Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

Alternate solution:
Allow MM to summon a pet, however remove all combat abilities from their pet this includes growl and also reduce the pet’s damage. Whenever the eagle is summoned in, their previous summoned pet disappears and vice versa.

I’m ngl. In older days I would probably be upset like many of them. But the game has changed so much and it’s so easy to swap BM for that kind of play, and vastly superior, so I do it. Sure it’s a little uncomfortable at first but now it’s just better and makes the class more versatile.


Alternative alternative solution

Just make hunter blood lust baseline without a pet necessary and allow for intimidation to be used without a pet if Lone Wolf is taken and don’t change anything else.

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I think this is probably the fourth thread I’ve read today with somebody yelling about this issue. I don’t know why everybody’s so up in arms. They’re finally making marksman into a better spec. if people want a pet, they can just go play beastmaster.


There’s something sentimental about pets. You can’t just take them away like they’re just any other mechanic. At least let the hunters keep them cosmetically if nothing else.

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What I don’t get is that Blizz could have taken their new idea and attached it to the “Lone Wolf” choice to play. For those that don’t select Lone Wolf nothing changes and everyone is happy. If the design change is as good as the fans of the change say it is, then evolution will take it’s course. Since the mechanism is already in place, put out the offering and let players chose how they want to play MM.

I just don’t get the need to force this change on everyone when it isn’t necessary to do so. At a time when Blizz’s rep isn’t the best, this is a pointless exercise in unnecessarily antagonizing a lot of people.


yea at this point i dont believe they even know what they are doing anymore. it just feels like they see that too many people play hunters so they are trying to chip away at the class and figure out how to get players to migrate to other classes. i mean they actually made paladin fun and smooth to play. so they just need to get on the other classes and make them more fun to.

so instead of trying to figure out how to make other classes more fun and smooth to play so they are on par with how fun hunter is to play, they instead try to tear the very fabric of hunter apart. they did it with ranged survival, and we all know how that abomination and laughable change turned out, so nothing will surprise me anymore at this point.

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You are truly a cruel person LOL

Blizzard can I keep my pets as companions, even if they dont do much any more. It is sometimes nice to just have your pet along. Most dogs that people keep in their homes are worthless to, but it is sometime nice to have one to keep you company.


It’s necessary to focus the spec and stop dragging the dead weight of a pet that is always inferior to running it under BM, while it hampers LW players.

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if they are going to “reimagine” the spec then they 1st need to change the name of the spec.

they cannot “reimagine” MARKSMAN by taking away the pet because it ruins the immersion and fantasy of being a MARKSMAN aka sniper, meanwhile giving them some dumbed down non-interactable eagle pet that will give away the MARKSMAN’S location.

first thing they need to do if they want a “petless” hunter spec is either rebuild marksman from the ground up with no pet at all. neither interactable or non-interactable or…

if they are going to use precious resources and revamp marksman then they 1st need to delete the name “marksman” and rename the spec to “RANGER” especially if they are going to add some dumb non-interactable eagle aka scout damage buff pet.

im just trying to make sense of it all and help out because i swear ever since they put survival melee its like they have been wearing a blindfold with both they feet tied together trying to run a 100m dash, because everytime they try to do something with hunter they just fall flat on their faces.

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There is already a talent for this. Also none of the things I quoted from you fixes the MM hunter.

I’m telling you: it is what it is. The SV hunter community of old went bananas in a FAR more vocal way, and it didn’t matter. You’ll either have to learn to love the new spec, play a different spec, play a different class, or play a different game. All are feasible options so it’s up to you how to handle the change and what your choice will be.

… w h a t


You do realize real life marksmen historically have used eagle spotters? It’s a spell effect and night and day different than the pet as it exists today. It’s just like murder of crows.



I prefer Marks over BM, but if I REALLY have a desire to play with pets, BM exists and there is SO much more “pet stuff” there to make it usable and more fun.

Playing Marks with a pet now feels so forced and hits like a wet noodle.

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Hey so, what?


Bro don’t you remember playing counterstrike when you had a giant hippo next to you in the sniper position?

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… you mean by taking away the thing they probably shouldn’t have had in the first place but Blizz couldn’t figure out how to isolate one spec away from the other two, thereby making Marksman what it should have been all along, a lone hunter in the woods with a bow or gun, like a Legolas or Robin Hood character?

Sure bub.


I chortled tbh