Mary Sues, Self Inserts and Creator's Pets

I’m a veteran of them but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop pointing out the dumb…

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It is the law of the story forum.

As a post count approaches infinity on any thread, the probability of the thread getting derailed to “faction conflict”, “working with opposite faction” and / or “Sylvanas is X character” approaches 1.


At this point it’s a feature, not a bug.

Just mention Sylvanas or Night Elves and grab the popcorn…

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It didn’t really seem like a simple discussion regarding “Mary Sues” to me. It was just yet another thread of someone saying Alliance characters existing in the story makes them sad. Surprise surprise if your main gripe about “Mary Sues” in the game is targeting Alliance characters then of course the thread is going to become a faction war thread because well… that’s what this stupid game is about. So yeah, the entire thread is just another thread about “Alliance bias” in the story while being sad about Horde but only cloaked in these TV trope terms.


Because even though Alliance and Horde characters were mentioned (Anduin, Varian, Calia, Baine, Nathanos, Sylvanas, and Jaina), some people can’t view any story criticism without playing the victim.

Instead of addressing the issue they’ll whine saying other people are whining. And oh boy, that bothers them a lot. But they definitely have it worse!

The pissing contest really is getting old.


This is Ultimately wrong and is the biggest joke in BFA.

The story has become a Cycle of the Horde doing something wrong and the Alliance forgiving them and then them working together to stop the big bad. They have never broken the cycle they are perpetuating it. The writers are so proud of their writing but they are just regurgitating the same story over and over. They have gotten lazy and can’t come up with anything original, they even have the Gall to think they can do the same story better than the people who came before them.

In the wow universe there are many reasons to fight otherwise we wouldn’t be resisting the Legion or old Gods. However the Horde have done far more damage than both of those because of Blizzards poor writing. Blizzard needs to build up the Horde and have them Justify it’s existence, They need to develop their own hero’s and groups to show they don’t need the Alliance to help people and save the world. They need to be able to stand apart from the Alliance, Instead the writers are just transferring alliance characters into the Horde which is just lazy.

At the same time the Alliance needs to get its hands dirty, they need to balance the Morality of the factions. The Alliance turns the other cheek to often and Anduin/jaina are the biggest cause of this so they need to go.


I have. They said it because they knew that Sylvanas was going to be redeemed. At the end of Shadowlands the Horde will celebrate Sylvanas as a hero and let her rejoin as a warchief or something stupid like that, and the Alliance will play along and the Night Elves just kinda don’t exist then.


So you can predict the future? Sorry but hypothetical situations aren’t what is being discussed.

They said that at the beginning of BfA when they were blatantly lying about upcoming events. It holds no water.

Currently she isn’t any sort of sue, people like to throw that term at every character that they don’t like, and this is just an example of that. Is sylvanas a badly written character, sure, but she isn’t a Mary Sue.

That could change depending on future events, but everything about any of the characters could change in the future so that isn’t relevant.

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I can’t predict the future, but I can repeat what blizz said. They think that Sylvanas isn’t evil and they said that they won’t kill her off. That speaks volumes about the future story already

She could either go down as a hero (which is already bad) or survive, get more expansions, more cinematics, be forgiven and the Night Elves are all gone anyway so all will be good (which would be even worse, but even more likely)


He posts here because people on the EU forums won’t take his bait, so yes.


They lied about lots of things, what makes you think they didn’t lie about that too. You put faith in what they say when it suits the argument that you want to make. Regardless blizzard isn’t the arbitrator of what evil in any circumstance.

I can’t believe that anyone would have to explain this to you, but genocide is evil. People who commit genocide are evil. Sylvanas committed genocide. Sylvanas is evil.

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Let me explain it again. Knowing what Sylvanas would do, they still said that Sylvanas is NOT evil.

In the minds of the writers, they don’t care that Sylvanas commited genocide against the Night Elves because a) they don’t like Night Elves so genocide against them is not evil and b) they already have her redemption planned out and they think that ends justify the means, so Sylvanas will end up rejoining the Horde and be not evil.

Not if it’s against Night Elves, apparently.

You don’t have to explain anything to me, but rather those at blizzard that made these statements.

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I guess if you don’t consider genocide evil, you may not consider Sylvanas evil. If genocide is ok with then you may not consider her evil or a villain.

Personally, I do consider it evil along with most people in the world so I will still consider her evil and a villain.

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In the Taliesin and Evitel lore interview, you did state that Sylvanas loyalists are, by the time of Shadowlands, considered no longer loyal to her. However, one of the themes I’ve noticed in Shadowlands is that of redemption – particularly in Revendreth but we see it in other zones as well, for example Lady Vashj seems to have found a new purpose in the afterlife. Redemption as a subject always played an important role in the Arthas storyline as well – with characters like Jaina finding it hard to let go of the Arthas they knew even as we were attacking Icecrown. Is there any hope for Sylvanas at this point? Is it possible for her to be redeemed?

laughs Well, that’s a that’s a very broad question. You know, Warcraft is a world of possibilities certainly, but the Sylvanas storyline I think will uncover some new truths about her and the things that have motivated her. It will give some new perspective on the decisions she made not only in Battle for Azeroth, but that she’s been making her whole life - and so it’ll provide some additional framing.

The way I’d put it is that in the past, especially in Battle for Azeroth, she concealed a lot of her motivations for things. We saw the actions that she made, but often we were left to guess at why she was doing something, and I think that’s one of the things that frustrated players in some ways - and we recognize that. So pretty early on in the course of Shadowlands, you will reach a point where Sylvanas frankly says, “No more masks. I’m going to tell you what I want, why I’m doing this.” She has some very frank conversations with one of our major characters in game that I think players will find illuminating.

I don’t think it’s as simple as saying will she or won’t she be redeemed? I think we will learn more things about her, and a lot of people might change their point of view on some of how they see her. Some people won’t, because they’ve already decided what they think, or what they want to be true, but our job as storytellers is to continue to evolve these characters and show new sides of them - and that’s something I’m very pleased with what we’re doing in Shadowlands. So it’ll definitely give fans of Syvanas is more things to think about, and that was one of the goals we set out to do.


You cant ungenocide a race no matter how many conversations you have.

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I have no love for Sylvanas and certainly dont think they could ever justify what she did. However, that doesnt mean we shouldn’t at finally find out what her end goal is and at least understand why she did what she did.

You are allowed to sympathize with villain, if only a little.


They’re going to justify Her genocide. Twitter would eat Blizzard alive if anything negative happened to Sylvanas.


Nah she’s boned. They’re going to give her some stupid sappy reason for doing what she did that in no way lessens the evil of her actions, and mistakenly think that it will make her final defeat ‘tragic’. Instead it will be some hackneyed garbage no one actually cares about because it’s so trite, and everyone will be glad when she’s left in the lore dustbin. 10/10 future prediction, bookmark this post.


Oh look, another great thread devolved into a “which faction has it worse” whinefest.