Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

As if players don’t swap talents based on if they are doing raid, M+, World or ST, cleave, AoE or any combination of the 2 anyway.

Y9ou can believe what you want, but I believe that MM hunters are at their best when they have tools to keep targets at ranged, and that includes, if not a pet, a decoy.

They swap talents sure. For hunters specifically this has been a stated challenge to making the spec its most effective. You can accept the reasoning or not it doesn’t matter, it’s true.

I have no problem keeping targets at range without a pet as is.

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No clue what you mean when you say “only benefits people playing the spec in direct opposition”. Other than trying to force people into a certain playstyle, there was no reason for the pet and petless talent structures to have been designed with a disparity in damage.

I never said they should change it now, merely pointed out they wouldn’t be having the problem they’re trying to fix if they had made the 2 playstyles equal in the first place. It’s their game and if they want to make some specs really crappy to play, then that’s their prerogative.

And not for nothin’, but if “playing the spec as intended” means no pet for MM, then they pretty much failed at that when they allowed MM pets at all. Now they’re trying to cram the toothpaste back in the tube.


Good for you, but we are not the same, just cause you, and others, can do so, does not mean I, or others, are able to do the same, also I stated something that could be used in place of a pet:

This can be provided by the eagle and still fit in with the pet less ideal, via being the decoy by making noises away from the hunter to dropping light weight ones all around.

Really, I’d expect them to make the pet spec MM really crappy to play in any high level content that is meant to reward good gear, only really meant to be played, possibly as a meme spec, in world content and low key solo.

That’s a false dichotomy, they have been pushing toward this for the last decade. It has been hampered by the pet for basically half of the spec’s existince, with LW clearly being the intended playstyle.

Putting the issue to bed allows them to focus on designing the best archer playstyle possible.

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No lie there. We aren’t talking about stock pets like Warlock (as in everyone essentially gets the same thing) or temp summons like shaman (again, same copy for everyone). We are talking about THE MOST customizable class option in the game because the choices are practically endless. As long as they continue adding new things to tame, it will keep growing. I can’t wrap my head around taking that away from any players, especially after all this time. It would be like trying to take transmog away from all, except there’s probably more attachment for some players when it comes to pets.

Could you imagine what would happen if Blizz tried to end transmog tomorrow? It would make the flying debacle from WoD look like nothing I think.


well, like they say, opinions are like (some part of the anatomy) – everyone’s got one and they all stink.

“Just make the playstyles equal” is a naive/overly simplistic take though. Micromanaging a pet to get the most damage/survivability/utility out of it, while also controlling your own toon, is inherently more complicated than not having to do that. The only way to make pet and petless output equal in this way therefore, would either be to somehow make petless MM’s gameplay as fiddly as managing one, or to make a pet that doesn’t need any kind of management at all - no commands, no positioning, no healing/dying etc. Which is basically what they landed on with the Spotter Eagle existing outside the gamespace entirely.

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I respect your belief and choice. All I’m asking is the same respect in return. I don’t care about optimizing anything. I care about exploring and adventuring in the world the way I choose and have always chosen.

You get that privilege. I should, too.


Big dog don’t understand the player propensity towards white knighting development decisions that’re purely subtractive. There is absolutely no good reason to remove pets from MM, period and I do mean full stop. Wanna give them BL as a baseline? Just…freakin’ do it, then. Like, why delete the pet for that? Want more procs? Just give it to them.

Players who enjoy the pet (even if it is a small net DPS loss) should have the choice to bring a pet without having to fully change to a different pace and playstyle (plus flavor, if hero talents matter at all to you). I, personally, prefer MM to the other specs (since they deleted my ability to play ranged Surv, which I preferred to MM), but also recognize the utility for leveling and soloing content that having a full whole other HP bar that you can actually use your virtually free HoT on brings. And again - so I’m clear: I don’t want to run BM to have access to that (which mind, I’ve had access to since vanilla). I prefer MM.

Fact is there isn’t a good argument for full deletion of the pets. Lone wolf was fine, certain things just needed to be added as a passive or a baseline ability. This pretend-pet bird’s…well, for the birds, man.

Beyond all that - dude, I spent time unlocking the ability to tame things that I will soon not be able to use on my preferred spec. I don’t want your bird, I’d like to use my ghostly skeleton buzzard I farmed a book to unlock the ability to tame, then tracked down and tamed. Or my robotic spider I farmed mats, coins for Xul for the recipe, and made the item to tame. Or my faerie dragon I farmed rep to tame. You get the idea. Time went into the ability to even have those pets in the first place, DPS loss or nah.


