Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

I personally don’t like BM because it uses too many pets. Would be nice to just have one pet by my side.

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They made these exact and SPECIFIC adjustments before? Not just the pet?

As mentioned, the people complaining may not care about “class/spec” performance at all. They just want their pets. They can try it and see it does 2x DPS and they won’t care.


Can the new mm grant players the option to tame, name, and use one of hundreds of pets across expansions for mm as they had the option to for two decades?


I’m a bit torn on the issue. BM gets two, SV gets one, and MM gets one ( if they need it solo ). But… the MM fantasy is that of a sniper. Isn’t that more of a group-oriented spec? On the one hand, it’d be nice to have a MM pet for soloing. Then again, if you’re soloing, you can switch specs as easily. So… I mean… it’s a toss up. I’ll roll with it.

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What you said is that you’re losing “a pet that takes damage for you while also being able to heal that pet and rez it if necessary.” Other ranged specs don’t have that and they do just fine, you will too.

Try quoting the rest of it:

“Interactions, effects and appearances” are cosmetics.

Removing the pet is the only part of the changes that I’m concerned with. Everything else is curtain dressing as far as I’m concerned. They’ve changed our rotation and damage abilities before. That’s stuff I can work with. Losing the pet though is a deal breaker. They need to go back to the drawing board and let us keep our pets.


And now it’s gone.

Other classes have different toolkits that have been built up around being petless. We’re just having our pet ripped out with nothing to make up for it.

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Old threads? It’s the only thread about this rework. Do you have a newer post from an official Blizzard representative?

Nor is it anecdotal- it is direct evidence of Blizzard’s intent. This is Blizzard stating aloud what their goal is.

And no one is saying you shouldn’t try.

However to claim for certain that this is going through, despite the overwhelming vocal opposition (again and again again) and is just sticking your fingers in your ears and being obstinate. No one knows what the final decision will be.

Compromise is possible.


Compromise is unnecessary. They made their change. Some of us want something new. Some of you are just vehemently against change. Grow up.

So are different pet skins, this isn’t the own you think it is.

Its a pet and Blizzard openly is referring to it as such as I claimed.

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Which is why they’re changing yours, just like they changed Frost Mage’s toolkit when its pet got removed.

And those pet skins are still available… Under BM and Survival. Enjoy!

I don’t give a flying kobold if you can reskin it, that’s fine. What I care about is that you don’t have to manage it with a command bar or see it out all the time while fighting.

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Which it shouldn’t, troll

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5% increased HP and 3% reduced damage (as a talent) just isn’t going to cut it as a replacement for losing our pet.

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And this is why I suggested growing up. You can’t handle the fact that it is changing, so you are stomping your feet and name-calling. Speaks volumes about why they do not listen to input like yours.

What about all the additional DPS throughput? The faster you kill, the less you need. Hence… Damage Per Second.

In your opinion. Evidence to the contrary exists. Unless you’re OK playing a pink haired pigtail gnome only?

No, they have proposed a change. They have reversed course before on this and other, bigger changes. Especially this early on when it’s still on the PTR.

We’re not against change, we’re against losing player choice. Enabling the use of a pet even if suboptimally while allowing the rest of the rework is the best of both worlds.