Marksmanship hunter Buffing & tuning

There stands 2 problems with marksman hunters lack of mobility and lack of baseline cc. Damage is not the problem I repeat damage is not the problem.

Allow Mm hunters to have a choice between being a mobile ranger and a casting archer by buffing & tuning Piercing shot to replace Aimed Shot but have similar functionality If chosen as a talent. Similar to Survival’s choice between Raptor strike/Mongoose bite/ & Flanking Strike .

With the initial tune It can still function with trick shots, true shots, precise shots, careful aim, and Double tap.

The balancing and buffing would be to make it similar to Aimed shot By reducing its cool down to 22 seconds and giving it 2 charges.

This would fix both problems by giving the spec the mobility through choice by sacrificing high damage in order to do so.

Thank you for your time, if you like please share.


Our mobility can be good, but you have to sacrifice too much for it. I think that the problem lies in too little active defense. If we could get scatter and binding shots and camo as base line abilities, you could greatly increase defense without changing dps.


In chiming in from the post in development, I think this is a fantastic idea:

This is something that I think could have been taken on board from classic, where Aimed is used as a talent, while Arcane still exists with a shared CD. Being Arcane now turns into a situational ability, as it’s priority replacement turns into Aimed, this leaves the option for mobility.

In retail, we have the added functionality and QoL over classic in mobility in our autoshots.

I do think that a baseline or talent option should be considered where Aimed is not simply replaced. As to not interfere with non-situational gameplay, an instant
cast option would share the cooldown of Aimed, with a slightly lower output, in order to allow the intended non-situational Aimed to be the required shot, but creating an option that shares the mechanics from Aimed where mobility is needed.

(Basically, what you’re suggesting)

This is also an option that should be considered if the MM playstyle is to be continued, where Aimed simply switched to another, instant ability, of which shares all synergies, and is tuned enough to consider freedom of movement.

Regarding if Barbed could be used as a replacement/addition:

Barbed could be very interesting.
Maybe even Explosive?

If it had a shared CD with Aimed (along with it’s synergies), could be a very nice tool to be used for PvP (where MM’s issues are shown). This isn’t simply a case of adding a shot, and we’re done, but looking at the issue, and creating a solution for that specific problem.

In this case, Aimed and it’s attached damage through Trick Shots, Trueshot, Precise Shots, Careful Aim, and Double Tap, requiring the player to be planted during it’s cast. Sacrificing mobility, just to inflict damage.

Again, simply adding a CD (Chimera or Kill Shot) and calling it, will do nothing (as others have suggested), but treating the issue (Aimed Shot) with a suitable option that maintains it’s synergies, while allowing the player to move in content where it’s needed.

Be it talented, or baseline options that share synergies, cost, charges and cooldown, it’s a damn good idea that should be considered.


Can we just make explosive shot what it used to be?


You could, but it wouldn’t really give those of us who want the old ranged SV to return, what we’re asking for.

@Dipndotshot brought this post out from a discussion we’ve had in this thread:
#We need range Survival Hunters back

As long as he’s presenting this as a way to improve MM in itself. I’m honestly all for it.
Haven’t checked how well the above changes would work but I agree that you should have options for increased movement as MM.

As long as Dip isn’t saying that the above is what we should get instead of a playable RSV spec, I’m on board.

And honestly, they can keep the MM version of Explosive Shot as it is. Adding in another spec that is based on the old RSV with the original Explosive Shot wouldn’t make the MM version wrong or out of place. It would actually make sense to have them both.


You need to stop with this illusion of “choice”. The reality is it does not matter if you are given choice between a mobile ranger or a casting archer when it come to a competitive videogame.
The best choice is whatever talent will give you the best overall DPS. Players that are raiding in any Heroic or Mythic content people will choose what will give them the best result.
Choices are for people who have limited playing time and can only hop on to do a few WQ, mythic plus, LFR and normal.

I’m not solely speaking on pve as you’ve described. If what I described was actually given as a choice along side pvp marksmanship wouldn’t suffer as much from the issues it’s facing right now.

Being given a choice should be taken into consideration. Wether you like it or not.


Regardless if it PVE or PVP the best “choice” will always come down to what is will give you the best result to succeed. It will never be what is fun for me to play when you take higher endgame into consideration.

Like it I said choice are for players that have very limited time to play a game. Don’t get me wrong I love having choices but I also know that when it come to endgame in PVE or PVP there will always be a set of talents, gears, ect that I have to take in order to be competitive. So choices is just an illusion.

