This is the second time this week I have been wrongfully silenced (aka unable to play the game that I payed for) by trolls abusing the automated report system in classic. One group send me cusses and reported me for saying ‘are you dumb?’ and I am silenced until MAY. The fact that blizzard has absolutely ZERO customer support compounds this issue, as it will likely not be resolved until monday, meaning trolls can send 4 reports for anyone they want on a friday and that person will be unable to play until at least monday. Fix your damn report system so its not so exploitable OR hire some customer support for when stuff like this happens.
The automated report system doesn’t enact silences. It can squelch you - these are temporary, until reviewed by a human. They typically take just a day or so to be reviewed, so I don’t know why you’d think it would take from friday until monday - they review on the weekends too.
However, silences are given by a human GM. They start at 24 hours, and double every time. So a silence ending in May would mean you’ve been silenced 6 times already, and this is your 7th. Even if this one is overturned, blizzard has found 6 times that your chat has been inappropriate and upheld that decision - you and blizzard are not on the same page about what is OK to say in chat and so you are getting silenced at a fantastic rate. Given the doubling nature of them, soon you’ll find yourself unable to talk for months or years. I would recommend you change the way you chat in game if you want to be able to continue to use chat at all.
ive played this game since 2005, have been silenced for simply saying the F word multiple times. And no, no one will review anything until monday, there are no GMs and no live chat on weekend.
Blizzard does not want you to simply say that word. If you continue to say it, your next silence will be 6 months, then a year. The silences are not having their intended impact of getting you to stop using language that they do not want in their game, so they’ll continue to get longer. This isn’t complicated.
I dont care I just unsubbed over their complete lack of customer support lol
right-click>report player for>language
Don’t reply to them. Ever. They are doing it to cause this exact thing. Get you silenced.
There is Customer Support. To appeal a Silence you make a ticket to the group that investigates reports, not the regular GMs.
Tickets are addressed 24/7.
One player=one report.
It isn’t. One player/account = one report.
Being Silenced doesn’t make it so you can’t play. It just makes it so that you can’t use most of the chat channels.
That’s against the Code of Conduct.
GMs handle tickets 24/7
You can’t appeal a Silence through live chat. Live Chat is for billing and tech support only.
this has nothing to do with the length of the silence, and more about the fact that people are abusing the report system and making the game completely unplayable.
They have GMs staffed every single day, all year long.
Silences can only be applied by a Blizz employee, not by “mass reporting”.
Breaking the rules and having to wait for an appeal is hardly a “lack of support”.
Have you considered simply reporting their text, and not responding?
Something tells me though it is more then just a little back and forth verbal sparring that lead to this, especially since the silence penalty you stated is quite extreme. The penalty starts at 24 hours, and doubles with each verified report, so that means you probably have been hit more then a few times for such behavior.
All you can do is appeal, and if the appeal is upheld, modify your own behavior, while reporting or ignoring others.
They’re making the game unplayable because you keep getting punished for breaking the rules. This is using the report system not abusing it. Blizzard doesn’t want you saying these things and you won’t stop, so you get silenced for it and now unsub. Working as intended. Good luck to you.
Live chat is not for appeals.
did you read the post? I broke ZERO rules and was just silenced because 4 trolls reported me while cussing me out, saying they were all reporting me specifically to silence me, then i got silenced.
I’m just wondering where you got the number of reports from. If you say from them, I can say you were reported by every human being on this planet.
If in this particular instance, you didn’t break the rules, then you’ll need to wait on your appeal. You should’ve right click-> reported for language, and then ignored them. However, color me unconvinced you did nothing wrong given your history. AFAIK, if you’ve been silenced for 64 days then this has already been looked at by a GM and they upheld the violation, this isn’t automated.
I personally have seen relatively few abuses of reporting, and think having to wait 24 hours to chat is not a tremendous inconvenience for those unusual situations, especially given that you’ve already had your account silenced for a total of 63 days for legitimate reasons.
because they all messaged me saying they were each reporting me specifically to get me silenced.
Think I spotted your problem…
If that’s the case, then they’ll be penalized once blizzard gets to your appeal. Posting on the forums, however, won’t bypass that queue.
Also, calling someone dumb is insulting, so I’d argue that it violates the code of conduct.
in classic wow you cannot do anything without chat channels. you seem like a troll yourself so im going to just stop responding to you.
Then a GM looked at the chat and silenced you.
The only thing that people reporting someone for spam can do is cause a squelch. It takes more than 4 people to accomplish a squelch too. And even a squelch is reviewed by a GM when it gets to the front of the line. If the GM sees chat that violated the rules, then they’ll apply a silence.
That said, posting here will not get your case reviewed any sooner.
You can appeal a silence here:
24 hour response time lol, trolls can do this to whomever they want and they will get a 24 hour silence, gg blizzard, unsubbed.