Massive 11.0.5 datamined class changes

Blizzard just loves introducing sweeping changes in the .5 patch… why can’t they just do everything at the start and just wait to release.


DANG they buffed thunderous roar guess ill have to go back to it and stop trying to make spear work kek

Why are people saying they buffed thunderous roar

Im sorry but yall gotta read if you really think they gutted ele.

New asc is so cooked just running mid map auto instant flame shocking everyone and sending out 9 meatballs covered in paprika and habaneros

Pwave giving lava surge, ancestral swiftness lvb, asc double overloads, million + earth shocks

So dead


The games needs some training wheels/QoL improvements but this is definitely not one of them.

Fire is the most neutral out of the 3 though. Its not like its pulling out BFA S1/Sl S1/S2 combusts anymore.

Aint no1 like frost mages perma slow/rng roots or arcanes mobility vs melee.

Thus fire is the best spec bc its non toxic


Ya it is. Ret and hpal on same team should not be autoloss.

Overlapping your bubble with other forbearance abilities is sub optimal anyways.

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Class stacking is dumb anyway

There should be more changes to discourage it, not encourage it

Still waiting for them to do something about double grounding totem

WE dont need that

Coked out CEOs demanding release of unfinished product for quarterly profit reports.


People aren’t class stacking intentionally in a solo shuffle environment though. Nor do I think certain specs should have their que times hindered as a result of it - otherwise the DPS version of the popular healers will never get a pop.

Well yes, but you’re forgetting ascendance will now only proc from earth shock / spenders which is a massive nerf to DRE.

On top of that with all their tweaking to mastery it’s clear they’re worried about scaling, hence the flip flopping on overload damage.

The additional overloads are already nerfed in PvP from things like primordial wave.

This all seems maybe a bit excessive in comparison to other pressure casters that are just obliterating entire teams.

Enhanced is overtuned currently. In PvE anyway.

These are the arena forums.

Is this all gonna go live next tuesday?

they did. they (are) removed the -50% pvp modifier

wait til we see double unh and double aff this season

That’s why i linked the datamining, there are more things like values changes and pvp modifiers which aren’t mentioned in the blue post.

I see, though it was a .85 pvp modifier, and they only removed it from the main attack. The bleed portion still retains the 15% reduction.

They got to nerf Frost down to where Fire is currently. Then everyone in PvP benefits. Fire mage is in a good spot and hopefully Frost can join them.

No, not until the anniversary patch (the anniversary is november 16th, so likely 2 months out).

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