Massive Banwave on Rotation Bots

its actually a good idea to not use a perma-ban. they’re less likely to make a new account this way (and cheat on the new account, starting the moderation process all over again).

People cheat in PvE? How bad at the game do you have to be to need a rotation bot for PvE lmao

To be fair, those bots can be used pretty effectively in pvp too.

Its the one use of them I would understand instant interrupts and what not but people in that thread were posting their parses or whatever for scripted PvE lmao

i’d venture to say most are Classic WoW players. syncing a rotation helper with a generic movement bot can theoretically makes hundreds in a month in a small-scale scale operation of selling gold. this can be a livable wage if put into full-scale

Unlike multiplexing, this is actually automation and should be banned.

Wait, what? The bot had a sub fee?!?

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Was wondering what a rotation bot was, just wow why even play the game if you’re just gonna let a bot play it for you lol

Pushing buttons is the game, literally. That’s like saying “having a recipe for a cake-baking contest is cheating, it does everything but obtain and combine the ingredients and bake it for you.”

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Good, well deserved ban. Didn’t even know this was a thing. I don’t understand why anyone would want to play the game this way.

Just go watch a movie or something, it’s basically the same thing.

Reset logs and delete the characters from the M+ rating brackets.

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I think most reasonable people would assume, yes, they do enjoy the game…After all they’re spending their time and money on this….but in a way that both you and blizzard feel they should not be allowed to enjoy it.

That’s nice of the developers. Give them a nice greeting before booting them.

90% of keys and other content ive ran have at least 1 DPS who appears tobuse rotation bit. 1 key indicator is they use major cds at end of a pack pull cuz u cant turn it off lol. Meanwhile they insta kick when not their turn and insta dispel and stuff. Its funny

I’ve achieved nothing with my life, and yet I’ve still got more than enough pride to consider doing that beneath me.

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Lol yeah apparently, the post claims it said $30+ per month.



Should perma ban everything on their blizz account too.

And then name, payment, ip and hardware ban too to create annoyances for cheaters have to deal with from now on.

When the game is so complicated you need a bot to play it for you.

Where are all the people who accuse you of being a conspiracy nut for saying people cheat and bot in game or saying “I have never seen anything like this… even if it does happen it’s extremely rare”.

They all just got banned… :bangbang:

Anyone who got CC’d the millisecond they popped their trinket knew this was a thing. Going to be a lot less rogues on the server now.

It’s likely people doing the cheating themselves gaslighting you. Or people who are just too aloof to know anything.