People can’t be bothered to use Google to fact-check. Saying “repeat” on a radio is my other trigger.
I don’t recall actually working under Mal all that much. I mean, he was THERE but did he really have all that much interaction with Horde players besides the ability to talk to him?
Plus, this was his “big return” to the story and, even despite being consort to the Queen of the Elves, wasn’t really an “Alliance Character” at that time and was far more friendly to both Horde and Alliance.
And it was far from “exclusive” with much of the Horde side of the Cenarian Circle being there plus turning in quests to Ricket.
What if they’re artillery?
Honestly, it kind of just sounds like you want the writing of Vanilla. The Faction Leaders were really just quest givers. With a heavier emphasis on world exploration and self-made stories. Which, I guess I would like more of, but perhaps because I am the type to get invested in the characters of a world as part of the world-building experience … I just want some damage control for the Horde.
Two rounds of the villain batting, then escaping to a nearly unrelated dimension to avoid the consequences of the damage just dealt (with a expansion of total irrelevancy in between) has really hurt the faction and its characters. If helping to heal and fix that means we’re following around Horde reps and helping them deal with their own crap, I’m fine with that if it means enhanced development.
Tbh, my request is mostly a temporary one. Just give us an expansion that focuses on the rebuilding of Azeroth or something. There are some baddies and we stop them sure, but I want to see us just act like a faction, work together to build a bridge in the Barrens. Just teamwork, taking a moment of respite to rebuild towns and expand others.
I’m just burnt with how fast pace things have gotten and need respite from it.
This constant escalation has really not worked in the settings favor. Its just kind of making everyone numb to spectacle pieces and world-ending threats. I would love a simple expansion focused on rebuilding and Faction/Race fantasy repairs and development. And yeah, I don’t expect them to redo the whole world in a Cata style way … but maybe redoing a big batch right away and then a small bundle of them each patch as the story progresses would be possible.
But yes, a breather would be really nice. Like, I would love to see a story about Gazlowe’s Bilgewater creating a Iron Rail line from Org to Gadgetzan. Or like, Rokhan opening up diplomacy to the Farraki; Talanji to the Gurubashi; and Loa’jin tacking the hardest group in the Amani. Perhaps Baine and Jevan trying to reconnect with the lost Grimtotem tribes, or getting more development for the Taunka… There are so many small stories I want focused on for each Horde race.
I feel like if we compiled all of the expansions together, including vanilla and BFA, we’d find the Horde working for Alliance or Alliance “”“neutral”"" npcs staggeringly more often than any Horde or Horde “”“neutral”"" npcs.
Agreed, for sure. They just need to reign it in a bit.
Yeah, even though I liked Varian to an extent, it was good for the story for him to go out.
Nothing kills my suspension of disbelief faster than someone saying “repeat” and a Sergeant Major doesn’t teleport out of thin air to knife-hand the offender to death over their poor radio decorum. Same with “over and out.”
Ah, yes, must be the reason why Vol’jin entire camp was full with Alliance, oh wait. The only Alliance involvement with that quest was with robo kitty and then having them send me to help Vol’jin.
And nearly every instance of the Horde working with the Alliance had members of the Horde actively working with the Alliance. Whether it be the various order hall member from all races. Or Anduin and co re marching on Ogrimmar.
You work with Malfurion for one raid boss(and that is only if you actually did mythic firelands) and a few quests here and there in Hyjal. Where as you had to do the elemental bond questline, a quest where you help Aggra save Thrall, help Thrall in the dragon soul dungeon/raid(who btw has a dungeon where you help kill an Alliance character, while his suppose Horde counterpart, Rommath, was never villain batted).
I didnt want to talk about Suramar/Thundertotem because ultimately we end up with the junker gnomes/lightforged to compense but I want to point out both factions ultimately join the Horde, there story beats are effectively Horde story beats now! I’d also point it mean people who were neutral to before and probably actually liked now were waving Horde banners.
Of the raids in BfA, all of us have had heroes from our respective factions helping each other. Ulidir had Brann and Talanji, The Siege of Dazar’alor is self explanatory, Aszhara’s Palace had Jaina/Lothermar and Ny’lotha is as neutral as you can get.
Legion had the Antorusa and Tomb of Sargeras(and being your so clearly ok with considering Alliance involvement in Vol’jin rebellion counts, I would point out both raid has people from both faction helping in it) as clearly Alliance focused but I’d say Nightwell ended up retroactively a Horde focused one with it being the culmination of the nightborne’s story who did go Horde.
