Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

And here you are, in another thread on the same topic yet again! I knew you couldn’t stay away from the drama Mr Creepy Stalker.

Says you, Mr Creepy Stalker. Do you also ask HR for your coworker’s employee records when you disagree with them?

I don’t want to talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries! Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!

I’ve always wanted to use that quote, thank you for the opportunity Mr Creepy Stalker.

Rpers with only 6/8 LFR as experience shouldnt dictate class design. there now call me a stalker too.


I was here first, actually, and I’ve been here… the whole time. I can’t stalk someone into a thread I’m already contributing to. Unlike them, who goes out of their way to review people’s profiles and make baseless claims about their ability or in game activities.

Of expressing an opinion on what we view is a bad change? Never.

I don’t bad mouth people who say anything positive of the rework for expressing their views.

I point out and rebut claims, and in the case of Mr Creepy Stalker, point out that their behaviour is both awkward and creepy. It is not normal behaviour to snoop on people you talk with.

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I’ve done more than 6/8 LFR. I have multiple characters that I play.

I also am not dictating anything, I am stating my opinion and opposition. You’re also engaging in a “No True Scotsman” logical fallacy, claiming I’m not really playing the game, therefore my opinion is less valid than yours.

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reviewing peoples profile when they made baseline claims about spec balancing gives you a good idea what level of skill they play. how these class changes arnt for them but for actual players who have a actual clue on how to play their spec.

i feel bad that yall are losing your pet, i really do but you slinging s*** on anyone who says something positive about the rework doesnt make me want to support you or anyone like you. you making completley wrong and incorrect claims to push a agenda only makes me what to see your credientials to see why you feel the superior need to tell players who are better than you why theyre wrong

again, if your saying wrong BS about the spec, of course im going to check your credentials. you didnt even complete normal aka the bare minimum of content, why would i listen to anything you have to say about spec design

from the looks of your achievements, you didnt even complete normal of any tier.

i hate io carding i really do, but you legit didnt complete anything of note in this game to even have the ego you do now. even less the gull to call someone a stalker when your following them thread to thread.

you are the stalker and your trying to frame yourself as a hero, you are the incel you claim to be against


There is no “clunk” for BM and Survival. If you’re playing BM at all you’re signing up to micromanage a pet in high-end content. As for Survival, if you want to be a melee polearm or staff or sword-user without a pet, you have multiple other options. There is NO other option for a petless archer or gunner, hence them making MM into that option.


Except there is, which I already pointed out.

I’m not saying BM or Survival should be petless. I’m saying that Marksmanship is having its clunk related to pets entirely removed and rolled in baseline, while BM and Survival are still saddled with the current issues of the Hunter pet system.

Please read what I’m typing out instead of assuming I’m going to an extreme here. I enjoy BM and Survival BECAUSE they have pets, not IN SPITE OF them having pets. I just think these changes really only address MM’s issues with the pet system without touching on the issues BM and Survival face, some of which are similar in nature.

Again, I’m in favor of this. I don’t need people to keep repeating this to me, I’ve already stated a multitude of times that this change is favorable to me and I understand why it’s happening.


Just in case it needed pointing out.

Desummoning and swapping pets in PvE to supply utilities that no other class has to deal with in such an irritating manner is not a form of skill expression or real micromanagement. It’s just tedium. It’s not interesting, it’s not unique, and it’s not fun.

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That’s even worse. Oh well, I’m not MM. Eventually they’ll be like “We feel like BM shouldn’t have a pet… Instead they should be the pet, with a gun. They should be a bear with a gun”.

This is clearly not true for everyone, since so many people are arguing that they want to keep them. It is only true for a select group of people doing high end content. You are only seeing things through that lens, because it is what you know.

As for the new rework being “crazy strong”, I don’t care. I like having a pet on my MM hunter. I use it all the time. I don’t want it changed. If it DOES change, which it likely will, at least temporarily, it will not be the end of the world. But it will tick me off considerably.

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Hey, it’s the new WoW courtesy of a company who has no clue how to run an MMO. There, I said it.

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Well ACTUALLY, Microsoft put out one of the first MMOs ever. Asheron’s Call predated WoW by something like 5 years. Was still live up to something like 2017, put out monthly updates like clockwork for all but the last year or so. There is still a dedicated group of players laying on the emulators for it.

there is nothing serious about your profile. specially when you formulate some complaint about losing a pet you dont use and gain the power to use the pet utility which required a macro to play semi properly or stay behind doing 10% less dmg overall. or do manually which was even worse.

its the only metric that matters. because people that want to excel at a class dont have to worry about having to get messed up by a negatively affecting pet.

My profile is my in-game character, so this makes no sense.

specially when you formulate some complaint about losing a pet you dont use

I have and do use my pet. It’s not my preferred playstyle, but I have found it useful at times.

gain the power to use the pet utility which required a macro to play semi properly

No macro is needed. Call pet, press Primal Rage. And the requested compromise we want would still allow you to use Primal Rage without requiring a pet.

Pet out, and they accounted for approximately 1% of my DPS, meaning the loss is should be around 4%. 4% is within the range of player ability to impact more than a single talent would. But again, if people want to play suboptimally because they enjoy it, then should they be denied that?


:clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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pretty much shows how little you know about the class lol. anyways carry on the changes have happened and youre gona have to suck it up or unsub i guess.

jesus christ.

Correct me if I am off, but should it not matter how people play the game/class as long as they are having fun, or are we dealing with fools that think you can only have fun if you are exceling at the class/spec?

The only metric that should matter, on the individual level, is if one is having fun. If the changes being made sound like they could have a negative impact on our fun, should we not point such out?

Some might find kiting fun, I don’t
I find using a pet as a taunt bot/decoy fun, others do not
No one likely finds being forced into melee/having to shoot point blank fun.


I have a pet named Scryer. She is a Strigid Screecher from Teldrasil. I tamed her at level 10 on Day 1 of World of Warcraft. I have been playing since Vanilla Beta. She has been my constant companion and tank for 20 GD years of WoW. She is literally older than 2 of my kids. I saw the changes to MM about removing the MM pet because of some stupid complaints or something with “Lone Wolf”. I personally, have NEVER used that useless talent in the tree. I am not a moron min-maxxer who runs in the toxic as hell M+ dungeons. I hate BM because any moron can play BM. All it is is send in pet, slam whacker on keyboard, bad guy dies. I was SV until they goobered that spec to melee. Why is it that Blizzard feels that if they get a new wild hair in dark places, its screw with Hunter time. Is this the stupid [donkey] idea of Hazzikostas? That fool has no place anywhere near character development. The only job he is qualified for IMHO is toilet wiper.


Also, don’t know why it posted on that character. I haven’t used that character in nearly 7 or 8 years. Ha.

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have you even tried 11.1 mm? the eagle isn’t a pet at all lol