It’s literally on the PTR right now, why are you making stuff up when everyone can just go check?
I can see your point, to a degree. How do we know we won’t like something until we’ve tried it? Very valid. And if they were talking about adding a new spec, that was kind of like MM, but without the pet. I would probably try it out. May even like it. But what I, and maybe some of the others, feel is that I like MM the way it plays now.
Nothing I’ve heard makes me think it will improve anything. Not for me. And again don’t have a problem with their adding something new for the people who do dislike the current MM. I just don’t see why something I like is going to be taken away to appease someone else. They don’t even need to add a new spec. Just have a talent you select that replaces your pet with this spotter owl thing.
They could even label hunters with pets “outcast” and say they can never do Raids or M+, so that it preserves “the balance”. Fine with me.
At the cost of the option of a pet that many players liked.
It’s not worth it when all they had to do was grant baseline lust and give LW all the pet utility pets have
Because fabricating reality is what people in denial do.
It’s hilarious/sad really.
We’re getting 5% more HP and 3% damage reduction. And that’s only if we choose the Tenacious talent. That’s not nearly enough to make up for a pet that takes damage for you while also being able to heal that pet and rez it if necessary.
The problem isn’t the damage output. Some people just want their pets - that’s why they chose the class and played it for years. Not everyone is a sweat that tryhard in Mythic+ dungeons and Mythic raids.
They don’t need to try the new MM to know they won’t like it.
So every ranged spec without a pet to tank for them is useless?
The problem isn’t the damage output. Some people just want their pets - that’s why they chose the class and played it for years. Not everyone is a sweat that tryhard in Mythic+ dungeons and Mythic raids.
They don’t need to try the new MM to know they won’t like it.
Okay. Have they tried Solitary BM yet?
Won’t be surprised if they have and just didn’t like the rotation or tool kit.
And there is still a pet option. Unfortunately, players seem to think hunters are losing their pets entirely.
Reality check: It’s a video game. Change happens. Try it before you dismiss it.
Try replying to what I actually said next time.
So a minor nerf that actually forces the Lone Wolf play style. Might be nice to see how hunters survive without their failsafe.
Try it before you dismiss it.
Tried petless before. This isn’t even the first or second time they’ve tried taking pets away from MM.
Stop telling me to try things that I’ve already tried the last several times they’ve tried to do this.
Unlikely. It’s barely out on the PTR and these folks are the same folks who live here and have complained for months. I’d be shocked if they knew how to even find the PTR.
There’s nothing to try. They took away the ability to have hundreds of different pets to those that enjoy it and for no good reason when there were much better alternatives
There’s nothing to try.
And there it is.
Not sure why.
It takes away player choice, reduces our effectiveness to play the game in certain content, goes against the history and intent of the class as a whole, and many people have attachment to their pets.
Imagine if your gnome could only ever have pink hair and pigtails. Even if you like your current appearance, all you ever can have is pink hair and pigtails. Forever. And you’re told to like it because pink hair pigtail gnome is objectively the best ever and all gnomes take it.
That’s what it means to many of us.
The new changes seem to indicate elevating that play status and adding new flavor.
By removing flavour entirely. There is only 1 pet for MM now and you have to use it.
s literally on the PTR right now, why are you making stuff up when everyone can just go check?
… solve that problem in a way that not only reembraced pets as a part of Marksmanship’s identity
Marksmanship Hunters are losing access to “traditional” pets, like Survival and Beast Mastery have, and are instead permanently joined in battle by an Eagle.
We are interested in continuing to flesh out Marksmanship’s Eagle as a true pet and partner for you
My point stands. Blizzard calls it a pet and intend it to be your pet as MM. Until they announce otherwise this is a fact.
This is at least the third time they’ve tried to take away our pets. We’ve tried it before. We didn’t like it then. We’re not going to like it now. I don’t get what’s so hard to understand about that.
rabble rabble rabble… link old threads… rabble rabble anecdotal evidence.
I’m still going to give it a try for myself since THIS IS HAPPENING and no one on this forum is stopping it. So, you can either give it a try, or enjoy Beastmaster. This will go live in like 30 days.