"Massive critical layering exploit"

Great post brother. This game is broken beyond fixing now. Blizzard should have permanently IP banned every person that exploited the raid xp bug because those are the same people doing this.


post on your classic character coward

That he can only sell at a market price. Meaning the economy functions as normal. Meaning it has zero effect on the rest of the server. Meaning it is no different than if he sat in Un’goro for a day and just farmed normally.

Y’all are real quick to jump to bans for anyone who doesn’t share your paranoia.


You clearly do not understand how the ability to farm substantially more resources affects the economy, and you’re proving it by being willfully ignorant. I’m done replying to you.


Weird how you can’t explain such a simple concept! its almost like having a stock of a non-perishable item that you still have to offload at a slow rate is pretty irrelevant except in terms of time expended gathering the stock.

To be fair, it’s actually game changing if the economy drastically shifts as a result of this. Would be terrible for blizzard if they let it happen, but I seriously doubt it’ll be the case.


Good thing that isn’t happening. Even in the scenario the anti-layering people have described it isn’t happening.

Thing is it wouldnt shift it for the worse will keep items lower in cost.

Rather than a few guilds cornering the farmimg market and jackin up the price.

If anything this is a good thing for the average player.

Do you understand supply and demand? As supply goes up, demand wil go down. if the market is flooded with more devilsaur leather than their should be then the prices will be pushed lower than it should be.

pretty simple


Nothing wrong with that. No reason a bunch of no lifers should be getting rich by racing to 60, staying logged in all the time and preventing others from being able to farm. Classic is just hours played for the most part.

This is a good thing for the community.

Well Retail Economy in all servers are mostly dead due to Gold farmers and exploits too.
Even Token prices Skyrocketed everywhere to the point of no return.

Yes! Which would be bad for sellers and good for buyers which is why it isn’t happening because the people that have supposedly have this massive glut of resources aren’t flooding the market!

It happened before. At one point in WoD with very few people playing there werent any tokens on the AH.

Believe it also happened in legion.

These situations lead to inflation, and inflation in wow classic where gold is typically more difficult to acquire will lead to a really screwed up economy. If you cant understand these things I cant really explain it. At some point cheap devilsaur isn’t the problem the problem is the things that cost a lot more gold.

Inflation is not good for sellers or buyers and it will happen if resources are flooding the market. It will already be a problem because the servers are so overpopulated.

A mod edited out the link, can someone tell me where it was posted so I can go read please.

Its just like I logged out in 2005 and just logging back in…

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Should roll back the abusers, but thats too much work for blizzard.
Well guess exploiters rejoice.


I read the same exploit on Reddit. All I’ll say is people should be banned for doing this. Probably accounts deleted.


That awkward moment when that’s what I was trying to help OP avoid, but he wanted to scream at me in bold font and accuse me of being a cheater instead of listening like a reasonable person… :woman_facepalming:t4:

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Yeah, can I get in on this?

Checks level: 35. Guess not. LOL.

I agree. In order to be a truly game-breaking problem it would need to basically cause economy-wide inflation. The only real way for that to happen is if a lot of stuff is getting vendored or if bosses that drop huge amounts of gold on kill are adding cash to the economy a lot faster than would otherwise be happening on a scale proportionate to the economy as a whole. And right now a lot of the servers still have pretty large player bases.

So where I’d see it becoming a problem is if you have tons and tons of people doing it and the whole economy sees noticeable inflation equivalent to the wave of inflation brought by a typical WoW expansion release then it’s a problem. That wave of economic inflation is just one thing that dumb-down previous content difficulty wise.

Previous exploits, such as ones were people were layer hopping to farm herbs didn’t concern me much in this way because once you do the economic theorycrafting of the situation it’s unlikely to cause more than a temporarily shift in the price of a few items. Not enough to alter an economy drastically or for very long. Something that actually would have that effect would be turning off layering entirely while individual server economies are still serving a lot more players than the average large vanilla server.

I’m against the layering exploits from a moral point of view and think that Blizzard needs to tweak that stuff enough to extinguish it. But I also see value, possibly even greater value in the arguments that some players have made about the degree to which some AH add-ons allow automation that makes it especially easy for some players who play the AH to control prices on individual items and be using other tricks to manipulate their server’s economies for their benefit.

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