Mary Sues, Self Inserts and Creator's Pets

It makes fine sense, might as well use the person who caused those characters to goto the tomb in the first place, than the person who was only there to chase another character.

Just because the faction conflict takes a back seat, doesn’t mean I wanna deal with the opposite faction more than I need too, it just makes things stupid for when we inevitably go at each others throats Looks at BFA, Mop, and Cata


its almost like war is dumb in general, you are almost there to the whole premise of world of warcraft and the biggest theme of the game, that WAR IS BAD

is always horde players that refused to recognized that the theme of warcraft since wc3 is that the petty wars between the horde and alliance are stupid, and the horde and alliance need to come together, that was the literal ending of wc3

I know its hard, but all the characters who are anti war, like baine, anduin and thrall are suppose to be 100% in the right

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Can…you stop coming in and twisting things?

Horde players don’t care that the Alliance and Horde work together, Horde players care that blizzard has us work together, then to war, then work together, back to war, the cycle gets mundane real quick and makes the war seem pretty pointless when by the second time I don’t wanna fight someone I’ve built up a relationship with and honestly should just be able to talk about our differences with.

Also stop following me and hating on Horde players, you act like we got to choose where the direction of the story goes, if it was up to us we wouldn’t have wanted war at all, it’s trivial after all the world ending threats we’ve dealt with together.


cause characters like sylvanas got left alone, you’d have a point if all the hordes evil characters got dealt with garrosh but they didnt

i only dislike horde players who are upset that sylvanas isnt good, when shes been evil for 15 years

Don’t reply to them. They either are a troll or have some severe social impairment that you have to accept they operate in abstract reality and can’t be rationalized with.


You’re forgetting or ignoring the effect he has on the overall narrative. He warps it like a giant star or black hole warps space time similarly to Varian so that in the end the spotlight is stuck on him. The writers will go out of their way to ensure that Anduin and/or his beliefs are the correct choices, damn the consequences. He also never changes, because the writers value his innocence over a coherent story.

Notable example was how the Elegy plot got thrown out the window the second Anduin shows up. Now everyone just wants to cheer him up. He has a nasty habit of hijacking other people’s story because he is the default face of the Alliance for some inexplicable reason. He’s just not as bad as Varian was.

Even in Shadowlands he’s altering the story to revolve more around him at the expense of other characters.


Yah I know, I just had hoped…she would have changed after being like this for over a year.


If they’ve been like this for a year I think there’s a fairly low chance they’re going to change. Just throw them on ignore and move on.


PC is a Mary Sue :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Jaina points aside, I want us to return to not hanging out with factions leaders as often. They need to take a step back and Blizzard needs to introduce more recurring characters like Nazgrim/Taylor.

On Jaina…it’s always felt that she was written to be the ‘protagonist’ of Warcraft. Even in the RTS she felt as much.


And yet, I find myself in the opposite position … maybe because of how truly scraping the bottom of the barrel the Horde currently is now. Characters like Thrall, Baine, and Lor’themar may be in an overall state of at least development (if not great characterization for the prior two), but just look at our Horde Leader rep roster outside of them, Talanji and Thalyssra.

Rokhan? Gazlowe? Voss (and god I hope she at least sticks around, because solo Calia would be a nightmare)? Geya’rah? Mayla? Jiro? Ji? These are all racial leads who are either B-listers completely untested in their brand new role (with the first three), or leaders so new and so generic in their minimal characterization they actually have difficulties distinguishing themselves from their own PC race. Its sort of crazy the miserable state of the Horde cast is in right now.


Sure and I agree. But there’s other ways of doing this instead of having them work alongside us all the time. I just think we’re due for racial focus in the narrative instead of faction focus.

I just don’t enjoy the leaders working side by side the PC vs. us taking orders from them and executing their orders on their behalf.

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I agree with most of your points but a few I can’t help but disagree with.

She’s not really “Flip-floping” IMHO. She’s shown as being pulled in two different directions, two sides of her personality that are both “HER,” having her morals and convictions tested again and again, with her finally coming to terms with that conflict in BfA when she’s no longer the same naive girl that she once was, with carrying the scars of her past but still not completely jaded.

As much as it would of been “interesting,” They really are setting up bring Grand Admiral Jes-Tereth back into the story, who is interesting in her own right…
Although, she’s in command of the entire Alliance Navy but still the Helmsmen? What’s up with that?

Actually, I think it’s a Fallacy that she’s really all that powerful. Things she can do, just about any mage can do. I just think the game does a poor job of representing that and makes small things just seam more impressive because of how flashy they are.
Yet still, in a world with mages FAR more powerful then she is, and where Magic is an Arms race, it’s enviable that one of them will grow in power to overshadow others.


