They could do that simply by increasing our damage from existing abilities. And even that won’t help too much with bigger elites or doing T8+ Delves. Simply being able to avoid taking damage is a pretty big deal that they’re just tossing out.
And so far, everyone who is actually using the PTR is offering positive response, minus the original crew of complainers who logged in, tried it for 5 seconds and then gave negative feedback to suit their own narrative. I would like to think they will stay the course and actually let us try something new LIVE… and not just in the sandbox.
Your needless condescending responses earn you that name.
This is change that shouldn’t be
And yet somehow they want to make the sniper spec into a sniper spec and remove the pet at will. Two other specs have pets. Some of us are interested in actual sniping.
If they cave to the criers and reverse course then fine, it’s their game. Lone Wolf where you have to repeatedly pull out the pet will remain nonsensical and I can safely ignore it.
But if they stick to their guns like they did with Frost Mage and Survival Hunter, the adults will come around, followed eventually by the rest of you.
Can BM or SV fire Aimed Shot? Can SV fight at range? How about rapid fire, do either of them have access to rapid fire and the good chemicals of a well timed trick shots?
Its still a pet. And there are alternatives that allow you to have the gameplay you want, while allowing others to enjoy what they would like.
Explain how the “sniper spec” will work in solo play against an elite that you can’t kill before it stomps you into the ground.
An elite that you can currently engage in with sniper abilities while your pet holds it in place.
You’re literally arguing against being able to snipe things.
If they felt it shouldn’t be, it wouldn’t be. My tone has nothing to do with your name calling and everything to do with accepting a new spec.
And there are quite a few Frost Mages who aren’t happy with losing their permanent Water Elemental which they had for 7 expansions straight.
It was such an unnecessary change that just ticked off many Frost Mage players.
Sniper spec is not intended for solo play. It is intended as a support role in group content, or a world boss assault. Solo play is BM and SV. You people keep glazing over that.
Right, and the adults got over it and continued playing frost mage.
Hmm, I hope it is fun! And that you end up liking it in time. I am very curious to see how it will be.
That’s something you made up entirely on your own and is not supported by anything Blizzard has said about this change.
Show me a single real world sniper that uses a dog.
A pet that is invisible 99% of the time and doesn’t need to be managed in combat is exactly what I want. If you consider that a pet then we’re on the same page.
That doesn’t mean it’s the right thing for Blizzard to do nor should we not express our dissatisfaction with such unnecessary changes.
Show me a single sniper that can shoot a monster made of air and kill it. Or a dragon. Or a giant rock monster. Or that can shoot through friendly targets and only hit the enemy.
This is a fantasy game. Fantasy. Not real. Please tell me you’re joking at this point.
About the non-pet related changes? Yes. Very few people want to kill the entire rework. They want to keep using their pets on the spec they enjoy, that is all.
You can do that with or without a pet now. There is no need to remove it.
Or they can give MM the Grimoire of Sacrifice ability and then you can ignore your pet if you want, and those who want one can keep it. The rest of the rework can be left as is. Everyone wins.
And we’re allowed to express our satisfaction too. I made a MM hunter on PTR and it works exactly like I want it to.
And yet they use the term “sniper” and “lone wolf” meaning a singular unit intent on killing. I’m sorry that you and the other two folks in denial in this thread are having a hard time with the concept, but while you sit here and groan about it, the rest of us will go play it in 11.1.