Mass reported while gearing new toon in BGs

Account is now suspended for 8 days and can’t get a live chat with a support agent to find out why exactly this was done.

I put in a ticket for an appeal but I know those are immediately rejected 99% of the time without thought so am I just out of luck now? How exactly do I gear him in a decent way without BGs? I don’t have gold for GDKP spamming.

Bet you were doing a lot of “defending” too eh?


I was spam queueing AV running south and sitting towers until they fell then tanking Drek.

Just do like I do, I go to icewing and take the gy, sometimes snowfall too, then go back up north and take a bunker or two before horde kill our boss with all towers up. Beats being reported.

Oh sweet child, that doesn’t exist anymore, hasn’t for quite some time

Dungeons, rep gear, Karazan, questing… There are many paths forward.

As for getting mass reported, perhaps you were AFK’n some BG’s? People tend to despise that behavior and report it swiftly.

I know you may not think you’re useful, but thing is every class has some kind of CC be that a snare, root, stun, setup, or cast CC of some kind, even some classes have other tools like interrupts, offensive and defensive dispels in addition to potentially healing spells.

thing about these utility spells is that regardless of your gear level they’re useful, and often the most powerful abilities a class has. Truly the only things that really scale much in this game (excluding haste) Are you Health Pool and the damage / healing you do / don’t take.

So may as well get good at the aspects of your character that don’t scale, are incredibly useful and are the definition of skill in this game because your elite burst or healing is not something that makes you unique or “Good”.

Another thing to learn is proper positioning, how to pressure the enemy, and how to avoid taking damage by proper positioning and how to play the objectives of the map you’re on effectively.

DO THOSE THINGS if you want to PVP.

You should post to the customer support forum:

were you toxic in chat. How did ppl mass report you for taking towers in AV.

If you did nothing wrong, it won’t be. Don’t spam them by adding to or opening additional tickets

I’ve been wrongfully banned twice in my WoW career and this has never failed me

Both of the customer service agents are on lunch and they still have 30k tickets from this morning, leave them alone. Dave and Trevor are over worked as is.

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