In chiming in from the post in development, I think this is a fantastic idea:
This is something that I think could have been taken on board from classic, where Aimed is used as a talent, while Arcane still exists with a shared CD. Being Arcane now turns into a situational ability, as it’s priority replacement turns into Aimed, this leaves the option for mobility.
In retail, we have the added functionality and QoL over classic in mobility in our autoshots.
I do think that a baseline or talent option should be considered where Aimed is not simply replaced. As to not interfere with non-situational gameplay, an instant
cast option would share the cooldown of Aimed, with a slightly lower output, in order to allow the intended non-situational Aimed to be the required shot, but creating an option that shares the mechanics from Aimed where mobility is needed.
(Basically, what you’re suggesting)
This is also an option that should be considered if the MM playstyle is to be continued, where Aimed simply switched to another, instant ability, of which shares all synergies, and is tuned enough to consider freedom of movement.
Regarding if Barbed could be used as a replacement/addition:
Barbed could be very interesting.
Maybe even Explosive?
If it had a shared CD with Aimed (along with it’s synergies), could be a very nice tool to be used for PvP (where MM’s issues are shown). This isn’t simply a case of adding a shot, and we’re done, but looking at the issue, and creating a solution for that specific problem.
In this case, Aimed and it’s attached damage through Trick Shots, Trueshot, Precise Shots, Careful Aim, and Double Tap, requiring the player to be planted during it’s cast. Sacrificing mobility, just to inflict damage.
Again, simply adding a CD (Chimera or Kill Shot) and calling it, will do nothing (as others have suggested), but treating the issue (Aimed Shot) with a suitable option that maintains it’s synergies, while allowing the player to move in content where it’s needed.
Be it talented, or baseline options that share synergies, cost, charges and cooldown, it’s a damn good idea that should be considered.