Some people aren’t interested in being handed an “I win” button, and while I’m personally on the side of liking the proposed changes to MM, I can 1000% understand people who’ve been playing the class not liking the change. Hunter has had a pet since its inception, and even with Lone Wolf having become a staple of MM, this is a pretty notable part of core Hunter (not Marksmanship specifically, but just core Hunter in general) being pulled out of one spec entirely.
Telling people to unsub because they dislike changes that dance around an actual fix to the core issue (Hunter pet mechanics being jank) is kinda nonsensical.
bahahahaha i doubt this game has anything over 200k players.
this is not the type of game and not the type of players. you dont just walk into wow as a new player and stick around. the game is old. the only people that stick around are people that have been here for 10-15+ years. they have a bond with this game, an addiction so-to-speak, you lose them and its over.
just about every realm is merged and the game is still dead. the only people that think otherwise are people that play on illidan, stormrage, proudmoore, area52, sargeras etc… etc… if you play on any realm that is not top 10, game is dead and they are all merged.
I wish folks would stop using this condescending response.
What if outlaw was your favorite rogue spec, but then they took stealth away from Outlaw cuz “pirates” and just said “reroll sin or sub if you wanna sneak around”.
I tried this out on PTR for a while this morning and I have as yet to even notice the spotter eagle at all. I believe the effects are activating but there seems to be nothing visual happening that I can detect.
The damage seems ok, but it definitely is a different style of play than I am used to, and I’m not sure if I like it yet. Time will tell.
You’re not alone.
A LOT of MM hunters are unhappy with this change.
If you can get on the ptr and test it out you can also give your feedback on the ptr discussion board.
Oh, it definitely has over 200k players. 200k would basically just put the servers into maintenance mode with little to no continued development.
I wouldn’t venture to say it has 5mil, because I have nothing to back up that statement. I will say that I think that 200k is a hilariously low estimate.
Some people understand that comparison, but it seems like a lot of people screaming “unsub then” on this issue don’t even play Hunter to begin with, lol.
You’re not the only one who has mentioned possibly unsubbing due to these changes. It does make sense if you’ve put in the effort to unlock all of the different types and went out of your way to collect them just to have them locked away unless you change to a spec you probably don’t like. What a crappy “choice”. I’m sorry for what it’s worth. Many players have been brainstorming different approaches that Blizz could explore, but only time will tell if they are paying attention.
but they even have that wrong. rexxar is 100% melee beast master. not survival. beast lord darmac is the only other “named” melee hunter in wow and he is melee beast master as well. so they have it all wrong. they really need to clean up the table before they make another mess.
they can try to change the narrative now since survival was the spec they chose for melee, but at the end of the day, rexxar was and is a melee beast master and when beast lord darmac made his appearance in wod, he was also a melee beast master.
I think the biggest issue Blizzard has had between splitting Beast Mastery and Survival while keeping some similar core abilities and aspects between them is that they had to lean Survival a bit more into the trapper/bombardier side of things, but they’re both still overlapped in identity.
i never did like the idea of them making a melee hunter spec. but as i said when it was first announced during the end of wod, that beast master should of been the melee spec.
it made the most sense. not to mention rexxar and beast lord darmac were melee beast masters. as a beast master you are 1 with the beast. you are a primitive tarzan fighing side by side with spears and close range weapons feeding off each others prowess and bonding spirits.
survival just needed a few tweaks. black arrow needed to be removed. more explosive shots and exotic munitions and venoms and poisons needed to be added for that slow and steady burn with bursty explosions. and on the defensive side of things, have great regens through natural remedies and salves.
As a former Demonology Warlock before Legion changed it, I feel your pain.
But also you should take that as an example. Blizzard will change MM, whether we like it or not. You will have to make some tough choices. Either change specs, or change Classes, quit the game or learn to love the new MM and it’s government mandated falcon.
Except you can still sneak around? Stealth isn’t reduced in effectiveness because you play Outlaw. In fact if I’m not mistaken Ambush is a part of the rotation?
MM uses a pet for RoS or Misdirection purely in solo content, and in most cases, even in Delves, it’s not needed. You do just as well, if not better, without a pet. In PvP a pet is used purely for utility, and in most cases that utility is better done by teammates.
MM Hunters do not need a pet as much as a Rogue of any spec needs Stealth. The hypothetical doesn’t match up.
I’m as happy with the changes as I’m unhappy with threads like this and I kept my mouth mostly shut because, hey, opinions are dime a dozen on GD. But this is getting silly.
Read again. If they completely removed the stealth ability and all associated skills because of some developer’s lore decision, which required a complete rework of the spec and changed how it played.
And the only response some folks could come up with was “too bad, just reroll”
That’s the analogy I’m making. It’s about the response.
I’ve tested this out on PTR; it will require (me at least) to pretty much relearn the spec for soloing, and I’m not sure as yet whether I will like it or not.
Based on precedent, you are probably going to lose the pet.
Many Frost Mages complained about the removal of the permanent Water Elemental. Blizzard removed it anyway.
If they listen to you, said Frost Mages will demand their permanent Water Elemental back.
Old Blizzard might try to appease the player base’s subjective whims but the current Blizzard is purely numbers driven - not enough people are not taking Lone Wolf.
It still doesn’t match, because as mentioned, MM has been optimal without a pet for a while now. You don’t need to relearn MM without a pet because in 99% of cases your pet is just autoattacking whatever you’re attacking.
There was no micromanagement, no tricks to do with your pet. You sic’d it on whatever you wanted dead and then shot it a bunch. You used macros for MD and RoS. Rest of it was shooting it with your ranged weapon of choice.
The only real change is that you didn’t need an extra Talent to use Intimidate without a pet.
If they took stealth out of a Rogue spec, even Outlaw which makes the least use of it, it’d change the class at it’s very core and get rid of tricks involving things like Vanish. It still doesn’t work: That would be a much more severe change.
It would require a similar degree of change as what Marksmanship is seeing, which is completely retooling base kit functions for one spec on a class.
It’s a pretty fair comparison. Blizzard would need to retool Ambush (which already functionally is injected into the non-stealth rotation anyways via procs), Sap (which would probably gain range and lose stealth dependency) and Vanish (which would likely become a threat radius reduction or something similar in nature).
Marksmanship is basically seeing pet family abilities pushed into talents and baseline, and having the ability to summon a pet completely removed from it.
There’s definitely a comparison to draw between one spec getting pushed away from class identity. I personally favor the changes, but I’m not going to pretend people will or should like the changes, and I’m certainly not going to tell people to just play a different spec or unsub over this. These are fair points to raise about issues with what’s being done.
I haven’t yet, but I’m actually excited to try it. I’ve felt like MM needed SOMETHING and this might be that thing.
I can’t wait to see it.
I don’t understand all these “don’t take my pet away” threads. 99% of the time you don’t even use it as MM and BM and SV exist if you want to use your pets.