Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

Blah blah blah…

You are not a dev and do not speak for them. They have reversed their decisions before after enough people complained, so YOU are telling people to stop complaining. We will not. You are not a dev, nor the boss of us. The devs made this change, they can change it again or just put it back the way it was. Claiming they can’t is just silly. Better to FIND A WAY to make things work that make the most players happy or just stop this new rework in its tracks and go back to the drawing board.

If they go live with MM hunters unable to summon pets, the majority of the MM hunters will overwhelm the forums. The ones you see now are just a fraction of the people who use the forums, as most players ignore them til someone foolishly takes them for granted and they are motivated to come here. The angry ones that don’t come here are will do the most harm to Blizzard as they will be the ones who just unsub and go find other games. After all, it is an insult to take their ability to summon pets away after 20 years and shows just how out of touch the devs are with the average player.


Blah blah blah. They spoke and said as much. They made the changes and it’s going live. The majority of the MM hunters are running LW and will be happy with the change. Your copium is showing.

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it’s definitely realistic to think every possible niche fantasy / gameplay interest is represented in the game. i want over 10 specs per class

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Maybe the truth of the matter is that these changes are being fueled by people who want the class to be something that it’s not and wasn’t intended to be all along. But popular opinion has swayed in this direction, so this is the vision being forced on all of us now …

That’s the only way I can wrap my head around the concept of a hunter’s pet EVER being a “detriment to the spec.”


Maybe you are just making things up to help your argument. I want the spec to not have any of its resources (in-game or development-wise) allocated to the pet. Full ranged dps focus. Not devs spending time tinkering with the specifics of how to keep the dead weight of the pet around so some forum posters don’t have to adapt.


In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, “Yeah … could be!”

(couldn’t locate the gif for this. I’ll keep lookin’!!!)

THat is mainly because of Primal Rage tying lust to the pet .
Remove lust from the pet (ie pre BfA) and put it into a hunter Class tree spell instead of the MM tree on which it will be in 11.1.

If they were able to give hunters lust via pets by adding it to the programming for BfA , they can do code to remove it from pets and making it a class spell .

That would mean BM and Surv in dungeons could rum with whatever pet they want not having to worry about having to have a lust pet out and MM could do the same and it would allow players that like to have a pet out for open world solo content including MM the ability to do so .

That is an over all win / win for everyone.

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Since they’re taking away mm pets, make all wildlife flee from the sight of a mm hunter while you’re at it. Even druids and vulpera lmao

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I could see this! But I only see it being implemented if you roll a Forsaken hunter. :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

then maybe the avarage player can play BM? I would even go as far as to say the in my opinion current BM Dark Ranger has a more reactive and engaging game play than current MM and its hero talent options. New MM has a much more reative proc wise style and an inter waved game play keeping streamline buff up for faster and juicier aimed shots that go giga boom with explosive shots and their reduced cast time and cd. Its a very fun sepc! Hopefully the devs change somthing for those who want to keep their pets as MM but what will you do if they dont?

I’m examining my options.

I will most likely retire Lia. I’ll log out in one of my favorite inns by a nice, cozy fire, where she and Abby can enjoy a well-deserved rest.

Truthfully, I have my hands full leveling alts at this point, so Lia doesn’t get a whole lot of playtime.

My Horde hunter is BM, so no worries there.

I might “promote” another hunter alt to play Ally while we see how the MM rework plays out. I have a level 60 Draenei specced BM who has tamed Lightningpaw, so she’s the worthiest candidate. Plus, she has LW. I have considered for many years making Lia the warband’s LW. She was always the first to max, so it was a trade-off: either benefit from her gathering abilities, or have her crafting leather and mail for my alts. But I’d have to go back and fill in SO MUCH from previous expansions. Sadly, my current LW is my rogue. I have all the recipes and what-not, but she’s always tougher and slower to level. Plus farming leather and scales on a rogue is for the birds.

So many thoughts …

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I’d rather stick my d*** in an anthill than play BM.

You couldn’t possibly ask for a more boring brain-dead spec. I know a guy who gets extremely high and still tops damage meters in raids playing BM. It just requires no thought or focus.

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Then WoW ceases to have a ranged physical DPS class worth playing, IMO. If nothing else, I will just stop playing hunter, though given how much of a slide its gone from embracing its ‘RPG’ aspects in chasing the esports dream (and still not yet succeeding)… the less I enjoy playing the game.


I mean honestly current MM is not more difficult at all than BM especiallt when running sentinel thats super boring and 100000% passive. At least BM dark ranger has tons of kill shots procs while mantainig frenzy at 3 stacks, dire beast up and reacting to beastial wrath CD reduction BM dark ranger is a lot of fun as you get so many Black Arrows off and they cleave. ITs actually funny how BM ended up having more engaging DArk Ranger game play beacuse of more Black Arrows proccing and cleaving than MM.

So just make the damned resources allocated to the hunter like we’ve all been suggesting and just leave LW as it is. Like, dude, this isn’t as hard to figure out as you’re trying valiantly to make it appear.

And again - this. Is. Not. A. Difficult. Concept. Bro. The damned pet does a percentile of your damage. Make LW give a percentile overall buff to your total damage (which, if you can read at all, and I assume you can, you can easily tell is EXACTLY WHAT IT ALREADY DOES). Tie BL to the hunter. Bingo bango, “resources” saved, pat on the back for you folks that don’t want a pet in the form of your little damage bonus, and the rest of us don’t get our time investment in the pets completely blown out like a damned tube sock for no reason.

Good lord buddy. You are somehow both glazing the devs and ignoring the previous correct decisions they’ve already made. You are a wad of contradictions trying to belt out opinions neither you nor the devs have any actual logical reasons for.

I will state again for clarity’s sake - Pet = damage amount, LW = higher damage amount, tie BL to the hunter itself, tie the MS effect to LW for folks that choose it. Everybody gets everything they want. Sometimes it really is that friggen’ easy, fella.


Don’t need to. The current PTR spec works better without that convoluted workaround.

Again devs are not interested in supporting your solution whatsoever as evidenced by the change.

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What you mean to say is “the devs aren’t interested in following through with an idea”, and you’re absolutely right in that. They aren’t. Frankly, I don’t believe the Hunter class has a dedicated dev, and if it actually does and I’m mistaken, I’d love to pick this person’s mind for like 15 minutes. Lone Wolf was a good solution they took half measures for, which landed it in the garbage for the sweaty try-hards out there. They wanted their BL not tied to their pet (which we all literally agree on for the record, BL should be baseline). Rather than take the simple solution and stick the necessary lego on the build, they instead decided “y’know what, F this”, threw it against the wall, and gave us a second half-measure. It just takes one set of (easily solved) problems and replaces them with a second set of problems.

If there is a Hunter dev, to you specifically: Dude, are you serious? Why any of this? Why even hassle the art team with your bird idea? Just make BL baseline, take a second gander at the balance numbers, and piss off to the watercooler, dude. Your job’s way easier than you’re making it, for real.


I think Lia is a beautiful night elf huntress and she would look badass with Bnath`los and Magria or Loqu as pets in case you play BM dont give up on her!

In the immortal words of Daffy Duck, “Pronoun trouble!”

Somebody has had this bug for a long time, so that person is driving this change. The language explaining this change is virtually identical to the verbiage they used when the wiped ranged SV off the map. I wish the had fired him then.