"Massive critical layering exploit"

This is why in the thread I started I wouldn’t post the bug and how to do it and kept having people reply like “just post it. Put it up for a few mins then edit and remove it”

They all just thirsty to see if there is sonething they can use before blizz fixes it. That’s why the forum rule is in place not to list a bug exploit in detail.

Not surprised at all at this. Seen some game breaking issues coming with layering for months now ever since they explained how it’d work. The question is, how will they handle the game breaking situations? Is this something that can even warrant action being taken?

Afterall, layering was a new “feature” of Classic, and the mechanics of it were pretty clear to anyone who was busy figuring out ways to use it to their advantage before even release, including Blizzard who seemingly had the best overview and therefore prediction on what layering can do to the game, yet they went with it anyways cause think of the servers.

So, now what?
Will they strip all those players of their rightfully earned gold? They simply used (new and alien to the OG game) well figured out layer mechanics to their benefit and have been for a while. I’d have said being able to change THE one supposed world at any time is already an exploit because that’s not how the game’s supposed to work originally, but that’s what layering exactly is for and allows, so its a greenlighted mechanic for Classic (even though antithetical to it at it’s core in every regard). But ofc now that gold is involved it becomes a real “offense” and gets considered an exploit.

Will they get bans? Is that fair? Will they adjust layering and strip them off their earnings or gear? Will they actually remove layering on realms where it’s possible to minimize potential use of these mechanics?

The world first lvl 60 used layering. Many people racing to endgame raids used it as well to gain a significant advantage to leveling and gearing. The damage is already done, as unique achievements have already been stripped of their prestige thanks to this game breaking mechanic.
But please for the love of god… get rid of it asap. Rather have the pain now than extreme queues at P2 for high pop servers and players with broken amounts of gold that should have never been possible in the first place. It won’t get better from here like this. It will only get worse.

Suprised this works with raids too since you get saved to a unique id.

Wont happen its their precious twitch audience and streamers.


Blizz has shown they will roll over for streamers. They have shown exploits that if it happened during vanilla they would have gotten banned or deleted… But now? Lol.


great job blizzard


I would help you Op, but my First Aid is only 126 right now.

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This is not a bug but an exploit of a good will intended function. Meaning layering is working as intended but people are taking advantage of it in a way that it was not meant to. Blizzard does not care though since this was reported during beta.


It’s sad seeing Asmongold get away scot-free for cashing in on the SM leveling exploit.


Here’s how the system is supposed to work, OP.

If you hear of something that is an exploit, you report it. If you accidentally do something and then realize it was an exploit, you report it.

If you do something hundreds of times, knowing full well it was an exploit, and only report it because you’re tired of constantly exploiting it but don’t have the self-control to stop doing it, you are the problem.

my character avatar has no correlation with you being a troll LOL nice try

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The OP was just condensing posts from other places into one thread.

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Didn’t even take a month for Classic to start imploding on itself.

What a shame.

Retail AHs are ‘dead’ because of population issues, not gold farmers or exploits (Blizzard shuts down exploits pretty fast in retail). Not much demand, prices fall. The price of some items have been cut in half in less than 3 weeks!

WoW token prices have gone up because fewer people need to buy gold in retail so there aren’t as many tokens on the AH. On the other side of the equations, players are buying tokens to pay for subscriptions so they can play Classic. Lower supply, higher demand and the price goes up.

Just because no one has been banned yet doesn’t mean it won’t happen.

The cynicism… I hope you get banned.

Give some of the gold to streamers. Blizz won’t ban streamers for taking gold.

Start sending gold to your friends so they can buy their mounts. Blizz won’t take away their mounts unless they blatantly participated in the exploits.

Finally, start sending gold to other accounts, including some randoms, to muddy the audit trail. Buy stuff on the AH that your other accounts are posting. Then if account1 gets banned, you can fallback to playing on account2. Or account3. Or account4. Like multi-boxers.

If this was a Private Server, the scandal would be enough to make it DoA.


Ban them, fix it and let’s keep playing


I encourage you to do you civic duty then, and report me.