Massive hate for retail?

hey imagine liking scalling!

I play classic and want to get gear just so i cna 2 global people. That my goal.

dude scalling is the worse thing ever made by any one ever born in any universe.

Dude why would you wanna get strong if mob scale of your own FREAKING POWER WHAT THE HELL DUDE WHAT THE HELL WHY ARE YOU EVEN PLAYINBG TGHER GAMZ

Retail is ok, Iā€™ve tried it since starting classic. Iā€™ll play it for awhile and mess around a bit, but it doesnā€™t hold my interest the way classic does.


I definitely hate retail. Almost every aspect about it is utterly repugnant to me. The only saving grace it has is generally decent raid content.

In just about every other regard I can think of off the top of my head, Iā€™d much prefer Classic.

Nothing needs you to tryhard, not even mythic raid content in retail. If you think people putting in extraordinary effort into the betterment of themselves and their character is out of necessity, youā€™re sorely mistaken and have a fundamental lack of understanding regarding the appeal of the RPG genre, particularly the MMO variety.

Let the hate flow through you.

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I feel like most irrational hate for retail is mild annoyance made hyperbolic in order to make a statement and try to fit in.


I hate retail. I just donā€™t like the feel of the game anymore. The games lost its Vanilla like feeling when Cata launched and overhauled the talent points and everything, along with being able to fly in Kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms.

The game was at its best during Vanilla through WotLK, but went downhill afterwards.
Wrath still kept the vanilla feel, but had a few good quality of life changes that made the game good. Heirlooms were actually a challenge to get back then, but now they are casually sold by vendors for gold.

you just proven my point, only people with no skills hate scaling; with better gear you will still be stronger as you progress just look at how things are with ESO & GW2. Itā€™s people like you who likes everything easy that cause retail to become the trash it is now, so dumb down that its a joke of its former self. If people still games like how it was in the days where a challenge is something to expect then we wouldnā€™t have so many dumb down games to fit you skillless people.

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I hung in there and played when things were a dumpster fire and I put up with the necessity to raid to be viable in all content even though I despise raiding, but finally I had enough once I realized Shadowlands would again disappoint me with the same ole same old grinds, covenants that only served one play style at a time (Pve or PVP), even the hope that Subtlety would be once again viable wasnā€™t enough for me to return. I have uninstalled the client and now only play Classic and am in love with the game again finally .

I hate Tokens, LFD, LFR, Azerite grinds or whatever the next similar grind will be ā€¦forget it, I hate boosting services paid for by gold (Blizz loves them) ā€¦I do however love professions , PVP and Wpvp and just the simple life and thatā€™s what I see on massively crowded servers in Classic ā€¦so I know Iā€™m not the only one feeling this way.

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Retail is great.

People who hate it are the bad players who arenā€™t good enough to clear +10 keys(15ā€™s are still easy btw). They get sad being stuck in scrubby gear. Thatā€™s pretty much what it comes down to. But I have no sympathy for people who donā€™t care to get good.

pve is pretty much meaningless for me i dont care much about my brain barely work when i do it .

You are completely blind to what am saying here. I only care about PEOPLE real human that play the game like me . I care about farming in the world .


You kill a deer, i walk in i want the deer. I am ready to die to get your deer but your not because you cant fight. The deer is mine to eat.

No better pvp than pvp for resource real resource that can sell or make consume with it. Get out of here with your pve scalling.

I DONT CARE ABOUT MOB I CARE ABOUT PEOPLE I NEVER CARE ABOUT PVE EVER! I NEVER EVEN RAIDED ONCE WHEN I TBC I PLAYED 2 YEARS OF IT. Fighting real people. Pve what is that something useless that no body should care. A chimp would be able to get your hardess pve content just by doing it over and over

PVE is useless and meaningless. Here what pve is good for giving a sense of the world. Pve mob are like animals . What hunter or would want animal to scale of there own power? You want bear to walk around with guns?

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I cleared 15s every week for gear (oh look, a 5th pair of boots I dont need, great)

I can 100% tell you that retail is trash


Arguably you can say the same thing about Classic. Iā€™ve been waiting since BWL release for the crossbow on my Hunter. It has never dropped for us.

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People always say this stuff, but I know people who donā€™t even group up in retail when they play - as in at all.

Not everyone plays WoW to have some huge challenge and for sure not everyone is a high end player in retail either. Retail is filled with people who just collect stuff and do not try to challenge themselves - which is fine by the way. There is no problem with people who enjoy retail more or Classic more or even those who donā€™t like WoW as a game in general.

People need to stop thinking people play these games for the same reasons they do only.

That is unfortunate man. We just saw our second on last night, and our first and only maldath was a bit over a month ago.

LOL. I donā€™t play retail because I donā€™t want to be stuck on a daily grind for external power for my characters.

If I want hard raids Iā€™ll play different MMOā€™s that are at least as challenging as retail mythic raids or even harder tuned. That donā€™t require a ton of external power sources I need to do dailies for everyday.

I donā€™t want a place I have to go to everyday to keep pace with the massive gear inflation for raids and external power to do them. Iā€™ll take MMOā€™s that make hard content that you get the power to do it from doing it and not dailies.

I hate retail like a video game thatā€™s not fun for me to play. Which is to say I donā€™t hate it at all. Thereā€™s a lot of video games I donā€™t think are fun so I donā€™t buy them. I donā€™t hate them. Iā€™m just not interested.

No itā€™s not. 5,000 years ago there was a relative balance between the competitors. Pvp in wow usually isnā€™t. Itā€™s more like what happens more recently when hugely advanced cultures interacted with unadvanced cultures. You have a deer and a club. I shoot you with my gun and walk away with the deer. If there is a real resource I might do it but not for fun. If your purpose is to obtain an honor point you might do things that arenā€™t fun to get it. Or if your purpose is to cause other people some degree of suffering you might do it. But no one one shots other things for fun. People donā€™t spend time killing rabbits, squirrels, or cows for fun.

Retail has been a terrible game since after wotlk. They appeal to the lowest common denominator; the super casual. Gold doesnā€™t matter, multiple raid difficulties to appeal to everyone. The community that still supports it should be demonized; theyā€™re the reason why we cant have a warcraft 4. The entire story is tied into retail and they actively make story decisions that will boost sales; whether its bringing characters back to life or giving out massive plot armor.

Retail is typically fun at launch. They do a great job with the new zones and questing experience. In BfA, it kinda fell apart after that. Islands, Warfronts and Azerite/gearing were terrible.

I havenā€™t looked at SL much. The only thing new seems to be ā€œcovenantsā€. What are the other features? Anything?

A shame they donā€™t add PvP zones anymore.

Iā€™ll probably try it for a month, enjoy it, but then realize that I enjoy Classic (and TBC) much better than whatever SL end game will be.

Only people who like classic fall into following categories.

  1. People who canā€™t do more than 1 mechanic at a time, mostly canā€™t do any mechanics at all. These people CANT cut it in retail, they come up with stupid excuses like ā€œzomg retail has LFR and 40 different difficultiesā€, when in reality, one boss in retail LFR has more mechanics than entirety of MC.
  2. People who like to flaunt their ā€œhard-earnedā€ gear - by that I mean, people who find it fun to do meaningless faceroll content once a week.
  3. People who think their classic character progression is somehow superior to retail, when in reality, classic progression is just linear from start to finish whereas retail gives you the option to catch up every patch cycle nowadays.
  4. People who still play on 2004 hardware, I donā€™t blame them.

Its mostly category 1 in my experience.