Massive buffs to BM Hunter

That will never happen. Each spec has its own niche where it thrives on BM is a single target spec MM and Survival are
Multi target specs.

Lmao? Bro you and this other guy don’t know how to play BM period. 57% uptime love to see it .

Oh look you switched to MM.!

I could outdps you and your buddy if you guys were playing STIER dps classes. Lmaoooo 57%

Yup Keyboard hero’s. So YOU tell me how YOU in your Epicness would manage frequent in raid high latency spikes or raid screen stutter for BM to stop dropping frenzy stacks ? 

I can see your answer its your standard L2P. Quick to criticize but no actual workable suggestion on how.
Ill tel ya I need to refresh Frenzy with BS at 3 sec on the Timer otherwise the 2 seconds of Globals from CS and KC combined with the time required to transmit and recieve the casts between my PC and world then back will run out before I can do the last second refresh on BS. There I dumbed it down for you.

My son in law is an Avid high parsing player on his Mage and a few other classes He and my daughter had to make a Covid induced change of domicile.

He lost his Prime Internet service and had to swap to the same as mine Real world problem his parse rating took a major dump Now he wont even play his hunter as he finds the reward for effort expended in play just isn’t worth it.

You do realize that frenzy has a long duration right?

If your stats are properly set up you shouldn’t drop them.

End of the day your Internet issues are your issues and the spec shouldn’t be balanced around your internet.

Link to his logs?

Anything under a 100 ms is not an internet issue.

So an Alternate spelling for Leggolaso Is Snozh. Who knew!

Or are you such an appendage as you feel you need to chime in on his behalf being as You and he {The Minority} are the one of the few BM mains out of how many thousands Declaring BM has no issues that its strictly a L2P issue 
Oh wait Leg has said such in other posts.

My Stats are 38C 22H 26M 9V. 26S
Internet Issue just compounds BM problems. I just wish the lost stack design wasn’t so unforgiving. But that’s not going to change.
He was in the Streets M+
Just wait till you attain my age add that and arthritis to your not an issue 100 ms there then another 100 ms back Supposed to be an all inclusive game.

As I have stated before I don’t need nor want to top meters. I just want to be an asset for other than good jokes for my raid mates at the level of play we do.

Sorry you dislike the facts.

You clearly can’t read. I have said repeatedly that BM set bonus needs buffed.

The main issues with BM is that the set bonus is weak and there are only two single target fights in the tier.

Again that sucks but that’s your personal issues and games should never be balanced around someone with arthritis or any other personal issues.

Then it’s a learn to play issue as BM is playable.

I missed that. Guess my bad
 You definitely didn’t put it in any reply s you made to my posts about BM 2&4 pce needing to be buffed/changed. But then your not here for that. Seemingly its just for the opportunity to disagree and offer criticism.

And why not in today’s world of Inclusiveness ! Why should I be penalized by the fact the class I can and want to play are codependent on a meta internet connection.

Never disagreed with that and never stated it was unplayable just unforgiving of less than optimal play.
My statement was BM easy to play good
 Hard to play Great

I’m here to tell people the truth. BM isn’t anywhere near as bad as some of the very bad posters are claiming it is.

Because the game isn’t balanced around people’s internet.

Using a WA to track frenzy isn’t really hard though. It’s just making sure you’re using it at a decent time.

almost dead last in raids doesnt show that we got any buffs
bm hutners need more single target buffs.

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If anyone here is claiming to be a good player because that can maintain frenzy stacks please stop. It’s like bragging about being able to walk. Just stop.

Bm needs a buff to its tier set or it’s abilities.


It’s hard to play competitively, not hard to play great. Maintaining frenzy isn’t that difficult, it really isn’t. Just have to understand how your charges reset and how early/late you can get away with using barbed shot considering your haste (which affects the GCD as we all know). Don’t use so early that you’re left praying for wild call or BW to get off CD, don’t use so late that you can’t use it before GCD is up.

