Massive Banwave on Rotation Bots


The part in that reddit post that bothers me is blizzard undoing the permabans (if true).

Don’t second guess yourself Blizz, giving permabans was the right choice. These weren’t people toeing a lie here, they paid money to cheat in some hidden discord.


God the screenshots in this thread are hilarious (assuming they’re real, of course). I love sustaining myself off the tears of salty banned cheaters.

If you’re enough of an actual amoeba that you need a rotation bot to play the game for you because you’re that bad at the game you don’t deserve respect.

And if you’re stupid enough that you actually need a rotation bot for WRATH CLASSIC, you aren’t even a single-cellular organism. If you’re using a rotation bot for Classic you had to be the latest in a family tree that is a literal straight line.


Well this is the first ive heard of any bans.
Lotsa botting these days for sure.

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I’m sorry… I’m not the greatest player in this game… not even close. But if you need something to push your keys for you in a raid or dungeon. Good, I hope the bans are perma. You deserve to lose it all.

and we LIKED it!!


Ever been in PVP and your cast gets interrupted so quickly it does not seem like a player could have done it, like a millisecond after I cast something.

Not too often, 2 or 3 times a month perhaps, but I always wondered if the other player had some kinda auto-interrupt addon.

Perhaps they did.


they probably did. pvp kickbots have been a thing since forever.


…and just like that, all that “leet skillz bru” evaporated into a faint wisp of smoke.


just want to add


Oh thank god.


what I was worried about my friend who uses this.

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And you only wanted rank 1 most of the time due to mana issues.


Well, we all want to know. who was it?

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Pretty sure one just need to look at parses and check if the profile for it is now gone.

The names were blanked out on the reddit screenshots.

Power Word c:\ CMD


I know one healer friend talked about used it but knowing how hard they are to come by and no public videos about it there’s very little reason for me to say/report anything

uhh ohh,the original post on reddit just got deleted.

Deleted by the OP…
Fascinating :popcorn:

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Yup, the even funnier thing too is I think this killed the bot for good as well, I found the site that was responsible for making the bot from the reddit post. In which their discord link seems to no longer to be working, and their pricing for the bot is gone as well.

There were healers bragging about not getting banned because the one they were using is a “memory” exploit instead of a “pixel”. Not sure what they mean by that, but I feel as though another ban wave is in the near future.

do people that do this even enjoy the game?