Massive 11.0.5 datamined class changes

Insane amount of changes, some classes got talent reworks.


Did they just nerf enhance again lol. Those enh changes are massive.

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more buffs than anything

a lot of the changes are completely insane

you can force proc 8s hothand every 24 seconds; ascendance is a 2 min cd; doomwinds radiates damage like remorseless winter

lotta really good stuff


Tbh elemental’s ascendance change is crazy, there’s no way they won’t nerf that.

Hunters got some of the most changes , almost a full rework 
 looks like we’re still in beta.

warbreakers 5 yards bigger guys


Looking for the “Shadowy Duel has been removed from the game” note, anyone see it?


i read 2 yds bigger?

the only real change for Arms is they are doubling the damage of dragon roar, but capping the targets. it is pretty pitiful on 1-2 targets currently, might have to go back to bleeds -_- Thats going to make fury even stronger tho smh

actually they nerfed colossus Arms Mortal strike damage by 5% -_- wtf

this is the old talent
 new one procs a heal when removed.

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Dark ranger is getting massively reworked


For the first time ever, caster MW gonna do dam


Why are we going off datamined changes when there are official ptr patch notes

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Boomy , shaman, pally, and rogue changes are all INSANELY good from spec tree perspectives.

Insane QOL buffs. All v good.

already preemptively nerfed by 50% in pvp :smiley:


When are they going to stop pushing this ability

I genuinely don’t enjoy it and it feels awful to press. It doesn’t feel like a cool button to press at all.


Im curious where the reactive resin is going to go on the talent tree for resto druid. If its in t1 or t2, thats great, if its t3, its awful.

Says it requires level 50 so my guess it’s still a PvP talent.

That said though
not a huge fan of this. I liked how the silence didn’t trigger unless you hit 3 stacks, so people in theory could purge twice, dispel/freedom themselves etc.

This seems like a stronger, less interactive version of the talent.


Ret eye for an eye only active during divine shield and divine protection??? Wow that’s really useless. Just give us back old ret aura

Also a pvp talent is required to make it work on casters? So useless

Dark ranger actually looks pretty insane now


Wait what?..Cheers for letting me know but

W/e I’ll take it. Buffs are buffs.

and this is what it does now

Yeah the old version of the talent was trash, this is definitely a better version and would be much better into all the double purges.