Master Loot is an expression of player freedom

Your horror stories of loot going to officers first is indictive you joined a bad guild, not that master loot is the problem. Also, your personal ancedotes shouldn’t deny players the right to decide how loot is distributed in their own group.

If it’s someone’s group and they choose to switch to master looter, you join or stay in that group, making the choice knowing the risks and agreeing to how they want to distribute loot.

It’s called player freedom and expression that some gatekeepers are deathly afraid of, because 0.01% of the time ML is used to ninja something, or they heard from their friend’s friend’s dog’s cousin that Officers stole all their purples right out of their mouth in WOTLK, therefore Master Loot is bad.

Master Loot should be readded, if you don’t like it, don’t join a group with it. You can leave, make or join a group with Personal Loot on if you want. Player freedom in a nutshell.

Master Loot was never removed because of ninja looters. If it were, Blizzard would have tried to change it, especially in Season of Mastery.

Master Looter was removed because Blizzard wanted to slow down gearing. Nothing else.


Yep. Despite that, people still defend its removal based on the ancedotal stories of ninja looters.

Master Loot is an expression of favoritism and greed, not freedom.


Unless I’ll see a blizz rep explaining, I’ll take this explanation with a grain of salt. 1) They wouldn’t have done the middle of the road changes in legion if that was the case 2) timelines of actual world firsts show the changes were negligible.

Too many people had too many stories and if true (again unless a Blizz representative states so, grain of salt both ways) it seems to be a common enough problem Blizz would nix it.

Master looter was implemented so they could cut cut down on # of tickets and lay off staff.

This is cost savings. It worked.

What I’m hoping they announce with 10.0 is the continuation of personal loot but have the ability to trade any item.

This would appease progression oriented guilds as well as the bean counters.

Nobody knows for sure, but I had to bet on it, I’d say that’s the reason. Blizz has a vested interest in constantly moderating world first guilds (for god knows what reason) and changing systems specifically designed around them, so it’s not crazy to believe they did it to stop World first players gearing specific players.

It also had the knockon effect of letting blizzard fire 300 GMs and give them bux as compensation. All so Bobby could buy another Yacht.

Ion is a blight on the entire game. Dude makes some good raids, but he has no business deciding how people distribute loot.

No it wasn’t lmao. If it were, they would have bothered to neuter or outright remove it in Classic, especially for SoM.

Counterpoint: The changes to PL this tier where Blizzard made it so you can’t trade slots you’ve got your legendary in.

Edit: Sorry, they didn’t state a reason. They just added loot restrictions to legendaries and tier sets with literally zero elaboration.

Actually that is why. Blizz had to constantly get tickets about loot drama and it was very very annoying to the point that they put a stop it in retail wow altogether. Personal loot makes it so you have no reason to create a ticket over loot anymore.

That’s the problem though, if you look at the timelines of world firsts the change is incredibly negligible, so not sure I agree.

Source? I’ll change my opinion on reading it.

This all could be avoided if we just kept personal loot but removed all of the trading restrictions…so we could then have this so called “expression of player freedom”

Sorry, I was misremembering the patch notes.

They just didn’t elaborate on why they changed it so you can’t trade legendary or tier slots at all.

Just a big ol “btw, more loot is useless this tier teehee”. P.S. Covenants weren’t about meaningful choice either.

I’ll get behind that.

Tiers can be powerful enough even at low ilvl there will be pressures to give it up, which is consistent with PL = remove pressure argument.

I can buy your legendary argument though and can see your point. Still, all things considered it’s a minor change it won’t make it or break it progression.

I can see the argument it was botched, you’ll need some hard proof to say it’s a conspiracy to slow progression.

Inb4, “guild forced me to trade loot” threads that pop up. And blizz are back to square 1 and they’ll do the same thing again lol

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Ahhh, the FREEDOM angle. It’s definitely not about freedom. It’s a bad design and should never come back. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Is OP the Aussie equivalent of Anon? Is it still Sunday down under?

Here we go again

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