Choice isn’t always an illusion. Just because a certain spec may be better if theoreticaly played to maximum effect doesn’t mean you yourself will play better as that spec, nor does it mean that you might not out dps people playing the top spec

Of course this is all assuming the specs are close.

Generally I play the spec I enjoy and try to be the best at that spec for my class. There will be a stigma at higher level play but it’s much more satisfying to shove it in peoples faces that their theory crafting doesn’t always work out irl.


Actually MM is about 15% below where it should be due to how exact you have to play to still do less than lesser skilled lesser geared players. There is 0 reason to play mm in the game right now simply because bm is better at everything.


We don’t need to fixate on the word “choice”. The point of the post is additions to the marksmanship class to make it more effective…if you don’t like the suggestion, suggest something else…or don’t, you see, it’s a choice.

Are those dps numbers?

Choice “can” be an illusion.
In this case, it can be extremely beneficial.

In the case of Talents, of abilities that share cooldowns, the options can be used as tools in various content. For MM, there is very little variation in talent in a number of tiers. Calling the Shots in the final tier is almost always taken. If Piercing Shot was changed to an instant ST shot with lower initial output, that shared a CD with Aimed (replacing this ability or not), and it’s attached damage through Trick Shots, Trueshot, Precise Shots, Careful Aim, and Double Tap followed through with it’s design, this would be extremely beneficial for the spec. Especially in the case of PvP, where Aimed can very much be an issue.

In this case, if tuned correctly, there would absolutely be choice, depending on the content played.

Even in a case of baseline abilities, as is the case in Classic, Aimed can coexist with Arcane with a shared CD, while still allowing the player choice between abilities, depending on their situation.

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If you keep it here, you’ll do well, but there’s some cutthroat bad hombres you better watch out for in the WM and WPvP forums.

@Ruzaki And we’re the only ones speaking out that truth. There is 0 reason to play MM, so I invent my own.

What’s funny for me is that Vision of Perfection essence + Trueshot Mastery for the WPvP scene is a handy replacement of that talent, which gives me the freedom to go ahead and pick up L&L for free.

That GCD really hurts us though, so it would be nice to have something like this.

I suggest we retrieve our WoD-era toolkit back, where we can Disengage twice, Deterrence twice, and have PermaCheetah. I would even like to have cycling Camouflage again. Given how many things other classes can do to lock others down and do damage for free, it would be plenty fair.

Exactly, where it’s still being taken, along with L&L, and Piercing Shots* isn’t something that is used :rofl:

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Surging Shots is a halfway decent trait that does a good job of that already. Convenience, redundancy, or both being Satan’s tricks, you decide. >8 /

Because it’s kind of odd to have traits and essences replace talent choices?

Edit: Did you mean Lethal Shots talent? Precise Shots is the passive buff that you get for your arcs after Aimed Shot. I’m a fan of using Master Marksman to get that better damage resolution on arcshot, which does magical damage.

Ah, Piercing Shot :+1::+1:

doesn’t make much sense to have piercing shot, a straight line aoe, able to ricochet etc.

explosive shot would be more likely. or just change aimed shot to instant cast, because this class has no built-in slows or stuns. honestly just play a frost mage and you will see how badly MM is messed up.

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It was in order to completely replace Piercing Shot.
Setting an instant cast Explosive Shot (less base damage than Aimed) with the same 12sec recharge (2 charges, affected by haste) and the synergies with Trick Shots, Trueshot, Precise Shots, Careful Aim, and Double Tap.

This could work where it is, in the final tier, or baseline.

MM currently has the unique ability of being the longest range class in the game. If you get your mastery up high enough you can prob reach 50 yard range and that is before sniper shot which will take you to a minimum of 60 yard range baseline.

This allows you to do some things in PVP you would not be able to do on other classes. Granted this is not useful for Arena but to me Arena is more of a grind while BG and open world pvp is where I actually have fun.

Again in PVP mm is much burstier and sneakier not requiring a pet while being able to attack from further.

Of course as MM I would like buffs but I also recognize that MM does have some things going for it.

what You’re saying doesn’t really mean much because you’re undermining the main point of mm’s problems that still exists in bg and open world pvp. Lack of mobility and cc, but you’re saying only when you’re not targeted mm is successful? That’s the case for every class.

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