Where many/most BM hunters I’ve observed fail is weaving (or rather, NOT weaving) multishot for beast cleave. Also kinda want to play the last second game so you don’t tank your focus and have enough time to use abilities that aren’t multishot.

BM can hold its own in normal, heroic raid. M+ it can?? to an extent. HOWEVER, player perception is a huge factor in the PvE experience. Rolling up to a +18 as BM and you will be seen as the biggest troll since dire trolls.


I usually run BM on tyrannical weeks especially during explosive week.

No one is claiming to be a good player by maintaining frenzy stacks ?

That’s literally what we are trying to teach these ppl that say the class sucks and have logs of 57% uptime on frenzy
 they are completely clueless on how to maintain frenzy stacks

You assume that having a niche in terms of relative strength, looking at throughput, that the difference should be larger than 5%.

Having said that, do I think that the devs will put enough time into balancing specs, to a point where they’re that close to one another? No, I don’t. Still, the notion that “he wanted to not have to play optimally, but still deal top tier damage”, again, this is not what he said, contrary to the statement of Elhyas.

I’m not saying that BM doesn’t need addressed. It does because it only has two fights it thrives at.

The issue is you have people thinking BM should be keeping up with MM and Survival on multi target fights and that’s just not going to happen.

Then you have one person that thinks frenzy management shouldn’t even be a thing because they are older and have bad internet.

I’m sitting at 272 item level with 4 piece tier set. With the recent beast cleave buff, wild spirits and other cooldowns, I can spike at 30k on a double pull in m+. Most other specs are spiking at 60k+. Hell, even the 4 piece tanks are pulling 40k on double pulls. But okay, BM is supposed to be a single target spec now, so lets get to the boss fights.

Most boss fights I pull about 13-14k pretty consistently, depending on the mechanics of the fight. Similarly geared MM and SV Hunters are pulling 16-17k. I see Demo and Destro locks pulling 20k+, and tanks pulling 10k.

Overall, at the end of the dungeon, I’m usually sitting at about 15k. Most other specs are sitting around 18k and the tanks are sitting at 12-13k overall.

I don’t think BM itself needs to be buffed. There are definitely some issues with talents and the blandness of abilities that need to be addressed, but the problem is how weak our tier set bonuses are. Before anyone had tier bonuses, I was sitting pretty on the meters with the rest of the DPS. With the tier bonuses, I got left behind. Since they don’t seem to want to address the problem, I switched to Destro Lock, where I’m seeing 10k overall in dungeons with no tier pieces and only 250 item level.


I’m not saying that BM doesn’t need addressed. It does because it only has two fights it thrives at.

The issue is you have people thinking BM should be keeping up with MM and Survival on multi target fights and that’s just not going to happen.

Then you have one person that thinks frenzy management shouldn’t even be a thing because they are older and have bad internet.

In no way did I say it should be balanced around my Bad internet and limitations. This was solely a My Story addendum . Simply speaking it was a reply to your blanket statement that its a solely L2P reason for the majority having a 57% uptime.

This is a disingenuous statement as you don’t Know What individual players are doing to cause stacks to drop.

Even with my limitations and handicaps I still manage Purple parses in Normal Raid and will improve in Heroic once I get experience and develop muscle memory to deal with mechanics.
Albeit it is lower content than you do.
But simple truth is a crappy internet connection would sideline you from that level of content.
Subjectively speaking My actual performance is at or near the same levels as you Keyboard Maestro’s.

Entirely doubtful you could do any better given identical conditions.

Frenzy uptime was directed at one single person.

It’s really not though. By ilvl your parses are blues meaning your gear is a major factor as well.

I’m not trying to get into a measuring contest over logs.

I don’t know if I’d say Skolex is a case where BM thrives. Like I said above it’s a 600 dps increase between the worst performing hunter spec and the best.

The difference is that MM and Survival can keep up with BM on ST. Halondrus is the exception, not the rule. Skolex is the closest boss to a training dummy in Sepulcher. Either give BM a meaningful lead on the other specs when it comes to ST and/or have more ST bosses in raids.

Edit: realized this is a quote from Snozh but point still stands