Maybe they should take emphasis off the 6 or so characters that apparently represent our factions and actually focus on the factions themselves.

At this point our factions are just extensions of the lore characters…no more no less.


As oppose to Voljin threatening to throw us to Sylvanas if we didnt help him? Or being captured at the time and told we were dregs from Theramore? The only difference is we had plenty to be pissed off about that expansion and at least Blizzard gave us a bone and allowed us to call his little bluff.

Lets see, we had the entire Zandalari invasion(speaking off which, someone ship those trolls back to Ogtimmar, they have been in Stormwind for 10 years+ now!) Which included the two troll dungeons, Thrall’s elemental bond quest, an entire raid and dungeon where we follow Thrall and have him be the savior of the world. Then, after Theramore gets bombed to kingdom come we have to work with Vol’jin to stop Garrosh.(with special cameo from Thrall again)

And dont think we have not been forced to work with your own lore-heavy semi-neutral characters over the years. In WoD we had to work with the Shadowmoon(yes, an alternate timeline shadowmoon, but ultimately the Mag’har did join you) and AU Garona on the side. Then we have to save Baine, regardless of his own inactions against Sylvanas during the fight for Teldrassil.


Yeah, I can’t remember the last time I was so disinterested in the factions. Maybe MoP? Can’t connect with either of them at this point and it’s depressing.

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Did you miss the part where you were forced to exclusively work with HORDE reps? Because I see one on there, Thrall. The Alliance was fully involved in Vol’jin’s rebellion. You had representatives of your faction to work with there. As for ZG and ZA in Cata … I mean it was just both factions putting down the Gurubashi and Amani again. Considering the prior was more of a threat to the Alliance, and the latter more a threat to the EK Horde … we came out pretty even.

Long story short. Alliance players will never get over having to pal around with Thrall for a single relatively short quest chain, a single dungeon, and a single raid in Cata. Even though the Horde players worked under Malf far more in that same expansion. Then they’ll false equivalency this experience they had in a single portion of an expansion nearly 10 years ago with the Horde playerbase being forced to follow around almost a dozen Alliance rich lore characters for an entire expansion. To the point where if you removed Liadrin from Surumar, the entire Horde Faction could have been written out of Legion and you wouldn’t have had to change a single story beat.

Hell, just like with MoP, in any instance an Alliance player is forced to work with Horde reps in both WoD & BFA, they always have Alliance representation working with them too. They have Alliance heroes to work with too. The Alliance player has not been forced to work exclusively for or under Horde lore characters in almost 10 years in any meaningful way.


I can’t be the only person that doesn’t remember this being a big deal. Whole lot of projection.

Well maybe they shouldn’t have Horde and Alliance work with opposing faction leaders at all.

I think it was, but I Think it is projection too, most alliance players dont seem to care these day what happened in cata, I mean I never seen anyone but horde players bring it up

That be great, but its never going to happen. With how very character driven current Blizz writes stories, you honestly need strong representation if you expect your race or Faction to find any relevance in modern WoW. And because the Alliance and its characters (especially after Legion) now towers over the Horde in terms of “High Magic Fantasy” … Blizz tends to lean on the Blue team more heavily to shoulder the weight of whatever big crisis gets sent Azeroth’s way. The Alliance is full of demigods tbh. Strangely, they’re riddled with World Shaman Thralls atm.

Unless something changes with the fundimental writing philosophy of WoW … honestly I kind of see the Horde Faction becoming increasingly irrelevant as Blizz continues to prefer relying on their already very developed Alliance roster over putting in the hard work to develop what remains of an absurdly damaged and underdeveloped Horde one. If nothing else, simply because the Horde reps aren’t designed to be able to handle the constant escalation of bigger and badder enemies designed to challenge the Alliance and its amazingly powerful characters.


Idk I Just don’t remember anything about it other than folks being more miffed about attending his cheesy wedding. Which was something Horde and Alliance didn’t enjoy from what I remember.

I mean, Alliance might have a large roster, but Blizzard hasn’t really utilized them outside of the humans. Legion is probably going to be the last story we see Velen participate in.

Idk, I’m not into the whole “we have it worse” competition folks seem to have. So I’d rather talk about what I’d like to see Blizzard do and what that is is less collaboration with the opposing faction and their leaders. Especially if they plan to keep the players from interacting and collaborating with the opposing faction in PVE content.

In my mind the insane amount of focus the faction leaders get in the story nowadays hinders the world building more than add to it. Build up their character sure, that’s cool, but stop having us run around a forest with them.