Massive Banwave on Rotation Bots

They had to show everyone how gud they are.

They even posted screenshots of the botted parses like some kind of flex.
I nabbed one of the links from the OP at the last second

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W…why would a person get something like that?

Thinking about all the guilds who will be stumped for a few weeks after losing key players. That’s rough and possibly the end of someone’s progression and/or guild

Those guilds and the players doing it knew they were cheating.

It’s one thing to cheat. It’s another to purposefully bring attention to yourself… They probably would have been caught anyway but… So stupid

Reminds of the argument of why people do not have a license or license plates “I am traveling not driving, I do not need a license to travel.”

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i guess you’re one of those people who are like “blizz won’t ban bots cuz it’s a paying sub!”

…meanwhile, there’s at least a couple of good banwaves per year

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According to that reddit before it was deleted, this ban got 8k-10k cheaters.
No names were given.
But like I posted earlier. Check the parses for things that seem off. Like a player that parses 90%+ on every encounter every time they do it.

Now they just need to ban all addons.

comparing addons to a bot that plays your character is pepega

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Yeah having an addon that does every for you except push the button is so much better. Losers have been using addon crutches for to long.

There is actually some crazy mind games you can play and depending on the rating you can bait stuff or pre-kick stuff easier.

When youre casting, your character stops moving. Sounds obvious but its key. If you see the warlock running and suddenly stopping, you expect him to start casting so you can send the interupt immediately and snag those quick kicks.

Saying that though, if you think the enemy is watching you for this, stopping and delaying thst key press for half a gcd can bait those early kicks and let you free cast in thier face.

99% of us move and reposition, and use alot of our intant casts during our movement, its that tell-tale sign of stopping and planting your feet that hint to a cast prior to your cast.

Its all a funky mind game

addons aren’t against the TOS

your guild name might be though

The issue is that when they have a banwave, they end up also catching innocent players. How many depends on what method they used to flag accounts and verify.

wow I had no idea this was a thing that’s kinda weird

Crutches like spellcheck?

Which would tell them if “to” or “too” is the correct word to use?

Sometimes people can use a helping hand.
Learn to embrace it.


But they aren’t undoing the ban completely. People still have a temporary ban.

Blizzard has evidence they’re guilty of breaking the terms of service in a severe way that ruins it for the rest of us.

If they got caught up and didn’t do anything blizzard would just undo the ban completely I would think.

Fizgig !

Watch out for Skeksis Nobully, they’ll get cha~
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Healing parses lol

Don’t look at my healing parses, I was the #4 in the world for Heroic Vault and #120 in the world for Heroic Aberrus healing out of all Devastation evokers without using healing pots, oh man.

Imagine paying $30 per month so a bot can play a $15 per month game for you.

Top lol.