Blizzards head around . So you will never get it back until MLs as community including the groups you do not join change , nobody likes to social police , neither does Blizzard - Good luck

This isn’t an argument.

I actually like personal loot, everyone has a chance when that boss is downed of getting loot, seems fair to me.

Master Loot often was a popularity contest and I was victim of it a couple times where the item was rolled off and I won the roll only for it to be given to a member that was deemed more deserving, in other words more popular then myself.

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If Master Loot is re-added, you don’t need to join a single pug group or a guild that uses it. Don’t worry, Personal Loot will still be there for you.

This thread is still on the front page. Not to mention, there’s (also) this thread, too. We really don’t need three threads about it.

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You’re right, but it’s a statement of fact.

Assuming that every player that plays this game is that knowledgeable.

Master Loot would be an expression of freedom if the community wasnt so greedy and toxic. This player base has proved many times over it cant handle loot distribution responsibly. I agree its a great system in the right hands but sadly the trash out numbers them ten fold lol. The system could make a come back in some iteration but i doubt it will ever come back as it was. Honestly if blizz wouldnt of made the terrible decision to also lower loot drops to the point of no one being able to get weapons and stuff it wouldnt even be a big deal. revert that change and i think ML wouldnt be as big of a topic anymore.

The only way ML would be acceptable:

100% guild runs.


Large - and I mean the size of the popups you get when you log in for the first time when a new patch goes live, or when you ding 48 and then log out and back in and they try and suck you in to the unmitigated poop pile that is SL - popups when ML is activated and EVERY person in the run has to acknowledge it. Has to be approved by everyone whenever the change is made, which should prevent any stealth changing to ML before say a choice mount drop.

Do you have any source for this? The last layoff of CS staff was 2012 when they let 600 go. Since then they have dramatically increased staffing because they released D3, Hearthstone, HotS, and Overwatch in addition to having WoW to support.

Blizzard’s stance on loot has always been that they don’t get involved. If the game systems allow a person to do something, then they can do it. Rare exceptions were made, but not many.

Blizzard keeping ML in Classic kind of backs that they had no CS related reason to remove it. If they did, they would have removed it totally.