Massive hate for retail?

Nope but I stay off the retail forums because I’m not a troll.

I also haven’t said a single negative thing about retail in this thread which is far different than what some of these posters have done.

A complete refusal to acknowledge that not everyone plays the game for the same reason is either a troll or ignorance.

I’ve been posting on forums for years I know exactly what a troll is and what it’s not.

Lol classic community, glad you have classic. Not sure why so much hate on retail. You don’t even play it.

Just because you refuse to do anything or have any friend in retail. Doesn’t mean others people share your ideas. Bfa is my best expansion so far. I just have fun playing with friends instead of crying and act like child. “ bfa suck blah blah blah.


how am I trolling if two threads have similar questions and I give similar responses?

Your opinion is judgmental and wrong. You are either trolling for attention or ignorant. Not everyone plays WoW to have challenging raids and not all retail players challenge themselves either.

Retail isn’t about “playing with friends”. It’s ALL about playing solo with others who might as well be NPCs. You join up with them at the click of the button and never talk to them.

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I play with friends all the time. Met a ton last year in both retail and classic. Maybe thats you projecting

that’s like your opinion bro, just like 90% of the people playing classic can’t handle mechanics is mine.

Yes, it’s your opinion. Not fact.

what’s your point? was I right? did I hit a nerve by being right?

Nope, I ran a heroic raiding guild in Cata. I can handle the mechanics fine. I stopped then because I didn’t like what the game turned into. I also have a family member who plays retail and who doesn’t raid at all and is very bad with mechanics, to be honest.

Possibly but the thing is retail plays like a single player game and doesn’t encourage grouping in any way.

I still do know people who play in real life and old friends I had in game who play retail but there is no point in grouping with them. It’s designed to be a single player game unless you’re raiding and you can do that in LFR, which is also not social.

I did try to play and socialize in Legion, my <3 realm was dead, I transferred to a large RP server and couldn’t even find a guild as I wasn’t trying to raid and that’s all people socialize for in Retail so I quit. It’s just as easy to find people who play things even like the Roblox mini games, which I just played with my kid, and other non-MMO games.

Like that’s only one thing and the biggest for me. Servers have no communities on Retail even the big ones. The complete lack of PVP servers and shut down of World PVP is another as that makes it no fun.

Oh ya? when did you do Mythic bosses lately? Oh I thought so, never.

The upper end in retail absolutely encourages group play and communication. Groups that know one another, and communicate effectively will have far more success in things like Arena, M+, and Mythic raids.

Yes it is much easier for a person who is alone to partake in the game. You dont need a group of friends to experience the base level content. I dont see that as a bad thing, i see it as opening the doors to a new and different player.

As for community classic has it over retail hands down. Retails community is found in guilds not servers. Personally i enjoy having a small tightly knit community over a large one that barely knows one another but thats my preference

Right, I never even tried because I stopped raiding in retail. I am 100% sure I’m capable but please keep making up stories about why people don’t play retail. It’s obvious you are incapable of seeing outside your own viewpoint and would prefer to remain ignorant.

And you think

Do you see the problem here? And you think its me whos ignorant.

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I could have responded to you on the other post but I respect you a lot more than that guy so I’ll do it here.

I agree that on the upper end Retail encourages grouping. The thing is that if you aren’t doing the really high end stuff you may as well play solo. Some people like that and that’s great. I think it’s not like an MMORPG but more like some sort of single player game with a group element.

Sure, but it closed a door for some players who have subscribed for years. I’m an altoholic and liked the leveling content and the leveling dungeons. The changes they’ve made to nerf that down makes it boring for me. It’s designed to rush you through the levels to get to the end game. Wow just isn’t a fun game for me anymore. That’s ok, there’s lots of video games I think are fun. I don’t play the Pro Golf video game or Grand Theft Auto. Let’s just acknowledge the fact the BFA and vanilla through Wrath are very different games that appeal to different types of players.

I agree that if you want to raid at the higher end you group up. If you want to PVP at the higher end you find a few other people to do it with. So yes that was a bit extreme.

On the other hand YOUR assumption is that people only play Classic to have it easy and that EVERYONE who play WoW wants to raid and show off gear (and if they do not want to raid at the high end it’s not that they don’t want to it’s that they aren’t good enough to).

You also assume that everyone who plays retail is both capable and wants to raid at the high end.

You either don’t know or forget that people play this game for reasons other than to raid at the high end. You completely overlook PVP for example.

I said, people who play classic can’t cut it in retail raiding;

You’re saying, people who play classic are the same people who only do normal and LFR on retail…then yes we are in agreement. Higher level raiding is not for the simpletons in classic.

Sure, there are people who do other content in both retail and classic, but when you compare the level difficulty of content they do, you’ll find it eerily similar. Its the same joe that plays the game for fishing, or exploring, or story arc etc, they don’t/can’t move up the ladder. End game in WoW IS raiding, mythic in retail and normal in classic. So yes, normal raiding in retail can be pugged, so can AQ40 and that is the level difficulty classic players like, not more.

Your original post stated “Only people who like classic fall into following categories.” followed by four points about raiding.

Your post did not acknowledge at all that people play WoW for reasons that are not raiding. If you don’t believe me go back and read it.

I won’t argue with you that retail raiding is more difficult. Of course it is. Does that mean that Classic players are incapable of performing in Retail raids? Not necessarily, that’s just your assumption. Your assumption is that people want to “move up the ladder” but can’t instead of realizing that not everyone wants to wipe on a boss 200 times to beat the dance.

That, and you not even acknowledging that people play the game for other reasons (like the big one, PVP, which I’ve spent 90% of my time in Classic doing) is what I mean by you being ignorant.

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