Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

take 2 seconds to switch your spec.
you are not hard locked into MM
jesus christ you people are the LARGEST cry babies I have seen on these forums and that says A LOT.


except they are taking away a pet that you can interact with and replacing it with a pet you cannot interact with, all the while talking about how they want to reimagine the spec without a pet. makes perfect sense lol. fail.


Since MM Hunter is top of the charts on dps in Mythic, how could it possibly need to be ‘better’??


well bless your heart.


Where did they say this? The last update I’ve seen is they plan to shove this Eagle down our throats and make MM always use a pet.


I’ve tried it out.

I hate the change to be forced to use a pet, and for those other hunters who are losing their pet of choice.

I want to kill the eagle, that isn’t an option for me. Nor is there a solution for people who want to use a wolf AND be marksman.

Nope, the new changes forces a pet on all MM hunters, vs the current option where it is an option.


I wouldn’t describe it as a pet. When it appears, it comes and goes so quickly (as a spell effect, basically) that I barely notice it. I can’t even make out any details on it - it’s a blur.

Blizzard does. And intends to give it more pet-like abilities as time goes on.

Given their stated intent to give it more custom appearances and effects, I am of the opinion that the graphics on the PTR are not final: the animations are either missing, or not triggering properly.

Their stated intent to give more visual customizations seems pointless on an effect that isn’t even noticeable on the screen.

Until this goes live, or a blue post says otherwise, I am going to act according to their stated intent and treat it like the pet they say it will be.


I don’t see why they can’t at least make it a talent where MM can opt into their own pets rather then this eagle thing. It would be like reversing the lone wolf talent but lone wolf is the main focus, and call pet becomes the option on the talent tree, where you have no access to eagle, but get to keep your own pets.


Fair enough. I just felt that something essential is missing when you compare this new eagle pet to the older, persistent, pet. That it’s enough of a change to question whether one could still call it a pet. It’s probably not necessary to look at it this way. Anyway, will be interesting to see what they do in the future with it.

They describe it as a non-traditional pet, and that they will be adding more pet-like features to it over time (allegedly - Blizzard has a horrible habit of not actually following through). I have no evidence to the contrary at this time, nor does anyone else that I am aware of.


How many take LW because of the buff and how many take it because they don’t want the pet?


If people wanted to play BM, they’d already be playing BM and thus wouldn’t care about MM changes. This whole “just change your spec” nonsense is just a lame way of dismissing any criticism over this change.


Why a default eagle? Isn’t this an international game? Maybe the American’s want an eagle, but what about the Russians that would prefer a bear or the Canadians that might want a Canadian Beaver instead?

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As a Canadian, it would be a moose or the only thing scarier, a Canadian goose.

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Attitude of some folk in the other thread is making my change my opinion to ‘nah stuff em, you’ll get what you’ll get’.

No. I will be angry about it, not happy, and you don’t get to tell anyone else how to feel. I don’t think unsubbing is any sort of solution myself but I DO play other classes…my actual main is an elemental Shaman! My very first main however is and always has been an MM Hunter who USES A PET. I will keep a few of the MM’s I’ve created but in general they will be retired/deleted unless I already planned to move them to another spec at a given level.

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Totally different playstyle. We want to use our firepower with pet assistance, not have pets do most of the work while we direct.


Very good. Thank you for sharing.

I do hope it helps in the transition to eagledom that it coming our way.

5 stages.

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Very smug, how charming. I prefer to think of 6 stages, eventually if you do it right you also get revenge.

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