That’s not what I’m saying at all actually. In bg’s MM actually has pretty good CC if you are playing to their strength. You need to use the terrain to your advantage. You have a base knockback on a decent CD and can spec into a trap knockback. That gives you a lot of outplay potential but you also get scattershot, freezing trap, and a spammable slow. Knockbacks are really the strongest CC imo when it comes to BG and open world PVP if you can use them well.
And yea you can make yourself not worth targetting most of the time because of your longer range and the affore mentioned cc.
I know you really want to hate on MM hard but like I said it does have some strenths.
No one here is hating mm and if you think so you need to reread the post.
Nothing of what I said will hurt Mm if taken into consideration will actually benefit it tremendously and open up a new play style.
Which will be based around it’s other mechanics opening different exciting avenues of play rather than being forced down to one spell for the sake of fantasy.
Theres a disconnect between us because you simply don’t play arena to the upper levels currently or never have.
Arena is where the actual problems of any class you play will come to light.
In situations as Bg and world pvp are in play there are too many possibilities to even Consider when it comes to class balancing or on what A class needs in buffing or nerfing. Which is why I said your post doesn’t really mean much.
I actually made this post to help mm hunter. Post like yours tend to ignore what was said in order to try and voice an opinion instead of looking at things entirely. Or you’ve never experienced those situations in order to understand why the post was made.
Why ? Because the amount of baseline cc is poor when compared to the amount of gap closers all of the other classes have, not even mentioning the D.r when it comes to scatter and freezing trap. Even so you have to take up an extra slot on your h.o.a or pvp talents just to get hi explosive trap. Along with bursting shot being unreliable in most if not all situations when it comes to facing melee.
On top of the fact that you have to stand in place in order to get off an aimed shot, your main source of damage. Basically ignoring the fact that you have to kite other classes in order to stay alive. Not even mentioning the possibility of L.o.s which happens frequently in arena.
Yes you have points but it’s similar to saying “Mm is perfectly fine as long as you don’t like or play arena”. Which is why I said what you’re saying doesn’t really mean much.
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Woah there man calm down. I’m just saying that MM has some upsides. I think that’s like the 3rd time I have said that now.
Yeah but No one said mm doesn’t have it’s upsides. The reason behind the post was to point out Significant problems with MM when it comes to pvp and an easy step towards fixing them if taken into consideration.
So don’t go out on a limb to say some one is hating on Mm. Because you’re not making sense.
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MM does have its moments, and this thread, is looking to rectify the issues of when a MM is actively targeted, and a the fact that a good chunk of the spec’s dps is dependent on Aimed getting out.
There is limited CC and escapes when considering a target that is actively targeting the Hunter, and instead of just inserting a useless CD such a Chimera or Kill Shot, this will in fact preserve mechanics, while also allowing movement.
In this regard, if the ability existed beside Aimed (as Classic had Arcane and Aimed skating a CD), it would be intended that at moments of comfort, that the Hunter use Aimed as they do now, and switch to the instant alternative when needed (such as melee singling out the Hunter).
Id prefer if aimed was made instant cast, serpent sting/scatter shot/camo all returned to baseline, and bring back readiness. Readiness was a huge loss for MM and is sorely missed. They wouldnt have to invent or add more cc abilities if we could simply use our current arsenal in rapid succession.
I feel as if aimed is too powerful to become insta cast and is alright how it is now.
I feel that this could be made up for by simply having more insta spells as options that interact with mm’s other mechanics is more beneficial, rather than being solely dependent on aimed shot.
For example giving Mm access to barbed shot would help bring back its old bleed in a more rewarding manner if players kept uptime on the bleed manually. Rather than the old auto crits or big shots cause bleed.
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What if they deleted the arcane shot precise shots buff, and just tied that damage straight into aim shot? Because honestly precise shots is just staggered aim shot damage.
If they tied the damage directly to Aimed (from Precise), you’d still have the mobility issue being there is much damage bound to getting Aimed out.
With Trick Shots, Trueshot, Precise Shots, Careful Aim, and Double Tap having their damage attached to Aimed, it would be quite ridiculous to move all this loaded into the one ability, and still have the same issues.
Instant Aimed is not going to happen. Far, far too powerful. While abilities do have a budget in how they work, we’d be sacrificing a great deal of another aspect of Aimed to allow it to be instant.
In regards to the suggestion, the initial damage could be lower (while still having Aimed available for when it can be used safely), but still allow the attached synergies with Trick Shots, Trueshot, Precise Shots, Careful Aim, and Double Tap.
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We need kill shot back. It can fit in BFA’s bad class design.
Revert it to MoP and i’d give this game my life again. Thanks.