For WoD, Blackrock Foundry had no Alliance/Horde presence. Hellfire had both sides working to end the Iron Horde, with a slight Horde bias especially with us rescuing Grom and Ariok. Not to mention Thrall ended up getting the kill on Garrosh, hell the Alliance player might as well not have been there at all and it would work just as well with the Horde.
And aside from Deathknell and Undercity the Horde has not lost any major town/cities. Where as the list of destroyed Alliance ones as a mile long at this point, both those destroyed by the Horde and otherwise.
Didn’t Malfurion oversee the whole Firelands daily area? That’s more than “a few quests here and there”–that’s endgame daily content, which you do way more times than one chain.
I dont think he even gives you any dailies. But again, using Droité own dismissal of how Vol’jin rebellion supposely doesnt count because it had the backing of the Alliance, why should the Molten front be any different especially considering it had plenty of Horde aligned NPCs helping?
You’re correct that he doesn’t give out dailies, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a big part of the content. He is the head of the whole operation, responsible for rezzing Malorne. Inside the Firelands, he gives the quests to recruit additional factions that you have to collect 150/450 Marks of the World Tree for.
I’m not claiming that the Molten Front is exclusively Alliance, just saying that you’re understating Malfurion’s level of involvement in Cata content.
Creator’s pets are almost always a detriment to the story. They can be even moreso when there’s no room for criticism of the narrative in which they exist.
For the life of me, I can’t find the interview or tweet in question, but I recall reading that the writers themselves push for certain characters to be included in storylines rather than deciding on what characters make sense. This is a prime scenario for creator’s pets, and I don’t see it improving unless that changes.
That makes sense for the other parts of that raid. I’m talking specifically about the section where you have to fight the priestesses including former high priestess of Elune Dejhana. Having Illidan narrate anything about that was dumb. Maiev was right there and should have dive that or she is Tyrande should have shown up for that section. As I said, it’s character relevance.
It should happen only if it’s relevant to the story that happening and in this case it was extremely relevant. That doesn’t change just because you don’t like it.
To be fair to Blizz in that regard, the VA for Maiev had (throat?) surgery and couldn’t do more VA work than she did at the time.
Except she did get punished for her crimes.
Katherine didn’t know what Ashvane was going to do with Jaina at the time, but Jaina still got punished. Unless you think getting trapped in a form of hell where you are forced to relieve your biggest mistakes over and over again is not a form of punishment.
Cromush, Garrosh, Orcish occupation of Undercity.
I think the big difference between him and Malfurion is yes, in game he is suppose to be as big of a deal as Thrall, but he never seem to end up that way. Or more precisely unlike Thrall he never hog the spotlight that you could never get away from him. In Thrall’s case, unless you didnt raid dragon soul(and if you didn’t do so, you had next to no other end game content). Hell, his main questline, Leyara’s necklace, can easily be dismissed after you do it once. Thrall’s elemental bond quest was something next to unavoidable if you want the quick boost from the epic cape.
If you want to complain why I openly dismissed Malfurion’s involvement in the Molten Front, take it up with Droité. If somehow Vol’jin rebellion can easily be dismissed as “neutral” content/content that shouldnt matter in her game of which faction suffered more than neither should Malfurion’s.
I mean ALOT of the ‘neutral characters’ in past expansions have been alliance leaning or have a heavy alliance background. Lets looks at the end of legion, sure Velen lead the charge, and 100% should of had major story line in argus, him and his people had a HUGE bone to pick with the burning legion.
But, where were the orcs and blood elfs in argus? I mean those two races have major bones to pick with the burning legion too. The only character t he horde really had there was lady Liadrin just standing in the background doing nothing. No notable horde participation happened in argus.
I was pretty pumped to help the belfs and orcs along with the draenei, but I only helped the draenei. The burning legion nearly destroyed the orcs and blood elfs, and whats the hordes ‘big climax in taking down the burning legion?’ Standing in the background doing nothing.
Thats the insulting part.
Im not asking for the alliance player to work with more horde centric characters or anything like that at all. But you’re being disingenuous saying the horde almost never work with alliance heavy characters. Heck nearly every expansion the ‘neutral’ storyline character has been mangi type character, steeped in alliance lore.