Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

We don’t agree, but then that’s hardly a surprise to you, is it?

That is why you feel compelled to try and respond to EVERYTHING I say, lol. I live rent free in your head man. And let me tell you. It is a mess. Nothing but “the discord” and hunter specs in here.


You are entitled to your opinion but hes looked really clueless in multiple hunter threads. Case in point. He doesnt know what class discords are

I didnt respond to you at all lol.

Its hilarious how you still dont know what class discords are.

Thanks for proving my point though!

But I DO know about “the discord”. It is half the clutter in here.

And you may not have responded directly to me at first, but you mentioned my name. It summons me. And you responded THIS time. So, I win. Still in your head.

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It’s not a pet, it’s a spell effect.

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Pretty much.

Blizzard calls it otherwise, and their stated intent is to make it “a true pet” in the future. So this is just as valid as saying “go play BM” as an arguement.


Theres a reason the devs listen to feedback on the discord from the theory crafters and not the wow forums.

SO you are a warlock demon now? lol

Doesnt change what I said either way.

And you respond again, still in here.

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Blizzard has explained its going to be just like the sentinel owl effect. Its not a traditional pet

Just ignore them. They’re a troll who add nothing to any topic they partake in.


maybe by removing the pet and actually making Lonewolf a better spec into itself with more damage and an actual solo opportunity for a hunter. According to some of the evidence presented so far on the PTR it seems to be a very positive change with better damage throughput. so I think I’ll just wait and see for myself before I listen to everybody else about the sky falling.

actually, what’s lame is criticizing the change before even trying it. It’s on the PTR now maybe more people should go log into it and give it a shot to see if it’s actually doing better than it did before before just dismissing it.

Been there, done that.

Hate the loss of pet options.


well, I have not been there and done that so I’m ready to lose the pet and see if it works out any better. You’ll forgive me if I try it out for myself rather than listen to complainers on a forum. and if I decide, I miss my pets that much I’ll switch back to beastmaster.

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You can dismiss your pet in the live game at any time. It’s been possible to test out “petless MM” since before the PTR even went live. This isn’t rocket science. This doesn’t need an excel sheet to figure out. You’re just another person babbling nonsense.


They’ve made additional changes aside from “dismiss the pet”. If you want me not to dismiss facts, maybe you should not dismiss them either. Remove pet wasn’t the only change.

I’ve seen the other changes. There’s virtually zero improvement to survivability. Especially not nearly enough to make up for losing our pocket tank.

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But it is the most contentious and unnecessary of the entire rework.

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I suppose I will just need to test it for myself. Most people caught in grief and denial tend to have a fair bit of hyperbole tied to them as well.

Not sure why. If Lone Wolf used no pet and had high output, then people were already used to not having a pet. The new changes seem to indicate elevating that play status and adding new flavor.