Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

You haven’t even proved anything so… gg, I guess? You punched a strawman and knocked it down, aren’t you such a master debater?

Keep the god I don’t believe in out of this and answer the question.

Yes, it is. It just isn’t a traditional pet.


its a ability animation

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All abilities are animations.

This is one that also is for a pet. The eagle exists as an NPC within the game, unlike AMoC does. It acts in mulitple ways and they have stated they view it as a pet, and will be looking to expand its interaction with the spec in the future.

It. Is. A. Pet.


if i dont see it all the time on my screen then its a ability animation.

You’re welcome to that belief.

It is in direct contradiction with how Blizzard has described and implemented this new pet so you’d be wrong, but you can believe whatever you want.


yes i actually spent a few hours on the ptr. the eagle isnt a pet i know. it is a passive pet, in the realm that blizzard said they were doing away with pets, cause they want mm to be a sniper fantasy shooter reimagined. so adding an interactable or non interactable pet goes against their “reimagination” of the spec, yet here they go. lol.

the spec still plays exactly the same as it does with a few minor iterations aka that eagle. double tap is a nice feature baked into trueshot, but for the most part the new spec going completely petless will suck in every aspect of the game that is not m+ / raid.

i am personally fine with that cause i play each and every class all the same. i mainly play mm as that was the character and class i created at the launch of this game and i tend to stick to 1 main. removing the pet is just outright stupid. it can stay as is. no pet for group content and a pet to md onto for all other types. a hunter and their pet is the staple of this class yet there goes blizzard with the paint thinner again stripping away the very fabric of what hunter was built upon.

they already ruined survival 8 years ago and here we go again. they must have amnesia.


TO YOU, it is the only metric that matters. To me? This is a GAME I pay to play. I have no interest in filing TPS reports with a properly prepared cover sheet.

Until I start getting a W2 all I care about is how fun it is. And that means I get to have a pet on my MM hunter.


Here is my thoughts if you take Lone Wolf you get the Eagle. If you do not take Lone Wolf then you keep the ability to summon a pet.


No you don’t your tantrums aren’t going to change what a handful of people want compared to the grand majority of players who were tired of lugging a pet around to be able to be optimal to their team and to have a macro to have it do that without affecting them for prolonged periods of time right on a phase were the most DMG is required.

You’re welcome.

Dude! I you’re posting in stream-of-consciousness. You may be on the verge of a fugue state.

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Bumping this thread completely seriously.

It doesn’t make sense to take away a basic Utility thing. I use my pet to go and fetch my gold for me off bosses and I’ve been doing it since Legion. I do NOT want to switch to BM or survival. I prefer the mechanics in Marksman much more, so do not tell me to play another spec.

I’ve made multiple hunters trying to “make myself” enjoy BM / Survival. Marksman is my home and I always end up swapping to it. I also collected SO many pets and worked hard even camping some of the harder ones. Do NOT take away my pet.

I also made this toon (the one I’m commenting on) to be a falconer character for RP and welp I can’t use his falcon anymore. Just absolutely enraged rn. This is a blow to me not only for gameplay but for RP aswell.

First they take away mage pet which was great utility for helping finish old achievs in raids and just generally being fun to customize with the glyphs, and now they’re doing this to MM.

Please do not use “Don’t like it, don’t play it” to shut anybody down. If Blizzard wants to keep their consumers, they will listen to the majority over the minority of feedback.


Amen! Preach it brother!


Still waiting on that source.

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LOL so why did you respond to me while quoting someone else and talking to them?

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Cause I hit the wrong button like an idiot. My apologies!

No worries :slight_smile: was just curious about that. Although you are right need the source for their claim other than trust me bro.

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Only people silly enough to think people don’t play alts are worried about what character you use in your profile. I can’t even change my profile pic unless I use another browser due to some weird bug in the website.

The eagle is like Murder of Crows. Just a spell effect that can’t tank for you, follow you around, annoy healers in BGs or fetch your loot.

It isn’t a spell effect, however superficially it may appear to be.

It is a pet - it is registered within the game as a NPC, and has more interactions than just ‘make this animation happen’. It lacks the pathing and HP of a traditional pet, but it is a pet.

The majority want to keep their ability to summon a pet, even some people who said they rarely use one. Only a loud minority of M+ elitists and people who apparently hate pets or animals want to get rid of pets and not allow the option to summon them.


Are they PeTA supporters who want all animal use to end, even fake animals in games?

Are they just people who want to take away something that MM hunters had for 20 years, just because they either hate hunters, want to grief people by supporting something that upsets a number of players or do they seriously think leaving the option to summon a pet will effect their gameplay somehow?

Are they players from other games who want to see Blizzard lose players that they can lure to their empty games?