No not really. Your “choice” directly prevents that from becoming reality. The devs have both stated, and shown, that they are not capable of maintaining the spec with both options available.

Choice for the sake of choice is not inherently a good thing. We’ve tried it for the last ten years and it has not worked out the way the game designers want.

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Then make a new spec. They did it for Evoker …

Stop telling me I’m somehow playing the spec I love “wrong”.


Don’t need to. Blizz fixed MM. They are the one telling you it’s wrong.


Hey, it’s all good, dude. I am just using this forum to (repeatedly) express my discontent.

With the current tenor of the game being one that embraces more choices for players (adding the aforementioned 3rd spec to Evoker being a good example) removing choice from players seems like a backward step to me. They are actively fomenting ill-will, and nothing good is going to result from that.


The “fix” is bad and nonsense. And “not capable of maintaining the spec with both options”? Brother, whatever you’ve gotten into this morning, I’d love some. This is very, very simple mathematics. How much DPS does the pet bring? Mmkay, no pet is 2-3% higher. Mind. Blown. Dude, hold on, wait for it, I’ve got a really good one, you’ll love this - what if, as an idea, we simply gave hunters bloodlust. No bird, no tied to any particular thing. Just like…there it is. It’s yours, use it.

At that point…you get your 2-3% try-hard pat on the back for surviving face tanking, while still getting your utility; meanwhile BM gets to use tenacity pets to survive rather than being obligated to bring one for bloodlust and us kooks who use pets because we like it (and it brings a lot of use for leveling/soloing) get to continue with our choice to do so.

Sounds like a pretty good deal to me, no? Everybody gets their choice and nobody has to bicker about it.

**Btw this is basically just Lone Wolf as it currently is with a couple things moved baseline, this isn’t the freakin’ gordian knot dude, it’s not that hard to figure out. Honestly.


The fix is great. Yes, they are not capable, as evidenced by the last decade of trying. jUsT dO mY tHinG!! Nope. Not a solution.

Dude, you have to realize that by your logic you are capitulating to the whole “jUsT dO mY tHinG!!” but with a bad dev decision instead? Further, if there’s evidence that they’re not capable, what the actual hell makes you think it’ll work out this time? As we’ve all pointed out, this is the same damned thing we already have only with less player choice and one piece of PvE and one piece of PvP utility baked in.

There’s no reason people can’t have their pets and also the utility. In fact, that’s probably what the “future development” will end up being. Get it together, fella. Seriously.

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No, I am agreeing with the development decision made by blizzard. This isn’t “my” thing. It’s been a detriment to the spec for a long time and they have been trying to get rid of it since LW came about.

And here we are. It’s gone. People who don’t suck at the spec won’t fall apart because they can’t hide behind a personal tank in world content.

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The pet, on a class that has had a pet for all of it’s specs since day 1, and only relatively recently in the big picture got a no-pet spec at all, is a detriment…?

Brother, you have got to lay off whatever you’re getting fried off of. Removing player choice because no-real-reason doesn’t make any sense.

Again - there is absolutely 0 reason they couldn’t simply just give MM bloodlust as a baseline, and if you super gotta have the mortal strike off of pets, just have it wrapped into Lone Wolf (IE: it’s active if you have no pet active).

Edit: And y’know, just for good measure - balance: just adjust the lone wolf percentage if it’s too strong or too weak. Duh. It’s kinda what it’s there for already. Just like…use it?

And “hiding behind a personal tank”? My guy, that’s what all pet classes with pocket tanks do. Shaman does it, hunter does it, warlock does it. It’s kind of the point. It’s not that these players will “fall apart”, it’s that it’s not their preferred playstyle. Hell’s wrong with you that’s got you so combative, chief? People like what they like. It makes sense that they want to continue playing what they like how they like, especially given that most of us have taken time to unlock the ability to tame the pets, then went off to go hunt them down for taming (y’know, sorta like the name of the class implies).


Absolutely. I have played the class since the day it came out. It is not “for no real reason”. It is currently a split design premise that has been hampering the development process and the gameplay of the people playing it the way it was intended.

There is plenty reason to not maintain split paradigm development. You saying there isn’t does not make it true.

And no, MM mostly does not hide behind a tank because people are running LW. Yes even in solo play, that’s what I run.

You are the one being combative and using your little not-so-slick name calling.

Nothing about “hunt” implies or demands a pet. We are getting an archer spec. Deal with it or don’t I guess?

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