Mass Transfer tokens and Faction change question

Do the mass transfer tokens bought on store also cover faction change?
I can’t seem to find it anywhere. From what im seeing if i want to transfer to a horde server with my friends on 3 toons I’ll have to pay $35 for the token then $90 more for 3 faction changes? If this is correct or incorrect and anyone has knowledge, please assist.

This is a good question. I don’t know the answer, but you might want to try asking in the Customer Service forums instead of here. You might get a faster, better answer. :slight_smile:

Thanks for tip just did so.

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I"d stay away from them right now; that situation is a hot mess. Since it started on Tues players get error messages when trying to transfer to RP realms. Many moons later they still haven’t found a way to fix that.

Looking at the Customer Service forum, there are problems in several areas.

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Ya I’m seeing some of the issues but have a few toons I’d like to transfer to horde server from alliance and want to take advantage of the lower price. But if it does not include faction change and would have to pay a ton for that I would like to know beforehand.

There is just no info on it whatsoever so basically buy the server change tokens then get potentially screwed over on faction lol.

A character transfer is just a transfer, there is no faction change as part of it.

Also, here’s the support article:


When I was attempting to make the transer using one of the tokens from the 8 for 80 package the only thing it there was to select was what realm and if was moving to another account … didnt ask if I wanted to faction change.

After I input and realm and hit accept, I got an error message so not sure what was after. Considering it is bugged for RP realms right now, however, it’s possible it should have asked or may have asked if I were able to proceed to the next screen.

To their credit, when things like this happen blizz usually extends the date of the sale.

Got a response


Hopefully they do, though you can buy a token now and not use it until a later date when things are corrected. I put in a ticket last night, and they stated that it should be fixed before the sale is over and gave me this link to keep an eye on it’s progress.

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