Massive hate for retail?

What about the

People who enjoy the World of Warcraft, but dislike the direction it has been going in over the last few years in regards to CRZ/LFR/LFG, storyline making each character the literal Hero, RNG gear (Titanforge/Socket/Aversion)?

I enjoy playing the game, for the sake of playing the game, with the friends I’ve made along the way.

If Retail could remove cross server, hire some talented writers, and make loot less RNG, I might go back. Till then, I’ll enjoy the version that doesn’t have any of that nonsense.


shoot you with a gun.

Not sure if i wanna go over there . Guns only exist since 100 years now but you ad to bring them in. Gun really shorted the gap between the strongest warrior and the weakest. Crazy stuff am thinking of a war hero who did 15 tour in vietnam. Got medal of honor and some 19 years old overzealous officer almost killed but got unlucky in a gun fight.

I still believe even more in herb farming fight its 1v1 because it’s just way more efficient to farm herb by yourself. Also on spy list there warrior that i consider food mage shadow priest. You dont know about skill in pvp. I bet you never duel . There millions of way to duel someone and to approach duel of course if you are numb to all those things there no reason for me to talk with you. Also i think i stop concentrating on things that i hate.

Also i like the earthfury discord .

Why are you posting the same judgmental, incorrect garbage in multiple threads Aggronowgt? Are you just trolling?

i think he is concentrating on things he hate like i do when i should not. Also that the forum is litteral politic and in politic you will often not find people that will agree with you.

Am sure mootwo if would ear about why you enjoy classic i would probably agree with it at a 90 % rate because we have been playing the same game for an extended period.

I also calculated that retail and classic if someone exclusively play one or the other attract very different people.

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That is THE biggest problem with Retail. Cross Realm.

With free server transfers, name changes, etc there is no accountability and really no ties to any particular server or a set of people - for better or worse.

And to some degree, Classic suffers from similar issues. Obviously not to the degree Retail does.

The second is lack of differentiation among players. In both, everyone feels equal. Everyone gets to win.

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i absolutely agree with everything here .

What? I don’t see any threads about Classic in GD. Retail players stopped caring about Classic long ago, beyond those of us waiting for TBC, and even that will be contingent on a lull in Shadowlands.

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You’d think so but the last time I went to the GD forum a few weeks ago (and I don’t normally because why go to a forum for a game you don’t play. That’s a GREAT question for those trolls who care so much about Classic that they who come on here to talk about how it’s bad.)

Anyway, there was somebody trolling about how Classic is a better game and that topic had about 80 replies all saying the same things about why retail is better (as there should have been as that’s the forum for retail).

Edit, I found something from 44 minutes ago on General Discussion. This is what I’m talking about with them making a habit out of criticizing Classic there: "There’s this game called “Classic WoW” that’s perfect for folks who enjoy tedious grinding that would make normal people beat their head into a wall.

Perhaps you’d like it."

That’s not the only one. There are several posts like it all from different people. From today.

I was talking about pve, seems like you should take your own advise

if you cannot understand that, this is a reference to pve then you clearly need to play other games than wow

It’s fine you feel that way. Fun is subjective. But for me scaling is one of the changes I don’t like about retail. Set difficulty in zones let’s me pick the level of difficulty I find fun. When I’m playing my hunter I push into the higher zones as quickly as possible. When I’m leveling as a holy priest before there was dual spec I pick zones at a level that’s easier. Scaling forces me to play the powerful classes at easy mode that bores me and the weak classes at a level that’s more difficult than I like.

I did the same with elder scrolls early games. In Morrowind there was no scaling. Sometimes I’d feel like a challenge so I’d push into higher zones. Other times I’d want some mindless easy grinding in a lower level zone.

Individual posts maybe, I can’t inspect or vouch for every single post on the forum nor do I care to, but I definitely don’t see any retail threads titled “Massive hate for Classic?” or anything along those lines.

Well, the threads have mostly stopped. I didn’t even say threads specifically anyway. Anyway Classic has been out for over a year. The threads may or may not start up again when(if) TBC gets announced and people want to leave Retail for Classic again.

My point was if you like Retail the most you go to the Retail forums. You don’t sit here and bash Classic and make believe that everyone plays this game for the same reasons “But Classic has no challenge in raiding and retail does and that’s the ONLY reason anyone plays WoW” (while completely ignoring EVERY other reason that people play either Classic, Retail or both).

Just going to the correct forums is the logical thing to do… and yes this thread is about a “Massive hate for retail” so comments do kind of make sense here regarding retail in this thread specifically.

My point is that this thread is doing the very thing you’re calling out retail players for doing, just in the other direction. Seems a bit hypocritical.

And the fact that one forum has whole threads going after one game while the other has scattered posts about it at best, is telling for the level of investment in this “rivalry.”

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You’re right in regards to this thread. I know the OP though somewhat personally who is from my realm etc and I know this thread was triggered by the constant “scattered posts” regarding retail every time difficulty is mentioned with a Classic raid. Often by people who don’t even play Classic and come here just to troll.

I stay off the Retail forum and do not post my preferences there because I don’t play it.

You realize that when Classic came out the Retail forum was FULL of threads like this right? Shadowlands is about to come out. Of course Classic is not a concern to anyone there.

… and it’s not as the Classic forum has tons of topics about this either because it doesn’t.

I honestly have no problem with people who like Retail more or play both, I have family and friends who play Retail. Both versions are best to people in their own ways.

Also I just looked back at my own posts. All I said was I don’t play retail because it went away from what I liked followed by responses to people who talked about raid difficulties and how “Classic people only play because they don’t like difficult raids” even though plenty of people (who I know personally) do not do difficult raids in retail. So I was not being a hypocrite. I never bashed retail at all.

So basically the old friend that now is deep in gambling addiction and m3th is the world buff meta people? You know the external power that let you kill onyxia naked with a pet tank.

Two years ago. Who cares?

My point exactly.

So Mkali do you think that people who like Retail should post on the General Discussion forum or should they come here and troll Classic threads and bash raiding difficulty in a game they don’t play?

It was one year ago.

Bash? No. Set the record straight when false claims are made? Sure.

The announcement was two, but fine, point ceded.

So you are saying that people should come here to troll a forum for a game they don’t play?

Well, I’ll keep suggesting the forum where they belong.

I’m not advocating trolling at all.

But if you define anything that disagrees with your views as “trolling” - well, you’re in for a bad time, good luck.